Frequently Asked Questions – BIR Diagnostics What are Business Diagnostic tools?Business diagnostics are tools used by companies to assess their strengths and weaknesses. The tools help to diagnose problems, highlight areas of opportunity for improvement or stimulate discussion on how to make their business more competitive. Business diagnostic tools are comprised of questionnaires or checklists that provide a framework to assist business managers and advisors review the operations of a business and identify possible areas for improvement. Over the years, a variety of diagnostic tools have been developed. These tools are most commonly targeted at larger-sized businesses. They are also typically associated with the sale of specific services, such as consulting services, or products such as an accounting program. When can I get trained?Most of the BIR accreditation workshops are run ‘in-house’ for larger clients. 3 times a year we run open programmes see the training dates page for more info Click here to see when the next open programme is running (back to top) What do the tools do?The diagnostic tools enable managers within the organisation & third parties to rapidly understand the key issues they are facing and provide an agenda for discussion and action. (back to top) How are the tools delivered?This is a whole consulting process. The data capture element can be either facilitated pen & paper and/ or web data capture, followed by facilitated output discussion and action planning. (back to top) How reliable are the tools?They have all been developed by practitioners in the field for practitioners in the field, many using time and time again. (back to top) What is the success rate?In two studies over four years the tool repeatedly creates long term relationships between facilitator (Consultant or coach) and the client in over 80% of cases due to the high level of ownership of the outcomes. (back to top) How strategic are the tools?Many consultants complain that they have difficulty working strategically with many clients – this tool instantly puts you and your work at the centre of the business. (back to top) Why use this type of Diagnostic?Many Organisational Development specialists know that an effective place to start is with some form of organisation audit. This is one of the most comprehensive & holistic review of its type. (back to top) How do I get access to the toolset?This toolset is available to any company or individual who can demonstrate a broad range of business competence. Training usually lasts just one day. We will run programmes for groups of 4-8 people as an in house programme What do the tools cost?We operate an annual license for our users. so the cost of a review will vary with how often the tool is used. (back to top) What support do you get?As much or as little as you need. If necessary we will even coach you through a difficult assignment, we can use Skype, GoTomeeting and many other communication channels that suit your needs. (back to top) Can the BIR really provide the best starting point for improving my clients business?Yes. One common mistake for many organisations and consultants is to start with a symptom and try to solve it. This is why many change programmes in organisations fail. We need to identify Causes not symptoms. The BIR is one of the very few proven diagnostics that is available on the open market. (back to top) How do I know what training is right for my organization?The RapidBI team has a number of training programs that can be tailored to the specific needs of your organization. Our consultants are well trained and use a collaborative style to make sure the selected training program specifically meets your needs. Before accepting any individual on to an open programme we will discuss potential BIR applications and if we feel that you will not use the tool we will recommend that you do not take the training. With any diagnostic process be it individual or organisational familiarity builds competence If you are likely to use the BIR infrequently we recommend contracting with a licensed user for that implementation. (back to top) How do I know the BIR is the best choice among the many tools available?Your best choice is the one that delivers results. Many seminars today deal with introducing people to concepts and expect the participants to bridge the theory-to-application gap. At RapidBI, our unique PRIMO-F process will help you and your clients move from theory to real life applications. The true value of the RapidBI BIR program is that we translate the theory to make sure you get results! (back to top) Who is the tool designed for?This program is designed for use by consultants, mentors and coaches who need to identify shortfalls (or opportunity’s for growth) in their client (or organisation) to become more adaptable as a strategy to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing marketplace. (back to top) Isn’t it unrealistic to expect to bring about change in a business as a result of such a quick process?Actually, we’re not trying so much to change the whole business in one go, what we do is increase the organisation’s ability to recognise what needs to change, the priority order and provide practical first actionable steps. Change often fails, because too much is taken on in one go, using the unique BIR approach facilitator and the client can together agree on priorities and manageable change. The whole BIR process is built around change management techniques. (back to top) What’s included in the accreditation training program?We’ve designed our program to include the following: Introduction to the BIR process, an experience of a facilitated diagnostic session, case studies of real results leading to increased understanding, Post training support as well as 2 BIR’s included in the training price. All of our Trainers – Are experienced and seasoned professionals, Have used the BIR in the field and have proven experience of making change management work. (back to top) Isn’t it easier just to use a business model like Investors In People (IIP) or Business Excellence?No. While these are effective approaches in their own right, they were developed for unique purposes. IIP was developed in association with the UK government to encourage organisations to train and develop their staff more effectively. Business excellence was developed as a model used within competitions and based around continuous improvement processes. Our system uses proven, practical models that are adapted to meet the needs of the client. Most business development methodologies available on the market place utilize a rigid process that is not flexible by either you or your client. Our process uses a well defined yet flexible process which builds buy-in throughout your clients organisation. Our outputs can be linked to other commercial models. (back to top) How does using the BIR add greater value than just attending training?RapidBI’s integrated approach looks at the organisation as a whole, not