How do we support change in organizations? How do HR support change and change management in organisations? This is a HUGE subject. As this question is being asked of HR people more and more in the current climate, this is the first of a series of articles looking at not just change management, but the supporting role that HR, OD and training professionals can make.Lets start out by understanding what the phrase "Support organisations going through change". Now by this I am assuming that we … [Read more...] about Supporting Change in Organisations
Hot HR discussion topics in 2018 and HR trends for 2019 #HRBLOG
So what have been the challenging topics for HR professionals in 2018 and what will business demand of HR in 2019 and beyond? Many of my followers know that I am active on LinkedIn. Over the past 2 years, I have been recording the themes and topics that HR professionals discuss. As a way of understanding what those hot topics are I have produced the graphic below. It shows the frequency of some of the most popular terms used in discussion titles. Hover … [Read more...] about Hot HR discussion topics in 2018 and HR trends for 2019 #HRBLOG
CIPD factsheets – an A-to-Z of HR topics & resources
CIPD factsheets - essential information for any manager & practitioner.An A-to-Z of HR and management related factors is an easy to read and easy to apply style.The CIPD produce a wonderful set of regularly updated and reviewed factsheets on a wide range of HR and management based topics., While some are available to members only, the majority are available to all.This pages lists those available as at January 2010. Please note all links open in new windows. UPDATE MARCH … [Read more...] about CIPD factsheets – an A-to-Z of HR topics & resources
What is Performance Management? CIPD Research
Performance Management - why do we do it? The term performance management has been with us for some time, developed out of "appraisals", Performance Management remains one of the consistently used phrases in the human resources and management field. Recently the CIPD has conducted some research into performance management recently and the responses from 507 people are interesting.This short article looks at three of the outputs from that research and explores the potential meaning for HR, … [Read more...] about What is Performance Management? CIPD Research
Reflections on the Annual CIPD conference #cipdace17 on HR topics #hrblogs
For those of you that follow me on twitter, it will be no surprise that I have been at the #cipdace17 conference this week. What is the CIPD annual conference? The CIPD is a UK based professional membership body for people involved in Human Resources, Organisational Development & Learning & Development. It has two national conferences, this one is more focused on general HR & OD. It currently takes place in Manchester UK each autumn. Key learning from #cipdace17 The conference is … [Read more...] about Reflections on the Annual CIPD conference #cipdace17 on HR topics #hrblogs
A skinny video review of the #cipdLDshow 2017 with Martin Couzins & Mike Morrison
The 2017 CIPD Learning and Development show (CIPDLDSHOW) at Olympia started much like many others. Only this time there were significant queues waiting to get in at the start time. Everyone was greeted by probably the happiest being in the building:Yes full blown bag searches and a "meet and greet" by a sniffer dog". Not sure why HR people would be at a risk. No metal detectors - so anyone wanting to .... well lets just leave that there!Over the years more and more people blog and … [Read more...] about A skinny video review of the #cipdLDshow 2017 with Martin Couzins & Mike Morrison
Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
This week we have been that the HR Software show and Recruitment Exhibition run by the CIPD. These are exhibitions that provide showcases for people looking to buy enterprise HR software and to recruit people into their organisations.The HR Software Show is a well-established event, which has been running for over 15 years. It helps hundreds of HR professionals make important purchase decisions every year. It can help you to Upgrade your HR strategy with the latest software … [Read more...] about Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business NeedsSarah Mellor - John Lewis PartnershipJo Kelly - WaitroseEloise McNeile & Lucero Tagle - GoogleChaired by Peter Cheese - CEO CIPDPeter Cheese sets the scene on one of the most popular session at this years CIPD L&D conference. We are now in a VUCA world. agility, adaptability and resilience is increasingly important. In order to support businesses in this context, L&D will be pivotal to … [Read more...] about Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Are we all entrepreneurs #cipd14
Keynote speech launching #cipd14 with Rita Gunther McGrath A live set of notes, which will be refined later - please accept any errors as this is typed live.Peter Cheese the CEO welcomes the participants. He tells the audience that HR is becoming more relevant than ever before.HR analytic are "the next big thing". Most of what we measure currently in business is not adding value or measuring the value of business.The CIPD are seeking to explore ways of advising HR professionals and … [Read more...] about Are we all entrepreneurs #cipd14
Social media in HR Infographic
The CIPD have recently published an infographic on the use of social media at work. The graphic is based on some research they have completed looking at our usage (or not) of these powerful collaboration tools.What is interesting to me is that 61% of employers that responded to the survey do not use any form of collaborative or social platform within the business.From experience I know that even the firms that have them are struggling to make them work, but when they are used, they … [Read more...] about Social media in HR Infographic
