The Importance of Employee Engagement Employee engagement is one of the key pillars on modern human resources. Through tools like Employee Engagement Surveys we can measure and note changes for the better.. or worse based upon decisions and actions taken in the way that we run our businesses.The infographic below was produced by the National Research Business Institute Inc (NBRI), out of some recent research into actions and behaviours of engaged and dis-engaged workers.Like the NBRI, … [Read more...] about The Importance of Employee Engagement #HR #CIPD
Defining Practical Employee Engagement
Defining Practical Employee Engagement The term Employee Engagement has been prolific over the past few years but what does it really mean? How can we use this to really make a difference?This question was asked of me by a writer I have been in discussions with for some time, and she was surprised that we do not have the definition clear on this site. Well it was buried, but here puts it into context.There are several definitions on the web including: The Work Foundation’s … [Read more...] about Defining Practical Employee Engagement
10 top tips for guaranteed employee engagement
Essential activities to ensure your people are engaged Talent management and engagement are current buzz phrases and in this context employee engagement seems to be climbing up the agenda again.The environment in which we operate is changing at so many levels at a political, environmental, social, technological, economic and legal. These changes mean we need to find ways of both changing and yet providing some level of stability or consistency.Recently, several requests have been made … [Read more...] about 10 top tips for guaranteed employee engagement
Talent Management – how to shoot yourself in the foot in the future!
Talent Management - Easy today... pain tomorrow Most of us agree that the success of any organization is down to the quality of its people. So why do we fail to realise that talent management is not just about the “top 50” people, but those with the potential to be in the top 50 at some point in the future, as well as talent that will enable our organization to be competitive in a sustainable way. Talent is NOT just about tomorrow’s leaders, it is about next week’s skills and next months … [Read more...] about Talent Management – how to shoot yourself in the foot in the future!
Top Tips to Manage and Coach a “Micro-Manager”
Tips to Manage and Coach a "Micro-Manager" Have you ever had one of those managers that need to see every little step, make sure you are doing the task "their way"?Frustrating isn’t it?This is worse for the organization as why have both of you employed if you are both in effect doing the same job. Micromanagement is usually used in a negative connotation and definitely points towards excessive control or close attention to finer details. A micromanager is created when a person is … [Read more...] about Top Tips to Manage and Coach a “Micro-Manager”
10 No or Low Cost Employee Morale Boosters
Simple Management StepsIn difficult times all managers are challenged with keeping staff engaged and morale high (or even up!). "Boosters" are activities that can have short term but duplicable results in lifting morale in individuals and teams. Morale boosters can take the form of recognition, compensation or special perks or privileges. Here are 10 no or low cost morale boosters to get you started: Ideas - Employee morale often improves when staff feel they are valued and … [Read more...] about 10 No or Low Cost Employee Morale Boosters
A Guide to Conducting Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Surveys
A guide to Conducting Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Surveys Employee survey techniques have developed significantly over the past few years, with web based technologies it is easier and cheaper than ever to collect and manage data.In the past, any HR driven initiative was seen as tactical and of little real benefit to the organization as a whole. Now many enlightened organizations see HR and employee surveys as a powerful business improvement tool.Customers now have a greater range … [Read more...] about A Guide to Conducting Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Surveys
Team Leader Mentoring (Management Mentoring)
Using Mentoring to Effectively Develop Team Leaders Team leader and middle management mentoring is rapidly becoming the “must have” in replacing conventional and costly internal training programmes.With the changing economic climate presenting new challenges every day, many middle managers lack the skills and experience to make informed decisions. Worse – much of the management development over the past 10 years has focused on systems and growth, not survival and sustainability, certainly … [Read more...] about Team Leader Mentoring (Management Mentoring)
Director of oomph
Does your business have a director of oomph? For a business to be successful not only must it have a marketable product, but it needs to be effectively led and managed. Many larger organisations lack ‘oopmh’ within.In our experience many organisations would benefit from ensuring that all staff were not only fully engaged but that strategies are put in place to create a level of oomph to motivate and encourage productivity.A director oomph may be recruited from anywhere in the … [Read more...] about Director of oomph
Friday Fun – Employee suggestion schemes and engagement #403 #ff
A little something before the weekend: Friday Fun - Office humour, cartoon - Employee suggest schemes #403 #ffManagement have been reading more books on employee suggestion schemesThis cartoon has been produced by Jon Carter with thanks … [Read more...] about Friday Fun – Employee suggestion schemes and engagement #403 #ff
Employees leave their boss not their job!
