Training Materials for Trainers
Do people need “off the shelf” ready to use training materials?
With the (re) launch of the store on TrainingZone recently, and the background work we have been doing preparing ready-to-use training materials, this trend got me thinking. Do we need such resources? Is there a market for this material? If so why is there a market?
In the past many trainers attended train the trainer courses which built up a level of skills and awareness, and in addition many of the employers were larger and so employed not one but many trainers. This enabled people to grow, learn develop and above all share experiences and resources. In the 1980s and 90s there were several publishers of loose leaf binders containing a wide range of training materials , activities, icebreakers etc, all ready to adapt. All that was needed was a photocopier and some time.
Interestingly since 2000, many of these publishers have either ceased trading or changed their business model and no longer sell such products. Perhaps this was the result of the internet – or actually a reflection of what was happening in training at the time.
The Need
Increasingly I am seeing more and more people gain their first step in Training, or learning & Development as it is often referred, with little experience or underpinning knowledge, these people are keen to learn and are often employed in smaller businesses where budgets are tight, and the emphasis on the individuals to design and lead in-house training (where it is still happening – but that is another article!)
Time is often of the essence, budgets are tight and there is pressure to deliver. The ability to buy an “off the shelf” training pack which is ready to use can be a powerful solution. Then with just a little customisation the materials are ready to use.
The Future
Will this need to “have” materials and resources be over taken by free materials on the web? Interestingly there is very little available free in this area – at least not complete materials, handouts, leader guides etc. Plenty of course outlines and powerpoint presentations – but not the guides that make the difference. Will e-learning be the #1 solution – or is there a future for classroom training?
Are we at the beginning of a large cycle which is seeing the resurgence of the “work place trainer” who has a role in developing the skills and performence of people and at the same time working to do so for a small and limited budget?
Your View
Have you ever been short on time that you have bought materials to either give you a development start – or to act as a “get out of jail” solution? I would like to hear your views on this
RT @RapidBI: New Blog post: Training Materials For Trainers