Counter-offer to a resigning employee?In our previous post (maintaining performance during notice periods) we explored the issues of the psychology of change. These looked at the value of retaining people throughout their notice.This and psychological state is valid when an employee has an offer and tenders their resignation, and we consider offering a counter-offer to keep this talent.Counter-offers fall under the same category although many may not see it this way.When an … [Read more...] about Counter-offer to a resigning employee? Human Capital, Talent & Retention
Thank you Feedspot, Top OD blog of 2023
2023 has been a year and a half for many of us. But yesterday, I was delighted to discover that my little blog has been listed in the top 20 blogs for OD.According to their site, the list is "The best Organizational Development blogs from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness." wow, what an honour.Better than that, we are number 1 out of 190+Here are the top 10, and you will find some great blogs to follow: … [Read more...] about Thank you Feedspot, Top OD blog of 2023
Should Employees Work Full Notice Period?
How to maintain performance when a person is expected to work full notice period As an employer we want the employee to stay working and contributing to the last possible day of their notice period - to get the most out of the "asset" before they leave. As an employee, we have made our decision to leave and we want to go as quickly as possible, working as little of our notice period!This is a challenge that faces every employee and employer more often that we would like to admit to. In … [Read more...] about Should Employees Work Full Notice Period?
21 Tip Checklist – Basic requirements of a Training Room/ Venue Basics
Basic Requirements of a Training Room/ VenueOften I get asked by new trainers what are the basics I need from a training venue. So here is my 21 point checklist of the basics (in no particular order)...Access to public transport Additional stationery if required, eg paper, pens, highlighters etc Air-conditioning/ fans/ heating that’s easily adjustable Catering - appropriate provision of refreshments/ lunch Cloakroom /Space for participants’ belongings Flexibility with … [Read more...] about 21 Tip Checklist – Basic requirements of a Training Room/ Venue Basics
Training Plan Template – sample 1
How to write a Training Plan We are sometimes asked to produce a training plan for our department or team.. where do we start?Having completed a Training Needs Analysis (TNA), the resulting information can be formulated into a document as outlined below: REPORT/ PLAN TITLE __________________1. IntroductionIntro, purpose, overview, scope2. Skills NeededABC personnel require the following skills:Familiarity with…. Understanding of ….. Ability to … [Read more...] about Training Plan Template – sample 1
Director of oomph
Does your business have a director of oomph? For a business to be successful not only must it have a marketable product, but it needs to be effectively led and managed. Many larger organisations lack ‘oopmh’ within.In our experience many organisations would benefit from ensuring that all staff were not only fully engaged but that strategies are put in place to create a level of oomph to motivate and encourage productivity.A director oomph may be recruited from anywhere in the … [Read more...] about Director of oomph
Employee Retention & Alumni Solutions for talent management programmes
Lots of organizations run leadership, talent and graduate development programmes. How can we increase the opportunity of employee retention after participation in a development programme? many provide a 1 year development programmes and wonder why people leave the organization 2-5 years later.The following was recently asked on a social group: Hi Everyone,I was wondering if anyone has any experience with setting up an Alumni Strategy for employees who complete any type of talent … [Read more...] about Employee Retention & Alumni Solutions for talent management programmes
What can Learning & Development learn from childrens education part 2 #VR #hrblog #edtech #learningtechnologies
So what can Learning & Development learn from children's education and the use of virtual reality? Recently I attended one of Europe largest exhibitions for technology in education. The show is called BETT and took place in London's ExCel Centre.In my last blog I wrote about the robots I saw in the education space and explored how they could be used in the business world within the future of work. VR was everywhere And before as a reader you start thinking these things cost … [Read more...] about What can Learning & Development learn from childrens education part 2 #VR #hrblog #edtech #learningtechnologies
Competencies – are they dead? Or are we ignoring the true 3 core competencies?
Competencies – are they dead? Are competencies and how HR (and managers/ professional bodies) often relate to them irrelevant in today's business world? Do we actively ignore true core competencies?I was at a training workshop recently, and the trainer was talking about competencies. He was talking about the fact that the core competencies had changed in that profession. That new course materials were being developed all the time to ensure. We see this is every profession and industry. … [Read more...] about Competencies – are they dead? Or are we ignoring the true 3 core competencies?