Are our managers leaking talent, or retaining it? While responding to a question on a network group I belong to about employee motivation and engagement, I recalled some research about the fact that people left bosses not their jobs.Then I came across a recently published piece of research carried out by a the Florida State University that clearly suggests employees leave their bosses not their jobs.Matching employees to managers is an element of recruitment which is rarely done (except at … [Read more...] about Employees leave their boss not their job!
Employee Engagement the solution in difficult times
Employee Engagement – the solution in difficult times? Yet another weekend where the news broadcasts and the Sunday papers have been full of the economic doom and gloom. With many of the retail stores starting with 20% & 25% discounts with four weeks before Christmas you know things are changing.If the key to survival is employee talent, then retention of talent has got to be a prime drive. But security is not the only factor, often when organizations offer redundancy, it is those that … [Read more...] about Employee Engagement the solution in difficult times
guide to employee satisfaction & engagement surveys
A guide to Employee Satisfaction Engagement SurveysA guide to conducting employee engagement and satisfaction survey. This page outlines the key steps and requirements of a successful staff or employee survey.EESS Home - Employee Engagement Satisfaction - Guide to surveys - EESS overviewA guide to conducting employee engagement and satisfaction surveys Employee survey techniques have developed significantly over the past few years, with web based technologies it is … [Read more...] about guide to employee satisfaction & engagement surveys
Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Models
Research into Employee Engagement and SatisfactionEmployee Engagement and Satisfaction Models, There are many models on the market and each provider claims that their model is based on empirical research. For this I am sure, however for each organization that undertakes this they appear to arrive at different conclusions.So are they all correct or are they all incorrect?The jury is out on this. What we do know is that no two organizations are the same and that the prevailing … [Read more...] about Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Models
Demystifying the Psychological Contract
If I put five HR Professionals in a room and asked them to define the Psychological Contract and its value, why would I expect to return later to find at least four different opinions? What is the Psychological Contract? As so often in HR, we have before us a term which has been created, in all good faith, to describe observations of human behaviour in employment that we cannot quite quantify, but can see are significant. “Engagement”, “Motivation”, “Job satisfaction“ and even “Leadership” are … [Read more...] about Demystifying the Psychological Contract
Gamification to Increase Employee Motivation and Engagement
Can you really use gamification to increase employee motivation and engagement?Is gamification just the latest management fad?As organizations have become more focused on business objectives, gamification has increased because it can help the workplace become more engaging and productive.Gamification changes the rules of engagement and inspires employees to change behaviors as a result. The prediction is that by 2015, 40 percent of Global 1000 organizations will use gamification as … [Read more...] about Gamification to Increase Employee Motivation and Engagement
Recruiting and engaging volunteers what is your strategy
Recruiting and engaging volunteers is one thing, but how do you retain them once they are through the door and completed basic training? Having a wide diversity of volunteers brings a community and richness that adds value beyond words.For organisations that rely on volunteers, recruiting and engaging those volunteers becomes a key performance indicator for that 'business'. I say business because any organisation set up to provide services must be solvent, and that means making a profit or … [Read more...] about Recruiting and engaging volunteers what is your strategy
Good Weather For Ducks – losing the art of communications due to social media
Watching a piece on the news this morning, was a piece that claimed social media was in fact anti social. This is true, many of us would prefer to look at our mobiles than strike up a conversation.In years gone past we would have used phrases about the weather as an icebreaker to talk to strangers. Simple phrases like "good weather for ducks" or "it's wet again" or "wow its hot.. do you think it will last?". These are simple ice breakers that people have used for years, they are simple … [Read more...] about Good Weather For Ducks – losing the art of communications due to social media
Gamification in business
Gamification is a word we are starting to hear a lot about.What is Gamification? In essence gamification is turning something, a process or experience into a game. A game where the 'player' can earn points or status.The desire to play games is inherent in many people, and the growth of social media is testimony to this. For it is a rare discussion about social media when comparisons between the number of friends, followers or likes a person has is not central to the intended … [Read more...] about Gamification in business
10 Employee Engagement Survey Mistakes
Why Employee Engagement Surveys often fail Employee engagement is one of those "holy grails" that many HR, OD and management professionals seek to achieve for their organizations. Today I was reading an interesting blog by US firm Performancepoint LLC.In the article they list 10 comon mistakes:1. Conducting an in-house survey 2. Putting the onus on managers 3. Questions that spread discontent 4. Findings that aren't actionable 5. Using the goals of others 6. No follow-up on … [Read more...] about 10 Employee Engagement Survey Mistakes