Welcome to Mike Morrison’s Home page
If you need Coaching or Organisational Development through:
Business Advice, Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring and Training
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Need OD diagnostics or Leadership and Innovation tools?
Mike Morrison and RapidBI Limited
Mike Morrison has over 25 years of HR/OD experience and a proven track record of providing pragmatic business solutions. In the last 15 years, Mike has been designing and delivering training programmes for clients, as a consultant, interim and employee providing third party services. Before founding RapidBI, he worked as a Management Development Adviser with Business Link for London and before that as a Training Manager for a large private hospital where he developed training for a wide range of staff, managers and coaches.
Mike has been instrumental in developing a comprehensive Business Improvement Review process for business coaches, consultants and business advisers who need to identify organizational development priorities in their client organizations.
Also, Mike has developed a unique ‘Train the Trainer‘ programme based on some modelling work with one of the UK’s leading motivational presenters.
He has also designed & delivered extensive senior and supervisory skills development programmes for several large companies and not-for-profits. As a coach, he has worked with several TV personalities, sports performers and senior managers in a wide range of organizations; both private and not-for-profit. In May 2008 Mike completed the TrainerBase assessment – Certified Learning Practitioner
In 2019 Mike completed a masters degree in Behavioural Decision Science at Kingston.
Experience As a Coach Mike has worked with a range of high performers from the worlds of:
- Media and TV
- Sport
- Motor Racing
- Business
As a Trainer, Mike has designed and delivered training from graduates to CEOs. With subjects including:
- Train the Trainer
- Coaching Skills (Coaches, trainers and managers)
- Leadership
- Management Development
- Team Working
- Influencing Skills
As a Business Advisor and Mentor, he has worked with a diverse range of sectors including organizations from:
- Construction
- Distribution
- Exhibition Organizers
- Franchising
- Funeral care
- Healthcare Manufacturing
- Petrochemical
- Retail
- Telecommunications
- Training Consultancies
- Transport, etc
As an Interim/ Contract Training and Development Manager, Mike has:
- Built training functions from the ground up (Greenfield site)
- Developed existing functions
- developed organisational strategy
- Designed and project managed change management programmes
- Linked training and development strategy to the business strategy
- Introduced e-learning
- Developed learning and development teams
- Undertaken organisational-wide Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Mike’s passion is developing other developers and trainers and helping organisations unblock organisational challenges.
Mike formed RapidBI (Rapid Business Improvement) in the belief that organisational change can be rapid, measured sustainable and practical.
Relevant Professional Qualifications That Mike Morrison Holds:
- Behavioural Decision Science Masters Degree – Kingston University
- Chartered Companion of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD)
- Fellow of the Institute for Leadership and Management (FILM)
- Fellow of the British Institute for Learning and Development (BILD)
- Certified Learning Practitioner – CLP – TrainerBase
- City & Guilds 7331 – Adult Training
- Diploma in Training Management (ITD)
- PG Diploma in Management & Organisational Development (Henley) – DMOD
- D32, D33, D34 Assessor awards
- Level 4 in HRD (old level 4)
- Diploma in Coaching
- SFEDI assessed Business Adviser
- BPS Level B (several instruments – see below)
- British Red Cross Trainer of First Aid, manual handling, patient handling, resuscitation support and trauma
- Plus several NLP, hypnotherapy and counselling certificate/ diplomas
Training and Development Tools & Techniques used.
There is a wide range of tools and models on the market. Mike uses those appropriate to the learners’ needs.
Psychometric Instruments used
- BPS Level A tests – Verbal critical reasoning, numerical reasoning, spatial awareness etc. BTI/ JTI – Decision making & relationships
- BPS Level B tests – 5 factors, CPI, 15PF & 16PF – Whole person personality tests
- FIRO-B – Relationships & Style
- POMS – Stress analysis
- Many other BPS Level B tests
Instruments & Profiles used – non-psychometric
- 360 reviews – various
- Belbin Team role profile
- BIR – Whole organisational strategic review – organisational diagnostics
- Creatrix – Developing innovative capacity – great leadership development model
- Directors Development Audit (DDA) published by SHL & IM
- EESS – Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey
- LSQ – Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire
- Management Development Suite MDA (360 development audits) published by SHL & IM
- NLP based profiles – various
- Situational Leadership I & II – LEAD etc
- SDI – Strength Deployment Inventory
- and many others
Places Mike Morrison from RapidBI has led face to face developmental interventions.

Countries that Mike Morrison and RapidBI have physically worked in