PESTLE Analysis Tool (PEST Analysis) - History and Templates - ETPS - PESTEL - PESTLEE - PESTLIED - SLEPT - STEEPLE - STEP - STEPE - PEST-G - PEST-E -The Environment Scan - Environmental Organizational Scanning PESTLE Analysis micro site - History - Introduction - Templates - HR example - Schools & EducationWelcome to our new microsite on the PESTLE analysis.This popular page has now been improved and is split into more easily digested chunks. Lets us know your comments and … [Read more...] about PESTLE analysis tool
swot pestle template
SWOT Analysis and PESTLE Analysis Templates Welcome to the RapidBI web site. To support the official CIPD fact sheets, this page contains two templates for you to use as part of your SWOT or PESTLE analysis. Remember to add the fact sheets and this site to your references. Jump down to the SWOT analysis template Jump down to the PESTLE analysis template Jump down to CPP project and assignment guide The SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is a great framework to explore the advantages and … [Read more...] about swot pestle template
Personal Development Plan – PDP’s
Personal Development Plans (PDPs) Professional Development Plans (PDPs) or Individual Development Plans (IDPs) How to develop your own personal plan Introduction to Personal Development Plans What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)? Who is responsible for personal development? What’s in it for me? Learning Styles in personal development Areas to include in your portfolio On-The-Job Development Record - and other templates Creating an individual personal development plan … [Read more...] about Personal Development Plan – PDP’s