RapidBI is a small consultancy specialising in the Rapid Improvement in the business of our clients. this could be through one-to-one work (Coaching), process improvement and change management or larger organisational projects. Find out more about our philosophy.

RapidBI’s Business Growth Model
Our blog contains some of the key things I learn or techniques I use or hear about.
Occasionally it will contain overviews of our products or views on what is happening in the world of L&D and OD. I hope you enjoy it and find the blog of interest and value – feel free to comment at any time.
On your journey, I also hope you will look at some of our products, as I know they will add value to you and your organization.
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About Us © Copyright
RapidBI – Who we are
We are a small virtual team of organisation development specialists dedicated to practical solutions to business improvement. Working in collaboration with business development organisations we provide support to our clients by providing pragmatic tools and processes for improving business and organisational performance.
Our support includes help in data gathering, analysis, identifying key leverage points and providing skills development to enable business advisers and consultants to implement successful change.
Our principal consultants have extensive knowledge and experience of change and change leadership spanning most industrial and commercial sectors.
The proven Business Improvement Review (BIR) is a change management and data survey tool that generates a unique insight into the performance of a business through the eyes of key stakeholders. The tool is used by consultants to help businesses identify and act on points of leverage for business improvement.
© RapidBI.com 2000-2018. We protect our copyright. Any infringements will be fully pursued. Information is given freely to our clients and prospective clients. Use of these materials for any commercial purpose is strictly prohibited.
Documents available on this site are available for personal or business use providing the copyright statements are retained & the source recognised.
If you require volume usage of the BIR or any of the RapidBI tools please contact us.
We will pay a reward of 50% of any successful legal settlement to any individual informing us of un-lawful use!
Click here for summary business & site terms
RapidBI will take appropriate steps to protect your privacy. Whenever you provide sensitive information, we will take reasonable steps to protect it. We will also take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information in storage. When a person downloads a resource, the email address of the downloader is made available to the webmaster. We will not provide any of your personal information to other companies or individuals without your permission.
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RapidBI ltd is a company registered in England number 5446351
Registered Address 3 Sheen Road, Richmond, England, TW9 1AD
Trading address Mike Morrison 9 Parkside Road, Paignton, TQ4 6AE
Trading address from 1st August 9 Parkside Road, Paignton, TQ4 6AE