Evan Carmichaels' November 2011 Top 50 Business Coaches to Follow on Twitter Evey month Evan Carmichael publishes a number of top 50 blogs or tweeters to follow.http://www.evancarmichael.com/Business-Coach/4492/November-2011-Top-50-Business-Coaches-to-Follow-on-Twitter/November 2011 Top 50 Business Coaches to Follow on Twitter#1) @richardbranson - richardbranson - Founder of Virgin Group:@virgin#2) @DeepakChopra - Deepak Chopra#3) @tonyrobbins - Tony Robbins … [Read more...] about November 2011 Top 50 Business Coaches to Follow on Twitter
October 2011 Top 50 Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter
Evan Carmichaels' October 2011 Top 50 Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter Evey month Evan Carmichael publishes a number of top 50 blogs or tweeters to follow.http://www.evancarmichael.com/Business-Coach/4492/October-2011-Top-50-Leadership-Experts-to-Follow-on-Twitter/ #1) @richardbranson - richardbranson - Founder of Virgin Group:@virgin#2) @HarvardBiz - Harvard Biz Review - The latest Harvard Business Review blog posts, Management Tips of the Day, Daily … [Read more...] about October 2011 Top 50 Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter
Technology for learning –phones & tablets – touch or keyboard
In the last couple of week I have taken ownership of a shiny new mobile phone. In the last few years I have used my trusty Nokia E75. A small phone with a large slide out keyboard. The battery life was enough for me to last a whole day at a conference blogging or tweeting, and this with relatively fast typing and few errors. But alas it's time to move on.I wanted to go android as I thought this would be a sensible way forward, and I really wanted a phone with a slide out keyboard. … [Read more...] about Technology for learning –phones & tablets – touch or keyboard
The Top 50 Leadership Blogs Of 2010
Evan Carmichaels - The Top 50 Leadership Blogs Of 2010 Evan Carmichael does some great work looks at social media and who contributes what. This is a copy of one of his entries, see more at his site.We may not all be natural born leaders, but the power to become one is within each of us. And in order for us to take our companies from being just good to great, we need to learn how to unleash that power. The 50 bloggers below are here to help you do just that. They are the best in their … [Read more...] about The Top 50 Leadership Blogs Of 2010
Innovation and Invention… get confused again
Lack of Clarity Misleads Others Earlier this week Tesco Mobile (a division of the UK's largest retailer published a "Top 100 Inventions In History". The survey asked 4,000 people to compile a list of the 100 most important inventions in history. The results are a not too surprising collection of both inventions, innovations and adaptations. A shame as this will only lead to further "educate" the public into believing that innovation and invention are the same.In the research, The Telephone … [Read more...] about Innovation and Invention… get confused again
PESTLE analysis tool
PESTLE Analysis Tool (PEST Analysis) - History and Templates - ETPS - PESTEL - PESTLEE - PESTLIED - SLEPT - STEEPLE - STEP - STEPE - PEST-G - PEST-E -The Environment Scan - Environmental Organizational Scanning PESTLE Analysis micro site - History - Introduction - Templates - HR example - Schools & EducationWelcome to our new microsite on the PESTLE analysis.This popular page has now been improved and is split into more easily digested chunks. Lets us know your comments and … [Read more...] about PESTLE analysis tool
Leadership models
Leadership models and theories are tools that help to shape the way we think, manage and run our organisations.This is an old page, maintained for reasons of continuity, please visit our updated page here Leadership models and theories are tools that help to shape the way we think, manage and run our organisations.This page lists some of those leadership models found to be of value by the team at RapidBI. This is a historical page - our updated page can be found … [Read more...] about Leadership models
Are we all entrepreneurs #cipd14
Keynote speech launching #cipd14 with Rita Gunther McGrath A live set of notes, which will be refined later - please accept any errors as this is typed live.Peter Cheese the CEO welcomes the participants. He tells the audience that HR is becoming more relevant than ever before.HR analytic are "the next big thing". Most of what we measure currently in business is not adding value or measuring the value of business.The CIPD are seeking to explore ways of advising HR professionals and … [Read more...] about Are we all entrepreneurs #cipd14
Don’t let SEO burst your budget
This is a historical page, and remains for historical reference only - Jan 2020 SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a specialist activity, expensive and you need to know what you are doing... don't you? Right?... wrong!The current commercial and financial climate that we are operating in is causing most of us to tighten our belts and think twice about spending. This especially true for Training, HR and other small consultancies and entrepreneurs. SEO has always been seen as a "technical" … [Read more...] about Don’t let SEO burst your budget
Green Recruitment Environment or Business Sense
As fuel prices climb ever faster and people begin to struggle paying mortgages etc what policies have organisations put in place to play their part in protecting the environment?How many organisations are putting max distances from home as a legitimate recruitment filter?Some years ago I had access to some population data in one London borough, it transpired that every morning almost 150 thousand people left the borough for work – and another 155 thousand travelled in!In London why … [Read more...] about Green Recruitment Environment or Business Sense