What Trainers can learn from world class professionals at #cipldshow
When attending any conference there is always a lot that can be learnt. these things can be ourselves, our thoughts and reactions and of course the content and style of delivery of others. As a "seasoned" (old) professional I have been attending learning and development conferences for longer than I dare to remember. Of course the longer one has been in a profession, the harder it is to find the "new" ideas or nuggets. However this year I have learnt a couple of things, and these should be … [Read more...] about What Trainers can learn from world class professionals at #cipldshow
#cipd13 Annual Conference in Manchester
Welcome to Manchester in the UK. Today is the start of the CIPDs annual conference for HR & L&D professionals.As I have done in the past I will attempt to blog live from each session, highlighting some of the key points the presenters highlight. This will be live, so please expect spelling and typos. In the next few days I will return and correct. My goal is to share with you as the conference progresses Below this line will appear the content, if nothing is here please … [Read more...] about #cipd13 Annual Conference in Manchester
Diversity calendar from the CIPD 2013
Looking for a diversity calender with the various religious dates all in one place? It’s not often that something for free has intrinsic value, however here is an offer from the CIPD with a difference. The CIPD contribute to a diversity calendar which provides a range of multi-faith days, holidays and festivals. This diversity calendar is being made available on their site for all – members and non-members alike. Diversity Calender 2013 from Diversiton This calendar is a practical and … [Read more...] about Diversity calendar from the CIPD 2013
Succession Planning or Contingency Planning
Succession Planning or Contingency Planning is one of those things that is often talked about, but often considered too complex for many smaller businesses to understand - or even justify the perceived cost of undertaking such activity.And yes to those in the know, Succession Planning can be one of the most important human resource functions to sustaining business performance. What is Succession Planning? The CIPD define Succession Planning as: as a process for identifying and developing … [Read more...] about Succession Planning or Contingency Planning
Day 3 – #cipd12
Good Morning.Welcome to the final day of the CIPD annual conference for 2012.Again a packed, busy day. I hope the session I attend are of interest.The text below, was written live from the blog, you can see the timestamps, please excuse any errors!16.37 #cipd12 was an awesome, engaging and motivational event – lots of learning, lots of messages, and an opportunity for chaneg for us all – thank you #petecheese and the @cipd team – until #cipd1316.36#cipd12 peter … [Read more...] about Day 3 – #cipd12
Confidence, Respect, Trust and Professionalism #cipd12
Change required for HR, Recruitment and people leadership By the end of day 2 of the annual CIPD conference, there were some underlying trends that I have been increasingly aware of and felt that rather than blog about a particular session or speaker, that these themes should not get lost between the cracks.These trends or themes include Confidence, Respect, Trust and by implication, Professionalism. Confidence Several speakers have talked about youth employment and unemployment. That … [Read more...] about Confidence, Respect, Trust and Professionalism #cipd12
Day 2 of #cipd12 Conference – Live Blog
#CIPD12 day 2 Thanks for coming back!Yesterdays experiment with the blog worked well, and was well received. So here is to day two.Day one was a great day, and I am sure I will write more substantial posts in the coming weeks, but for now I hope that this helps you.Please forgive the grammar & spelling - this blog is real time!Today's content:<<Please remember this was a live record>>17.28dealings with unions probably take 50% of my time, but they … [Read more...] about Day 2 of #cipd12 Conference – Live Blog
All change for the CIPD – #cipd12
In the UK, the world’s largest chartered institute for Human resource professionals are in the middle of their annual conference and exhibition.In another blog I have been tweeting and blogging live some of the key points, but felt that this topic deserves a specific mention. New CEO of CIPD Just a few short months ago (July 2012), Peter Cheese took control of the reins of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) from Jackie Orme.Orme herself, led the institute … [Read more...] about All change for the CIPD – #cipd12
#cipd12 Welcome to the CIPD Annual Conference & Exhibition
Welcome to the annual conference of the CIPD#cipd12 On this post I will attempt to maintain a live blog throughout the conference programme. #CIPD12 Feel free to add your own comments or thoughts<<what you are reading here is a series of tweets, and the time I made them. This was live blogging in action>> #cipd12 Live blog (in Reverse order)17.16This is the end of the blog from the sessions for day one – more from me tomorrow #cipd12let me know what you think … [Read more...] about #cipd12 Welcome to the CIPD Annual Conference & Exhibition
The Cost of Stress
The Cost of StressDid you know that in 2011, sickness absence due to stress cost organisations an average of £673 per employee per year? Indirect costs have been estimated as twice the amount of direct costs, so the total business cost per employee is nearer £2,000 per year.The 2011 CIPD/Simply Health Annual Absence Management Report shows Stress as the most common cause of long-term sickness absence for the first time. Workplace stress affects over 400,000 people a year, which can be … [Read more...] about The Cost of Stress