In many professional fields like Accountancy, Human Resources, management etc it is common for professionals to take qualifications. These qualifications may be essential to become registered with professional associations, institutions or just because they are expected in the job market place.Many of us spend thousands on these courses over several years. They are a significant investment in both time and money. We often buy valuable resources such as books and other tools to help us … [Read more...] about Post graduate education and books – are we throwing away knowledge?
Book Review – Who the hell wants to work for you by Tim Eisenhauer
This is a great employee engagement & leadership 307-page book. It asks a great question, "Who the hell wants to work for you?". A refreshing approach to leadership that is more self-reflective than preaching. An approach not uncommon in this genre of management/ business book. This is a light, but substantial read.About the author, Tim Eisenhauer is Cofounder and president of Axero who have developed a social collaboration platform. Interestingly a tool that started out as a customer … [Read more...] about Book Review – Who the hell wants to work for you by Tim Eisenhauer
Humanification by Christian Kromme – book review
Humanification – Go Digital, Stay Human. It has been a while since I Last reviewed a book, but this one first grabbed my attention, if for no reason than it’s title. This was followed quickly by the description: Imagine being able to spot the next big trend, all being able to predict the next big wave of change. Imagine having encouraged that gives you the power to invent, predict all harness the next big technology. Humanification is going to help you unlock the DNA of innovation itself, your … [Read more...] about Humanification by Christian Kromme – book review
The Managers Dilemma by Jesse Sostrin – Book Review
The Manager's Dilemma by Jesse Sostrin Balancing the inverse equation of increasing demands + shrinking resources The first thing that struck me about The Manager's Dilemma is the jargon loaded cover. But do not let that put you off. Once you open the book we enter into a practical and well laid out journey through identifying the problem, recognising potential solutions and making changes that work. The book is written in three sections:Embrace the dilemma Balance the equation Flip … [Read more...] about The Managers Dilemma by Jesse Sostrin – Book Review
Hidden Strengths by Thuy Sindell & Milo Sindell
Hidden Strengths: Unleashing the Crucial Leadership Skills You Already Have is a book by authors Thuy Sindell and Milo Sindell.The book starts with the premise that to survive in the modern world we need to be agile and adaptive. This book and the associated website set out to provide tools to help readers become more agile. Structured in three parts, the book sets the reader out on a journey of discovery of our existing strengths and the opportunity we have for personal growth. Part 1 - … [Read more...] about Hidden Strengths by Thuy Sindell & Milo Sindell
The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind
The Four Intelligences of the business mind – by Valeh Nazemoff This is a short (115 page) book, but it packs some powerful punches. The first truly practical business book applying learning from neuroscience to everyday business.Across seven chapters Nazemoff takes us on a fast paced journey:Your brain, mind and business transformation Finance Intelligence Customer Intelligence Data intelligence Mastermind Intelligence Pattern Recognition Strategy mappingYour … [Read more...] about The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind
Win Friends and Customers by Lawrence Bookbinder – Book Review
Win friends and customers by Lawrence BookbinderThis is a small pocket size book great to read on the commute or when traveling. It helps the reader to see below the surface of everyday conversations.The author takes us on a journey through what appear to be everyday interactions and shows us where we may be missing some fundamental opportunities to talk more effectively. this in turn can lead to better customers and repeat business! The book is broken into the following … [Read more...] about Win Friends and Customers by Lawrence Bookbinder – Book Review
Leadership in the Crucible of Work – by Sandy Shugart – Book Review
Leadership in the Crucible of Work by Sandy Shugart Discovering the interior life of an authentic leader In this 233 page book, Shugart takes a different approach to many other leadership authors. “Leadership in the Crucible of Work” neatly houses a collection of essays with thought provoking reflections and questions, all from a real journey of leadership. Who is the author Sandy Shugart? According to the publishers site, Sanford C. “Sandy” Shugart, PhD, stumbled into senior leadership at a … [Read more...] about Leadership in the Crucible of Work – by Sandy Shugart – Book Review
Spiritual Intelligence in Leadership By Sarah Alexander – Book Review
Spiritual Intelligence in Leadership - From Manager to Leader in your own life By Sarah Alexander Leadership is such a large and extensively written about topic, so where would a new approach start?Alexander structures the book by looking at leadership and the act of leadership through the journey from manager to leader: “Knowing our true value and worth” Knowing our security is within us” “The power of intuited wisdom” “The value of deep faith” “Right Intention…right action” “Letting … [Read more...] about Spiritual Intelligence in Leadership By Sarah Alexander – Book Review
Business Techniques for Growth – Book Review
Written by Thomas H Gray, this book aims to give tools and techniques for smaller business owners. Book Structure: Motivation - self and othersCompensation - for the owner and their team,Incentive plans and non financial rewardsImproving Employee performance - a series of tools and techniques to improve the productivity and engagement of your team membersGrowing Revenue - Understanding where profit comes from, how to magnify key factors and techniques for revenue growth - both … [Read more...] about Business Techniques for Growth – Book Review