just individuals attending a training programme. If you choose to be trained to use the BIR, the learning does not end at the close of the workshop. We provide ongoing support and coaching to ensure the appropriate use of the tools that are both you and your clients. Our goal is sustainability and a long-term relationship. (back to top) Isn’t this just another management fad?Actually, the Business Improvement Review has stood the test of time. Originally developed by business advisors for use with SME’s (small and medium-size enterprises), the process has been used over 1,000 times. Recently, it was updated to integrate lessons learned from its use and to add features our users have requested. This is the only in-depth, mass-market analysis tool available that uses change management techniques rather than just reporting how a question was answered. Isn’t this just a survey and reporting?No, the BIR uses a 360 survey style approach, and the outputs are reported in context, not just raw scores from people submitting data. (back to top) Can I pick and choose the questions of the used?The BIR uses standard sets of questions, ensuring consistency across all organisations, depending upon the size of the client organisation. It is possible to add a number of additional questions. However, we do not recommend this. The BIR process is not about survey. It is about managing change, one could argue it’s not the questions that are important. It what’s done with the outputs that make the difference. (back to top) How long does the process take?With organisations employing between 100 and 500 people. The BIR can be completed in as little as two half day sessions. These are generally held two weeks apart. This issue must top management and staff involvement, where other levels of management are involved is the process will take longer. Implementation programs, following the BIR typically take three to nine months. Some organisations opt for an annual dashboard-style check. (back to top) Are there any ongoing costs?Once trained consultants can do as many Business Improvement Reviews as they require. It is based on a low monthly subscription. (back to top) Can someone run this on my company?Yes. While we are mainly a supplier to consultants, business advisors etc. we can complete a BIR on your company. The facilitator will be one of the RapidBI team or an accredited user. Call us for details. (back to top) Can I do the BIR on-line without having a consultant visitingYou can BUT we do not recommend it. During our research, we discovered that reviews that were not facilitated tended not to be implemented as well as those that were. Call us if you have a ‘special’ situation. (back to top) I am not UK based and want to use the BIRTraining is important, however, with current technology we can video conference or skype and run a coaching based training programme. Call for details (back to top) I am US based – how can I use the BIR?No Problem. I am based in Australia/ NZ – How can I use the BIRNo Problem. What is the BIR-s?The BIR family has grown recently. The BIR-s is the strategic version – our original holistic organisational development diagnostic tool. (back to top) What is the BIR-c?The BIR-c is the coaching version for smaller organisations. For the type of organisations that do not have a management team. The C stands for Coaching, as we expect the review to be undertaken in a coaching relationship. This is not a ‘cut down’ version indeed it asks more questions that the BIR-s, it is just that the style is more appropriate for small owner-managed businesses. (back to top) What is the BIR-hr?We have had a number of requests for a version that can be used by in-house teams within larger organisations. This version looks at strategic HR issues, indeed it is based upon a version that was originally designed for assessing organisations for the Investors in People standard. It follows the methodology of the BIR-s but does not include the Finance, marketing or operations aspects. (back to top) What is the BIR-Solo?The BIR-Solo is a new online-only product for organisations to use without facilitation. It is designed for smaller organisations to use with minimum cost or for larger organisations to “try before they buy”. The BIR-Solo is not a replacement for a full review undertaken with an experienced consultant or business adviser. (back to top) Can I have our logo on the outputs?Yes, our newly developed reporting engine can now personalise the outputs for you (the consultant). (back to top) Can I change the graphic outputs?Yes you can label the groups used in the review to meet the needs of the client organisation I am an internal consultant can I use this tool?Yes with training or coaching. Is the BIR compatible with Human Capital measures?Many organisations measure Human Capital without looking at the infrastructure to deliver improvements. The BIR can be used as a capacity-building intervention. Call us for more information. (back to top) Why do I need training?The BIR is a simple tool to deploy, yet is complex in the way it has been put together. It covers a wide range of areas. In addition, the BIR works best when put into the context of organisational change. We have found from experience that the users who take the tool without training tend to miss a lot of opportunities, those with training deliver a credible product to their clients (internal or external). As a result of this experience we now only offer the product to individuals that have had our awareness training. (back to top) Why the BIR?The BIR has been developed in the field by change agents for change agents. The development team comprised specialists in the fields of: Finance, marketing, Sales, Operations, Management Development, HR, psychology, organizational design. While based upon various academic models the BIR uniquely integrates the best from each discipline to provide a truly holistic view. (back to top) What does BIR mean?BIR stands for Business Improvement Review. Even though many of our clients are in the not-for-profit sector we have kept this label. This is because every organization is in business of some kind, and generally speaking focusing on improving business processes irrespective of the use of any profits or surpluses is the goal of most organisations. (back to top) Can I change the outputs?Yes & No We have colleagues not staffNo problem – when setting up a client you have the ability to name any responding group the label that is appropriate for you. (back to top) What is an organisational diagnostic review?An Organizational diagnostic review, is a look at an organization, using a structured method to look at what is effective and what is not. The Business Improvement Review (BIT-hr) is a tool which looks at traditional OD areas. It is an effective tool for diagnosing organisational development needs. (back to top) How do you pronounce RapidBI?RapidBI is short for Rapid Business Improvement. It is pronounced “Rapid Bee Eye” (back to top) |