Talent Management - Easy today... pain tomorrow Most of us agree that the success of any organization is down to the quality of its people. So why do we fail to realise that talent management is not just about the “top 50” people, but those with the potential to be in the top 50 at some point in the future, as well as talent that will enable our organization to be competitive in a sustainable way. Talent is NOT just about tomorrow’s leaders, it is about next week’s skills and next months … [Read more...] about Talent Management – how to shoot yourself in the foot in the future!
HR & Recruitment – what are the real rules of the game? – finding talent
Do we really tell people what we are measuring them against? When an organization is looking to recruit new talent (or people in normal business language), do you think they are looking for people with the skills they need or are they looking to see if potential employees can guess the rules of the game you are trying to get them to play?When asking or expecting someone to play football, golf or tennis you would think you begin by explaining the basic rules of the game to give them a fair … [Read more...] about HR & Recruitment – what are the real rules of the game? – finding talent
Are competence based interviews missing the best candidates
Are competence based interviews missing the best candidates Is the drive for consistency and 'fairness' leading employers that use competence based interviews, missing the best candidates. Talking to an old friend today I had an interesting insight into the effectiveness of competency based interviews.The individual concerned is going for a mid level management post with a major international retailer as a duty shift manager. This is a significant drop in responsibility from what she has … [Read more...] about Are competence based interviews missing the best candidates
A high performing individual does not make a good manager/ team leader
How does your company select its' supervisors, team leaders or managers? More often than not, the "best" technical person in the department is selected to both aid their retention and to solve a "gap" in the organization. This is fine in theory - but in practice will fail more than it succeeds.The skills and attitudes required to be an effective team leaders or manager are very different from being technically competent. Indeed one may argue that know HOW to do the job may be a disadvantage … [Read more...] about A high performing individual does not make a good manager/ team leader
How has COVID-19 Impacted the Tech Industry?
What’s the biggest issue facing the UK economy?According to a leading tech recruitment firm, it’s a digital skills shortage.In a report entitled ‘The UK is heading towards a digital skills shortage disaster’, Cloud Assembly cites statistics suggesting that 80% of UK business leaders believe that digital skills are key to our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.But despite the importance of digital skills to the UK economy, 69% of business leaders believe that their firm is … [Read more...] about How has COVID-19 Impacted the Tech Industry?
What is LinkedIn? How does LinkedIn work?
What is LinkedIn? Is LinkedIn a social network? Is LinkedIn a professional network? Is it a database, if so of what?Why should this matter? If you are a professional or a freelancer in the b2b space, then LinkedIn can be beneficial to you. Still, fewer than 20% of LinkedIn users harness the platform for personal benefit in an effective way.In this video, Mike explores what LinkedIn is, and it might not be as apparent as you thing. When you understand what LinkedIn is, it will change the … [Read more...] about What is LinkedIn? How does LinkedIn work?
Universities prepare people academically but what about for work? #job #jobtips
This week I was the proud Dad watching his daughter at her graduation ceremony. She was one of many that graduated from a Gold rated university, She gained a first class honours degree. Won the faculty prize. To top it all in one of the most difficult subjects at University - Physics.Whilst at the ceremony something very strange struck me. Each graduate entered the stage, they walked across the stage to the centre. Shook hands with the Vice Chancellor. Then walked further across the stage … [Read more...] about Universities prepare people academically but what about for work? #job #jobtips
Dangers of online Ishihara Colour Tests – Are you colour blind? Can you trust the online tests?
Using any test for recruitment has its problems. There are dangers of online Ishihara Colour Tests too. In a professional HR community I belong to there have been recent discussions about identifying if people are colour blind or not. This is historically because in some industries this is an important safety concern. In the past employers would use Occupational Health providers to do these tests. there are industry standards for this. The name of this test is the Ishihara Color Test.Sites … [Read more...] about Dangers of online Ishihara Colour Tests – Are you colour blind? Can you trust the online tests?