Career Development and Innovation – The Missing Link For Success
Do careers still exist? Can Career Development and Innovation link together as strategies? Are careers easier to plan or harder than ever?What can people actively planning their career learn from the best in the world of innovation?Over the last 20 years, we have seen seismic shifts in the workplace. The past, present and future of work are very different environments. Success in one era will not lead to success in another. So what has changed in the world of work? It helps to get … [Read more...] about Career Development and Innovation – The Missing Link For Success
Internal and External Factors that impact the employment relationship
The employment relationship between the employer and employee can often be dynamic. There are many internal and external factors that impact the employment relationship. The environment in which we operate is in constant change or flux. To develop effective employee engagement, leadership and Human Resources teams need to be aware of the factors that can impact the relationship. What is the employment relationship? According to the ILO:The employment relationship is the legal link between … [Read more...] about Internal and External Factors that impact the employment relationship
Dangers of online Ishihara Colour Tests – Are you colour blind? Can you trust the online tests?
Using any test for recruitment has its problems. There are dangers of online Ishihara Colour Tests too. In a professional HR community I belong to there have been recent discussions about identifying if people are colour blind or not. This is historically because in some industries this is an important safety concern. In the past employers would use Occupational Health providers to do these tests. there are industry standards for this. The name of this test is the Ishihara Color Test.Sites … [Read more...] about Dangers of online Ishihara Colour Tests – Are you colour blind? Can you trust the online tests?
5 common mistakes in doing a PESTLE analysis
The PEST or PESTLE analysis is one of the most common diagnostic tools used in marketing and business planning. Its six basic perspectives provide a framework for understanding external factors which may impact the organization, which is easy to follow and yet the tool is so often misunderstood.PESTLE - Political, Economic, Sociological, Ecological, Legal, Environmental.PESTLE provides the external perspective to a SWOT analysis...where: PESTLE + PRIMO-F = SWOT Six simple rules for … [Read more...] about 5 common mistakes in doing a PESTLE analysis
Identifying levels of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) #hrblog
We need to understand the Levels of training needs analysis (TNA) in order to be able to design a learning or training solution.What is a Training Need? To carry out a Training Needs Analysis, we first need to understand what a 'Training Need' is.A training need is the gap between current and future knowledge or skills, that can be bridged by training or learning activities. We often refer to this as capability and learning requirements.There may be other gaps that need to be met … [Read more...] about Identifying levels of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) #hrblog
Training Needs Analysis Template – TNA sample
Sample Training Needs Analysis Template Often when starting out in training, managers are required to undertake a training needs analysis (TNA) on their people, however one of the hardest things to do in any job is start with a blank sheet. So here is one to get you started.We have other articles on TNAs here at RapidBI however the basic process is: identify the core skills or competencies the organisation or department needs map each individual against those needs - i.e. how well … [Read more...] about Training Needs Analysis Template – TNA sample
Developing the developers – CPD for trainers
Developing the developers - CPD for trainers Training our Trainers The results of the developing the developers survey shows us some of the learning and development priorities in terms of continuous professional development - CPD for trainers.Box quote.. ” If I don't know I don't know I think I know If I don't know I know I think I don't know Laing R D (1970) KnotsHarmondsworth; Penguin (p.55)” Roles of trainers There are in effect two primary roles in learning and … [Read more...] about Developing the developers – CPD for trainers
What came first, the job or the experience? #HRBlog
Every year 1000s of graduates and others face the challenge of "Come back when you have more experience". But it's not just graduates. It is people from the military.People from public sector organizations trying to work in the private sector. people trying to change sectors. people trying to change careers. You get the picture.It's tough, but rather than make assumptions on the past we look at some ways to break this cycle The problem - Job or Experience? The problem is often said … [Read more...] about What came first, the job or the experience? #HRBlog
Applying LEAN to HR, Training and other administration based departments #HRBlog
The term Lean has been in manufacturing organizations for many years. Increasingly organizations are applying Lean to HR and Training departments too. Lean Thinking Many take it to be a process to do with the improvement of manufacturing efficiency. Indeed it was in the Toyota factories that the process started. Even in Toyota in the early days it was about a lot more than manufacturing processes. It covered supply, sales, logistics and administration of all kinds.In the last 5 years, … [Read more...] about Applying LEAN to HR, Training and other administration based departments #HRBlog
Evaluating the impact of training – another failure
Evaluating the impact of training is this as successful as we would like to believe?On one forum I regularly visit was the question:I am currently trying to answer a question for my course, but have hit a slight problem. The question I need to answer for my written project is:- Conduct an analysis to determine the effects that training has had on the success of your organisation. I was planning on writing about Customer Service training we have been running on going for the last 18 … [Read more...] about Evaluating the impact of training – another failure
What is an Internship? Why should you do one?
At its most basic level an internship programme could be said to be: An internship programme is a planned work experience opportunity offered by an employer. There should be no expectation of employment after completing the programme/ experience. People in these roles are called interns. The intern role is to work at an organisation for a fixed, limited period of time. Interns are usually undergraduates or post graduates. Most internships last for any length of time between 1 week and 12 … [Read more...] about What is an Internship? Why should you do one?