Difference between Vision and Goal We all use these terminologies but what do they mean? Let’s look at the history of these terms:Vision late 13c., "something seen in the imagination or in the supernatural," from Anglo-Fr. visioun, O.Fr. vision, from L. visionem (nom. visio) "act of seeing, sight, thing seen," from pp. stem of videre "to see," from PIE base *weid- "to know, to see" (cf. Skt. veda "I know;" Avestan vaeda "I know;" Gk. oida, Doric woida "I know," idein "to see;" O.Ir. fis … [Read more...] about Difference between Vision and Goals
What is the Difference between Goals and Objectives?
Often in business and education, we confuse the difference between goals and objectives. We sometimes talk about goals and (SMART) objectives interchangeably. But are they the same?Let us start by exploring some history and definitions: Goal - 1530s, "end point of a race," of uncertain origin, perhaps from O.E. *gal "obstacle, barrier," a word implied by gælan "to hinder." The word goal appears once before this, in a poem from early 14c. and with an apparent sense of "boundary, limit." … [Read more...] about What is the Difference between Goals and Objectives?
History of Coaching – A True Insight into Coaching
Coaching is everywhere, in this piece we explore the history of coaching through academia, sport, business and beyond. It [Coaching] is the hot topic of management, leadership and people development. This article explores the history of coaching through the ages.There are as many forms of coaching methodologies are there are coaches, so is there a “right” way? Or is the term “coaching” a generic word for one-to-one guidance, help or support? A True Insight into Coaching The origination of … [Read more...] about History of Coaching – A True Insight into Coaching
Innovation and Invention… get confused again
Lack of Clarity Misleads Others Earlier this week Tesco Mobile (a division of the UK's largest retailer published a "Top 100 Inventions In History". The survey asked 4,000 people to compile a list of the 100 most important inventions in history. The results are a not too surprising collection of both inventions, innovations and adaptations. A shame as this will only lead to further "educate" the public into believing that innovation and invention are the same.In the research, The Telephone … [Read more...] about Innovation and Invention… get confused again
PESTLE analysis tool
PESTLE Analysis Tool (PEST Analysis) - History and Templates - ETPS - PESTEL - PESTLEE - PESTLIED - SLEPT - STEEPLE - STEP - STEPE - PEST-G - PEST-E -The Environment Scan - Environmental Organizational Scanning PESTLE Analysis micro site - History - Introduction - Templates - HR example - Schools & EducationWelcome to our new microsite on the PESTLE analysis.This popular page has now been improved and is split into more easily digested chunks. Lets us know your comments and … [Read more...] about PESTLE analysis tool
Myth of the History of SWOT – Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guth – wrong?
Myth of the History of SWOT - Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guth - why do so many writers get it wrong?There are 100s of websites that claim to know the origins of the SWOT Analysis. But it seems that lazy writers copy from others without checking their facts! Myth of the History of SWOT - Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guth Some researchers reference the 1965 publication “Business Policy, Text and Cases” by Learned, Christensen, Andrews and GuthIt is close but not a SWOT as any … [Read more...] about Myth of the History of SWOT – Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guth – wrong?
History of the SWOT analysis
History of the SWOT Analysis In recent years I have become rather obsessed with the history and origins of the SWOT, along with PESTLE & SMART.As the months have gone on I have identified much of the history of SWOT analysis and found may sites which appear to have credible sources - however when one 'delves deeper' often the data is clouded, indeed whenever I read of a source I attempted to buy the original book - so have amassed a large collection of old management books.For example, … [Read more...] about History of the SWOT analysis
History of the SWOT Analysis (brief) [Originally SOFT Analysis]
A brief history of the SWOT Analysis Model. You may be surprised to learn that it started out being called a SOFT Analysis. Let's follow the journey.In recent years I have become rather obsessed with the origins and the history of the SWOT analysis model, along with PESTLE & SMART.As the months have gone on I have identified much of the History of the SWOT analysis and found may sites which appear to have credible sources – however when one ‘delves deeper’ often the data is clouded, … [Read more...] about History of the SWOT Analysis (brief) [Originally SOFT Analysis]
Social Media – Fad or Business as Usual
Social Media - Fad or "Business as Usual"? On one discussion group in which I am an active participant, a member (of a closed professional group) said that social media was just a fad. Now this was in the context of the problems that social media is causing regarding data protection, confidentiality, brand positioning etc.is social media a fad? or is there more going on that many of us have yet to realise?FAD, a definitionFree dictionary defines fad as: A fashion that is taken up … [Read more...] about Social Media – Fad or Business as Usual