Difference between Vision and Goal We all use these terminologies but what do they mean? Let’s look at the history of these terms:Vision late 13c., "something seen in the imagination or in the supernatural," from Anglo-Fr. visioun, O.Fr. vision, from L. visionem (nom. visio) "act of seeing, sight, thing seen," from pp. stem of videre "to see," from PIE base *weid- "to know, to see" (cf. Skt. veda "I know;" Avestan vaeda "I know;" Gk. oida, Doric woida "I know," idein "to see;" O.Ir. fis … [Read more...] about Difference between Vision and Goals
What is the Difference between Goals and Objectives?
Often in business and education, we confuse the difference between goals and objectives. We sometimes talk about goals and (SMART) objectives interchangeably. But are they the same?Let us start by exploring some history and definitions: Goal - 1530s, "end point of a race," of uncertain origin, perhaps from O.E. *gal "obstacle, barrier," a word implied by gælan "to hinder." The word goal appears once before this, in a poem from early 14c. and with an apparent sense of "boundary, limit." … [Read more...] about What is the Difference between Goals and Objectives?
Friday Fun – Project Management – On time delivery #409 #ff
A little something before the weekend, Deliver that project on time. Friday Fun - Project Management - On time delivery #409 #ffThis cartoon has been produced by Jon Carter www.cartertoons.com with thanks … [Read more...] about Friday Fun – Project Management – On time delivery #409 #ff
10 steps to building relationships for effective change management
In this article, I will share my 10 steps to building relationships for effective change management. 10 Tips for building lasting business relationships and making change management more effective.Go back 10 years and change management was more about conformance, tracking technical changes and processes. Thank goodness that has changed.Today Change Management is more about preparing the people in the organisation for the change. Working with the psychology of change and … [Read more...] about 10 steps to building relationships for effective change management
GROW into a coaching model
GROW -- Goals - Reality - Options - WillThe GROW model in coaching has been around for some time. It was first made popular by Sir John Whitmore and described in his book Coaching For Performance in 1992. It is widely believed that GROW was originally developed by Graham Alexander, who worked with Whitmore.The GROW model has been used successfully by coaches in sport and business as well as by many organizations as part of a change towards a coaching style of management.How to use … [Read more...] about GROW into a coaching model
Thinking about vision – Ten 100-year predictions that came true
Thinking about vision and talking about it are very different things. We all talk about corporate vision, mission statements. Some even talk about "futurists". Now until today I did not even realise that there was a professional association for futurists! http://associationofprofessionalfuturists.org/ or http://apf.org/ Thinking about vision Recently I read this great post on the BBC news site about an American civil engineer called John Elfreth Watkins Jr made a number of predictions about … [Read more...] about Thinking about vision – Ten 100-year predictions that came true
New Year Resolutions, into 2014 and beyond
New years resolutions, many of us make them, but do we keep to them? Are they realistic? Recently i case across this cartoon on mashable, from DogHousediaries, and it reminded\ me that often we set New Year Resolutions based on "The Plan", and not on the considered reality According to Forbes 40% of us will make a New Years Resolution, and of that only 8% of people that make a resolution, keep it. Looking forwards, according to research by University of Scranton. Journal of … [Read more...] about New Year Resolutions, into 2014 and beyond
What’s your cause? – Goal setting for 2010
What’s your cause? - Goal setting for 2010 Prompted by this: Instead of writing goals this year, can you define your cause? Goals create actions which might have an effect. Causes create effects, making the goals that arise more fluid, adaptable and meaningful. Marcia ReynoldsIt got me thinking about new Year goals and resolutions. Every year it is the same, every self and personal development guru says that now is the time to clear out the old and set up the new, and less than a month into … [Read more...] about What’s your cause? – Goal setting for 2010