The Q-Loop – the art and science of lasting corporate change book review
Q-Loop, the art and science of lasting corporate change by Brian Klapper Let’s be honest there is an ocean of business books on change and change management, do we really need another? In this case yes! Even the style and layout of this book is differently from the relentless page after page of fully justified text. Even my 21 year old daughter who whilst loves reading usually flicks the business books I have and says “boring” said she liked this, including the “did you know” boxes plastered … [Read more...] about The Q-Loop – the art and science of lasting corporate change book review
Leadership and Art of Struggle By Steven Snyder – book review
The book - - is an interesting and unexpected engaging read. For many leadership books "tout" perfect ways of doing things, they suggest that stress and conflict is only for the weak. Snyder takes a more pragmatic approach to explaining some of the tensions and how to navigate them.In this book review I explore the structure and some of the key messages.In his introduction Snyder starts out by saying how spellbound he was looking at the first public demonstration of Lisa, Apple's … [Read more...] about Leadership and Art of Struggle By Steven Snyder – book review
Business Techniques in Troubled Times by Thomas H. Gray – book review
Business Techniques in Troubled Times by Thomas H. Gray This book starts out with the premise that it is the availability of business advice not been the problem, but the value and relevance that advice provides. The author pursues a real issues are around “how do I know I need help?” And “what advice can I trust?” In his book Gray aims to provide solutions to both of these issues, helping the reader know when they do need help in the business and identifying the advice they can trust. Book … [Read more...] about Business Techniques in Troubled Times by Thomas H. Gray – book review
The Fearless Frontline by Ray Attiyah – book review
The Fearless Frontline by Ray Attiyah As a leaders and manager, do you feel that much of your time is consumed by urgent, but unimportant tasks? Why is it that as managers and leaders we are expected to spend so much of our time working in the business, rather than on the business? In his book, Ray Attiyah says that leaders must learn to spend more time ON the business and less time IN the business. Book structure: Contentsmeet the marathon manager developer fearless culture empower … [Read more...] about The Fearless Frontline by Ray Attiyah – book review
Interviewer, Heal Thyself
Interviewers rarely get a chance to hear much from the people they've been interrogating. But that does not mean that interviewers have it right or that a bad interview is always the interviewee’s fault. There is plenty of room for job interview help on the employer’s side of the interview equation. The Unprepared For the interviewee, success is all about preparation, but the same holds true for the interviewer. There are interviewers who know little about the job they’re trying to fill, … [Read more...] about Interviewer, Heal Thyself
When can you start? – Book Review
Every now an again there is an author who approached a common activity in a new way. For me Paul Freiberger has done this with a book about interviews skills and approaches.When can you start? by Paul. Freiberger Who is "When can you Start?" for? This is book for people looking to change jobs or approaching interviews for the first time. But I would also suggest that anyone that has not had an interview for a while consider Paul's wise words.Written in a warm conversational tone the … [Read more...] about When can you start? – Book Review
Beyond Tribalism – Book Review
Beyond Tribalism by Celia de Anca a review Beyond Tribalism - beyond the cover This is a 300 page book with a smattering of figures and tables, 15 in total. At first look a traditional "heavy" flick showing page after page of text in a uniform layout.The forward to Beyond Tribalism is by Professor Emeritus Arpad von Lazar of Tufts University, who says This is an important book about circumstance, a condition and a behavioral and structural given with which we are … [Read more...] about Beyond Tribalism – Book Review
The Outstanding Organization – Book Review
The Outstanding Organization by Karen Martin, published by McGrawHill.The Outstanding Organization is a 215 page book for anyone involved in the strategic direction and decision making of an organization. The Outstanding Organization is broken into six main sections:Cracks in the foundation Clarity Focus Discipline Engagement Adopting habits that payAs a book, The Outstanding Organization is well researched with a plethora of mini case studies and examples. Linked to … [Read more...] about The Outstanding Organization – Book Review
Ready for Change – book review
Ready for Change - Edited by Cora Lynn Heimer RathboneThis is a change management book aimed at Leaders, managers, Human Resources and organizational change professionals looking to be ready for change. Initial reaction - Ready for Change One thing I do first when looking at a management book for the first time is look at the design. Are there illustrations, models or tables helping to communicate key messages - and this book is full of them! Over 44 in just 260 pages.This may sound … [Read more...] about Ready for Change – book review
Consequences – Diverse to Mosaic Britain
A few weeks ago I was offered Susan Popoola's book, Consequences for review at a networking event. Not for me thanks Now to be honest this is not the sort of book I would usually buy, or for that matter read. On the tube (underground/ subway in London) on the way home, with nothing else to read I started to flick through. I was hooked. I had read over a third before reaching my local station. Sit up and listen This is a hard hitting, no holds barred look at modern society in a diverse … [Read more...] about Consequences – Diverse to Mosaic Britain