The Perfect Resume (CV) to get you through to interview
Writing the perfect resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) At a time when vacancies are hard to come by and there is increasing pressure in us to secure that all important role. But how often do we get the 'dear john' letter and fail to get an interview?The 'perfect CV' is the one that gets you the interview.Never underestimate the power of a good resume or CV. Your resume is part of marketing yourself to the recruiter, so it needs to demonstrate who you are and what you stand for. It needs to … [Read more...] about The Perfect Resume (CV) to get you through to interview
When interviewing goes beyond HR and the Line Manager
Many organizations are starting to explore a new approach to improving retention through participative selection. There is a belief that when staff are involved in the recruitment decision they are more likely to support the new staff member, and as a consequence retention is improved.Many local authorities have been doing this for some time with mixed results. For the process to be meaningful (and legal) each person must be selected or rejected on defined criteria. This makes employee … [Read more...] about When interviewing goes beyond HR and the Line Manager
Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
This week we have been that the HR Software show and Recruitment Exhibition run by the CIPD. These are exhibitions that provide showcases for people looking to buy enterprise HR software and to recruit people into their organisations.The HR Software Show is a well-established event, which has been running for over 15 years. It helps hundreds of HR professionals make important purchase decisions every year. It can help you to Upgrade your HR strategy with the latest software … [Read more...] about Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
Has Microsoft just killed the HR software & CRM market? #LinkedIn #HRSS16 #RECEX16 #HRBLOG
Microsoft to acquire Linkedin. If you have not already read the news, yesterday Microsoft announced that it was on track to buy LinkedIn later this year. This is causing some upsets in many corners. Why would a Business software & services supplier (Microsoft) buy what most people think as a CV warehouse? Why over pay? If you look at the figured it is clear that Microsoft are paying over the odds per user. In addition is this a copy of many other bad tech purchases over the years or is this … [Read more...] about Has Microsoft just killed the HR software & CRM market? #LinkedIn #HRSS16 #RECEX16 #HRBLOG
Follow the leader – How to raise your LinkedIn Profile #hrblog
Some time ago I published a discussion in a group for people looking for work helping them by showing how to raise your LinkedIn Profile. This has been repeatedly removed by moderators on LI. Why? Because it works!After the initial discussions were deleted, I published a post on the LinkedIn publishing platform Pulse. You can see one of the original posts: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/two-secrets-help-you-linkedin-no-one-tells-li-dont-morrison-fcipd - if you get a post not found message, … [Read more...] about Follow the leader – How to raise your LinkedIn Profile #hrblog
Fun Friday – weekly office cartoon #311 #ff Facebook recruitment
Some office fun for a Friday afternoon - Facebook recruitment Fun Friday – weekly office cartoon #311 "I need your Facebook password before I can hire you. If you're not on Facebook, I need you to join and post a bunch of personal stuff you don't want me to know about!"Facebook Recruitment! … [Read more...] about Fun Friday – weekly office cartoon #311 #ff Facebook recruitment
Recruiting and engaging volunteers what is your strategy
Recruiting and engaging volunteers is one thing, but how do you retain them once they are through the door and completed basic training? Having a wide diversity of volunteers brings a community and richness that adds value beyond words.For organisations that rely on volunteers, recruiting and engaging those volunteers becomes a key performance indicator for that 'business'. I say business because any organisation set up to provide services must be solvent, and that means making a profit or … [Read more...] about Recruiting and engaging volunteers what is your strategy
HR needs to split operations & strategic activities – needing to live the company values
For years HR has been fighting to have a seat at the top table. It wants to be seen as more relevant and important to the business.The simple reality is that HR is neither operational or strategic to many organisations, and the reason is simple….. a lack of customer care. Many of us have dropped the ball. We have been playing the wrong game, on the wrong court, with the wrong ball! If we want to be strategic we need to talk $$$, that is a topic for another blog (watch this space), on another … [Read more...] about HR needs to split operations & strategic activities – needing to live the company values
50 shades of CV
How to format your CV Every years thousands of us update or create our first real CV in the hope of landing our dream job. But what makes a successful CV in 2013? How to format your CV for best impact?This was a question asked in a HR professionals group on LinkedIn this month. With so many different forms and structures available, this could be an impossible task. So a few members of the group met on a collaborative online meeting to review some CVs to see if there were any common things … [Read more...] about 50 shades of CV
Recruitment Feedback – The brand image of your organization
Staff - love them or hate them, all businesses need them to not only survive, but thrive. From time to time every business needs to hire some one. This usually involves placing an advertisement somewhere, having a number of people apply, short listing, interviewing and then offering the best or most suitable person.Sounds simple huh!Ok so we all know that short-listing can be a challenge, and as for interviewing, well that is a whole set of blogs on their own. Giving recruitment feedback … [Read more...] about Recruitment Feedback – The brand image of your organization
Green Recruitment Environment or Business Sense
As fuel prices climb ever faster and people begin to struggle paying mortgages etc what policies have organisations put in place to play their part in protecting the environment?How many organisations are putting max distances from home as a legitimate recruitment filter?Some years ago I had access to some population data in one London borough, it transpired that every morning almost 150 thousand people left the borough for work – and another 155 thousand travelled in!In London why … [Read more...] about Green Recruitment Environment or Business Sense
Green Recruitment – environment or business sense?
As fuel prices climb ever faster and people begin to struggle paying mortgages etc what policies have organisations put in place to play their part in protecting the environment?How many organisations are putting max distances from home as a legitimate recruitment filter?Some years ago I had access to some population data in one London borough, it transpired that every morning almost 150 thousand people left the borough for work - and another 155 thousand travelled in!In London why … [Read more...] about Green Recruitment – environment or business sense?