Free discussion group for those involved in training
One of the best kept secrets in the training world is the daily digest from Training Journal.Known as the TJ Daily Digest (once the UKHRD started by Fenman)this daily round-up of questions and answers of all things training is free again sign up here to receive it http://www.trainingjournal.com/Great for in-house training specialists to seek the opinion of like-minded colleagues, and for freelance trainers to 'show they can' - but beware this is not an advertising medium - so great for … [Read more...] about Free discussion group for those involved in training
June 2012 Top 100 Management Experts to Follow on Twitter
June 2012 Top 100 Management Experts to Follow on Twitter Each month Evan Carmichael publishes list of influential people on twitter - they are a great list to follow. June 2012 Top 100 Management Experts to Follow on Twitter#1) @gtdguy - David Allen (Up from #9)#2) @alevit - Alexandra Levit (Up from #21)#3) @hoamgtcom - HOA Management#4) @newwestmgmt - New West Management#5) @AMAnet - American Management (Up from … [Read more...] about June 2012 Top 100 Management Experts to Follow on Twitter
May 2012 Top 100 Management Experts to Follow on Twitter
May 2012 Top 100 Management Experts to Follow on Twitter On twitter? looking for great people to follow?Many of you may know Evan Carmichael’s site, Evan has a goal of “Helping Brands Connect to Entrepreneurs”, and his site is a gold mine of who’s who in the business world.Using a range of tools Evan measures and publishes top blogs and tweeters on a range of business related topics.I am pleased to say that @RapidBI is again mentioned in this important and increasingly influential … [Read more...] about May 2012 Top 100 Management Experts to Follow on Twitter
Top 100 Tweeters on Leadership April 2012
Top 100 Tweeters on Leadership April 2012 Many of you may know Evan Carmichael’s site. Using a range of tools Evan measures and publishes top blogs and tweeters on a range of business related topics.His current one is the top 100 expert tweeters on Leadership. And I am delighted to say that @RapidBI is not only in the top 100, but we are number 26!We include only the top 50It’s a great list of twitter folk to follow if you are on twitter April 2012 Top 100 Leadership … [Read more...] about Top 100 Tweeters on Leadership April 2012
Top 100 Tweeters on Human Resources April 2012
RapidBI in top 100 Tweeters on Human Resources April 2012 Many of you may know Evan Carmichael’s site. Using a range of tools Evan measures and publishes top blogs and tweeters on a range of business related topics.His current one is the top 100 tweeters on human resources. And I am proud to say that @RapidBI is not only in the top 100, but we are number 6, Having been in the top 10 three out of the last four months.We include only the top 50, It’s a great list of twitter folk to … [Read more...] about Top 100 Tweeters on Human Resources April 2012
Bscopes – Best Leadership Blogs
Bscopes - Best Leadership Blogs Update June 2015This post was originally written in April 2012. Since that time it seems the bscopes site has ceased operating. Indeed their twitter account has had no posts since December 2012.Because a significant number of links are now broken or redirect to home pages, all links have been removed - sorry, I just do not have time to check them all.The blog titles remain if you chose to google themMike - June 2015----original … [Read more...] about Bscopes – Best Leadership Blogs
Top 100 International Tweeters on Management – March 2012
Top 100 International Tweeters on Management Many of you may know Evan Carmichael's site, Evan has a goal of "Helping Brands Connect to Entrepreneurs", and his site is a gold mine of who's who in the business world.Using a range of tools Evan measures and publishes top blogs and tweeters on a range of business related topics.I am pleased to say that @RapidBI is again mentioned in this important and increasingly influencial list, along with some more UK based tweeters, the People … [Read more...] about Top 100 International Tweeters on Management – March 2012
Is twitter a waste of time?
Is twitter a waste of time? Is it? Sure there are people that use twitter in very diverse ways - and that is a good thing. I know many people that have multiple accounts, some for "business" others for "very personal" uses. But the stats show that a significant percentage of users use twitter for product & service research.So are you talking about what you had for breakfast or your products?But twitter is more than just a marketing channel...Learning It is clear from this data … [Read more...] about Is twitter a waste of time?
Evan Carmichael’s Top 100 Productivity Experts Feb 2012
RapidBI in Evan Carmichael's Top 100 Productivity Experts Many of you may know Evan Carmichael’s site. Using a range of tools Evan measures and publishes top blogs and tweeters on a range of business related topics.I am pleased to say that @RapidBI is increasing in the top 50. In this list we have increased from #36 to #25 - who knows how or why!!We include only the top 50 here, It's a great list to follow, with some great tweeps here.February 2012 Top 100 Productivity … [Read more...] about Evan Carmichael’s Top 100 Productivity Experts Feb 2012
Top Management Tweeters – Feb 2012
RapidBI in top 100 Tweeters on Management Many of you may know Evan Carmichael’s site, Evan has a goal of "Helping Brands Connect to Entrepreneurs", and his site is a gold mine of who's who in the business world.Using a range of tools Evan measures and publishes top blogs and tweeters on a range of business related topics.I am pleased to say that @RapidBI is again mentioned in this important and influential list.If you want to know "what is "hot" and what is not, then follow some of … [Read more...] about Top Management Tweeters – Feb 2012