New 1/2 day workshop for coaches, consultants, business advisers and OD specialists
In these difficult economic times it is getting harder for clients to justify spend, which is having an impact on providers of all sizes.
For some time users of RapidBI’s Business Improvement Review (BIR), have used the tool to help identify client needs, prioritise actions and provide a way of evaluating outcomes and measuring progress (benchmarking) made. Now the team at RapidBI have taken our accreditation workshop, and integrated it with a client engagement package, forming a powerful 1/2 day interactive workshop.
The first of these programmes will run in March 2010 in London. If you want to be a part of this programme you can find out more at:
How to generate more cash from your customers
RapidBI – Client Engagement Workshop
Our products support a proven approach to client engagement through identification of needs:
New workshop for consultants, business advisers and OD specialists …