The team at RapidBI have been leading business support for over 18 years. We know what works, and what does not. In a joint venture with Hyperspace Paignton, we run a series of weekly, drop-in business support clinics in Paignton, Devon.
The RapidBI team has run many clinics in West London, Central London for the British Library, and training many business advisors in the Midlands and Glasgow.
Offering pragmatic and proven advice, these clinics will help propel you and your business to the next level, without getting into debt and wasting your valuable time.
No subscriptions or consultancy fees, grow and develop your business at a pace that suits you.
Launched in October 2020, these no-cost sessions are practical, no-nonsense support for people keen to develop their own businesses and do not know where to go.
Our business network hub is a safe place to share ideas and learn from others.
Paignton Free Business Support Clinics Start-up/ Networking Hub
Meeting Day ____ Time ____
No booking needed.
Just turn up at the programmed times.
Buy a coffee, and talk with the RapidBI team or fellow locals looking to start a business.
No hourly coaching or support packages unless you want it. Just good, old fashioned free advice and support.
Duration – up to 2 hours
Our business advisers are former Business Link Specialists and have been assessed independently to the SFEDI standards for business support. Each advisor has held senior roles in corporates as well as run their own businesses.
Established Business Support Clinics/ Networking
Meeting Day ____ Time ____
No booking needed.
Just turn up at the programmed times.
Buy a coffee, and talk with the RapidBI team or fellow local business owners.
No hourly coaching or support packages unless you want it. Just good, old fashioned free advice and support.
Duration – up to 2 hours
Watch out for our “start your own business” free courses, face to face when COVID allows!
Human Resource Support Clinics/ Networking
Meeting Day ____ Time ____
Open for people in HR roles locally, meet Mike our very own Chartered Companion of the CIPD (CCIPD), and talk all things HR. HR professionals or those employed in HR roles only.
As with our Paignton Business Support Clinics, turn up, buy a coffee and share experiences. This is a peer support group.
Duration – up to 2 hours
A look at one of our training spaces

Business Network Hub Location
RapidBI Business Network Hub
Hyperspace Paignton
9 Parkside Road
Maps – Bing – Google – What 3 words
What is a business networking hub?
A business networking hub is a place where likeminded people develop and grow their business. For more info on business network hubs, visit Can business hubs give entrepreneurs a head start? | Entrepreneur stories – from the small business network | The Guardian
Due to COVID-19, the sessions are currently suspended. To reflect this we have removed the dates and times from this page. We hope to return to them soon. Stay safe.
Update Feb 2021
It looks like we will be able to resume in mid-June 2021. We are working with our partners to develop a new timetable.