Does shopping around really make business sense? We do it for private purchases – but for our business purchases?It’s coming up to holiday season, and for many of us that means buying things we would not normally buy. Often when you go from shop to shop items are generally the same price or within a pound of each other. Indeed when I travel to Dubai, I have stopped shopping around. I am sure the whole place is price fixed... to the Dirham – of course you can negotiate for free extras. But … [Read more...] about Check the price you are paying
Business Diagnostic Models
Business Diagnostic Models There are many business diagnostic models available but are they all the same? DAVID LEYSERMAN said:A business diagnostic can refer to an activity or a tool used to carry out the activity and of course there are different tools for different jobs. Some diagnostic tools are quick and dirty questionnaires while others are elaborate exercises with scientifically validated outcomes. Diagnostics range from a general business health check through to drilling down into … [Read more...] about Business Diagnostic Models
Supporting Change in Organisations
How do we support change in organizations? How do HR support change and change management in organisations? This is a HUGE subject. As this question is being asked of HR people more and more in the current climate, this is the first of a series of articles looking at not just change management, but the supporting role that HR, OD and training professionals can make.Lets start out by understanding what the phrase "Support organisations going through change". Now by this I am assuming that we … [Read more...] about Supporting Change in Organisations
5 common mistakes in doing a SWOT analysis
The SWOT analysis is one of the most common diagnostic tools used in business. It's four simple perspectives provide a framework which is easy to follow and yet the tool is so often misunderstood. Why do so many people make these common 5 mistakes in SWOT analysis implementations?Lets remind ourselves what this is - SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.The Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors. The opportunities and threats are external factors.Some … [Read more...] about 5 common mistakes in doing a SWOT analysis
PESTLE analysis tool
PESTLE Analysis Tool (PEST Analysis) - History and Templates - ETPS - PESTEL - PESTLEE - PESTLIED - SLEPT - STEEPLE - STEP - STEPE - PEST-G - PEST-E -The Environment Scan - Environmental Organizational Scanning PESTLE Analysis micro site - History - Introduction - Templates - HR example - Schools & EducationWelcome to our new microsite on the PESTLE analysis.This popular page has now been improved and is split into more easily digested chunks. Lets us know your comments and … [Read more...] about PESTLE analysis tool
SWOT analysis – What careers coaches won’t tell you
The SWOT analysis can be a great career planning and development tool, but not in the way that many career coaches and educational tutors suggest.Since 2006 when I first started writing about the use of SWOT analysis, I have seen very little change in the way that SWOT is explained. As a result, many people new to the model either misunderstand it or use it believing it to have little value. That is a shame, as the tool [SWOT analysis] is robust and flexible. This flexibility also leads to … [Read more...] about SWOT analysis – What careers coaches won’t tell you
5 common mistakes in doing a PESTLE analysis
The PEST or PESTLE analysis is one of the most common diagnostic tools used in marketing and business planning. Its six basic perspectives provide a framework for understanding external factors which may impact the organization, which is easy to follow and yet the tool is so often misunderstood.PESTLE - Political, Economic, Sociological, Ecological, Legal, Environmental.PESTLE provides the external perspective to a SWOT analysis...where: PESTLE + PRIMO-F = SWOT Six simple rules for … [Read more...] about 5 common mistakes in doing a PESTLE analysis
PEST or PESTLE Analysis
PESTLE Analysis micro site - History - Introduction - Templates - HR example - Schools & Education - PEST-GWriting a PESTLE Analysis - Tools and Template ETPS - PESTEL - PESTLEE - PESTLIED - SLEPT - STEEPLE - STEP - STEPE - PEST-G The Environment Scan - Environmental Organizational ScanningWelcome to our new micro site on the PEST or PESTLE analysis.Our popular page has now been improved and is split into more easily digested chunks. Lets us know your comments and … [Read more...] about PEST or PESTLE Analysis
swot pestle template
SWOT Analysis and PESTLE Analysis Templates Welcome to the RapidBI web site. To support the official CIPD fact sheets, this page contains two templates for you to use as part of your SWOT or PESTLE analysis. Remember to add the fact sheets and this site to your references. Jump down to the SWOT analysis template Jump down to the PESTLE analysis template Jump down to CPP project and assignment guide The SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a great framework to explore the advantages and … [Read more...] about swot pestle template
History of PEST analysis
The PEST Analysis Political, Economic, Social and Technical factors affecting a business or organization from the environment in which it operates.Originally designed as a business environmental scan, the PEST analysis is an analysis of the external macro environment (big picture) in which a business operates. These are often factors which are beyond the direct control or influence of a business or organization, however are important to be aware of when doing product development, business … [Read more...] about History of PEST analysis
What is a Strategic Analysis?
What is a Strategic Analysis? A strategic analysis is an external review of what is happening in the environment in which your organization operates now, as well as short, medium and long term futures.It requires looking at several situations:What is happening now that may impact the organisation What might happen that could impact the organization What is the organizations response likely to be to change? How well prepared are the people in the organization to respond to … [Read more...] about What is a Strategic Analysis?
PESTLE Analysis HR department
Conduct PESTLE analysis on your HR departmentPESTLE Analysis micro site - History - Introduction - Templates - HR example - Schools & Education - PEST-G PESTLE Analysis on an HR department or other internal function While the PEST or PESTLE analysis is primarily aimed at looking at the external environment of an organization, many HR courses ask students to use the PEST or PESTLE analysis model to look at their own function. In this context we need to imagine that the department (HR) … [Read more...] about PESTLE Analysis HR department