Counter-offer to a resigning employee?In our previous post (maintaining performance during notice periods) we explored the issues of the psychology of change. These looked at the value of retaining people throughout their notice.This and psychological state is valid when an employee has an offer and tenders their resignation, and we consider offering a counter-offer to keep this talent.Counter-offers fall under the same category although many may not see it this way.When an … [Read more...] about Counter-offer to a resigning employee? Human Capital, Talent & Retention
Talent Management & Identification – who are we kidding?
Seeking the Potential of, and in our People Often we talk about succession planning, or talent management and identification. But do we really know what talent is - or how to find it?Many organisations use tools like the Nine Box Grid or one of the many other talent management frameworks to identify, map and ultimatly manage talented people.But as the old saying goes - rubbish in --- leads to --- rubbish out. Identifying Talent Potential So when we are looking to identify … [Read more...] about Talent Management & Identification – who are we kidding?
Talent Management – how to shoot yourself in the foot in the future!
Talent Management - Easy today... pain tomorrow Most of us agree that the success of any organization is down to the quality of its people. So why do we fail to realise that talent management is not just about the “top 50” people, but those with the potential to be in the top 50 at some point in the future, as well as talent that will enable our organization to be competitive in a sustainable way. Talent is NOT just about tomorrow’s leaders, it is about next week’s skills and next months … [Read more...] about Talent Management – how to shoot yourself in the foot in the future!
HR & Recruitment – what are the real rules of the game? – finding talent
Do we really tell people what we are measuring them against? When an organization is looking to recruit new talent (or people in normal business language), do you think they are looking for people with the skills they need or are they looking to see if potential employees can guess the rules of the game you are trying to get them to play?When asking or expecting someone to play football, golf or tennis you would think you begin by explaining the basic rules of the game to give them a fair … [Read more...] about HR & Recruitment – what are the real rules of the game? – finding talent
Balance in the Nine Box Grid for Talent Management
Removing Line Manager Blocks to Encourage Talent ManagementIts not all about people that are identified as being in the top right of a model. Talent is required at all levels and for all jobs. If all a business employed were high fliers then staff turnover would be unsustainable. True talent management is about harnessing and utilising what we have.The nine box grid is a valuable and yet simple tool in the planning and management of people talent in any organisation. Its simplicity is … [Read more...] about Balance in the Nine Box Grid for Talent Management
Employee Retention & Alumni Solutions for talent management programmes
Lots of organizations run leadership, talent and graduate development programmes. How can we increase the opportunity of employee retention after participation in a development programme? many provide a 1 year development programmes and wonder why people leave the organization 2-5 years later.The following was recently asked on a social group: Hi Everyone,I was wondering if anyone has any experience with setting up an Alumni Strategy for employees who complete any type of talent … [Read more...] about Employee Retention & Alumni Solutions for talent management programmes
Nine Box Grids for Talent Management
Tool for identifying & retaining key talent in organizations - 9 box grid Background to the Nine Box Grid The nine box grid or matrix, is believed to have originated within McKinsey to assess different business units and to prioritise the investment in individuals. This was developed for GE in the late 1960s and 1970s to enable them assess the potential of individuals in its business and prioritize their investment and overall strategy. It is claimed that it is based on the Boston … [Read more...] about Nine Box Grids for Talent Management
HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword
Introduction to One Word HR Trends SurveyWhat is the One word HR trends survey 2016? Early in 2015 we ran a simple survey among HR professionals. They were given 10 topics and asked for one word which represented there understanding or meaning for that word or phrase. This produced some interesting results. So twelve months on I thought we could repeat the process. The results are fascinating. In the first survey we had just over 500 responses, in this later version we had just under 400 … [Read more...] about HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword
Talent Management – #oneword #HR #CIPD
In 2015 100s of HR professionals were asked a simple question in a survey… in one word describe…TALENT MANAGEMENTParticipants were invited from the CIPD Members LinkedIn group, the CIPD communities, and the CIPD Facebook group. 613 participated. Of those, over 70% have been in HR for more than 11 years.Not all questions were mandatory The demographics for this were:Processing of one word data. During data analysis, spellings were corrected, and capitalisation resolved. No words … [Read more...] about Talent Management – #oneword #HR #CIPD
Training – the sustainable & cost effective enabling element for business success
Did you know…facts about training?The cost of training is expensive – but the cost of gaining a new customer is a lot more! A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect as decreasing costs by 10% – Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet Murphy & Mark Murphy A customer is 4 times more likely to defect to a competitor if the problem is service-related than price- or product-related – Bain & Company. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70%. The … [Read more...] about Training – the sustainable & cost effective enabling element for business success
Succession Planning or Contingency Planning
Succession Planning or Contingency Planning is one of those things that is often talked about, but often considered too complex for many smaller businesses to understand - or even justify the perceived cost of undertaking such activity.And yes to those in the know, Succession Planning can be one of the most important human resource functions to sustaining business performance. What is Succession Planning? The CIPD define Succession Planning as: as a process for identifying and developing … [Read more...] about Succession Planning or Contingency Planning
nine box grid model
Nine Box Grid - organizational development models - 3x3 grids 9 box management modelsNine box grid models are used to help plot or show performance based on two factors. The grid or nine boxes are used to define behavior or performance. there are many variants, what is important is not to find the "perfect" model - but the best fit for your goals and current/ desired culture.Scroll down for nine box grids used in talent management.Ansoff marketingAn example of a nine box … [Read more...] about nine box grid model
5 Reasons Why Talent Leave our Businesses
5 Reasons Why Talent Leaves Businesses Retaining talented people is an important role of both line management and human resources. There are without doubt 100s of excuses people give when leaving a company, especially in "exit interviews".Exit interviews are great for the business and HR, but lets get real - most employees do not want to risk their reference on saying the boss was an idiot, or that it was a controlling environment and that the style of management actually stopped people … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Why Talent Leave our Businesses
Managing Change Successfully – a case study #cipd11
Managing Change Successfully One of the sessions at this year’s #cipd11 annual conference was led by GSK, looking at the approach they took to transforming their organisation.As many people know, the pharmaceutical industry (like many others) has over the last few years had to radically change some of their working practices and approaches. GSK was no exception.Like many industries the culture and business climate that GSK is/ was operating within was changing. Customers and purchasers … [Read more...] about Managing Change Successfully – a case study #cipd11
Social Media, Talent Management & Communications #cipd11
Social Media – the power of communications using internal & external talentSocial business is born and its all change for Human Resources, marketing, communication, engagement,talent management... At one level or another we have all been impacted by some form of social media, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Blogs, Yammer, Sametime, MSN etc. Over the last few months we have seen the Arab Spring, and many other changes to the society in which we live. On a day to day basis it is not … [Read more...] about Social Media, Talent Management & Communications #cipd11
Employee Engagement & Talent Management #cipd12
Engagement – heads they win, tails you lose Who are “THEY”?Why your competitors of course.This article contains some of my thoughts and reflections from Day 2 of the annual CIPD conference in Manchester UK.The recurring theme and thought at this years CIPD annual conference for HR professionals has been engagement. Some speakers have spoken about the value engagement provides to the level of customer engagement and retention, others about productivity, but the overriding factor has … [Read more...] about Employee Engagement & Talent Management #cipd12
Top 50 HR blogs in the world
RapidBI listed as one of the Top 50 HR blogs in the WorldToday whilst traveling back home from running workshops across the UK all week I picked up on a twitter thread about top HR Blogs. With Jon Ingham congratulation several people for their blogs. Low an behold RapidBI was one of them! Thank you Evan Carmichael!So RapidBI is included in Evan Carmichael's site (the Internet's #1 resource for small business motivation and strategies) as a Top 50 Human Resources blog to watch (or … [Read more...] about Top 50 HR blogs in the world
What is Talent?
What is Talent? Where is Talent? What is talent? How does it enable growth How can it be used in succession planning Definition - TalentA marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment. Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality. A person or group of people having such ability: The company makes good use of its talentTalent Management has become one of the most important pieces of jargon or buzzwords in the business and HR world today. But are we just using … [Read more...] about What is Talent?