Guest Blogging for specialists, writers, authors and marketing firms. Would you like your blog post on our site? Are you interested in writing for us?
UPDATE MARCH 2020 – Temporary suspension
This blog is suspended because of the Pandemic. We are not accepting any guest posts at this time.
Please stay safe
Guest post guidelines
Guest Blogging is something we get emails about all the time. Unfortunately, we often run out of time to manage these requests (we have a business to run!). Because of this, this page is an attempt to short-circuit that delay. We are a small business, but our site has over 8000 unique visitors a day and several blogging requests every day, few read this page! Make your offer stand out. Make it EASY for me to say yes, not say no!
Successful guest contributions are comprehensive, action-orientated, positive and exciting posts that inform our readers something new about the world of work. In particular, around managing a business or its people.
About our Guest Blogging opportunities
Before we go any further, please note this is NOT a commercial service. This site is for our consulting business, and we will only share content we think our readers will value
Is your blog post eligible for us?
You can be an established blogger or new to writing because all we seek is USEFUL content for our audience.
For us to consider a blog post, these must be business focused or at least biased towards the following:
- Leadership
- Coaching/ Mentoring
- Training
- Learning & Development
- Human Resources
- People Management
- Organisational Development
- Personal Development – but not promoting a specific course
- Practical Neuroscience
- Learning theory/ research
- Work psychology
- Starting a business (not finance/ loans)
- Business processes – Finance, Marketing, Operations, Innovation etc
- Business or academic/ educational are welcome
Please note, we do not accept posts about IT systems, telephone systems, cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, pyramid schemes, loans, finance, promoting training courses/ qualifications or any b2c topics.
To be considered, please send your blog to info AT rapidbi dot com
Please note, sending us copy is no guarantee that we will publish.
Our requirements for a guest blog
- Original work, because we do CopyScape to check all content
- Over 800 words and keep the language clear and define all acronyms
- Title
- Declare your “search term/ word.”
- State your preferred tags
- One image – you MUST prove you have the copyright permission to use because we use Google & other tools to verify images
- No more than one promotional link, more if relevant for references etc. Please declare what the promotional link is
- Title your email “A guest post on RapidBI please #ihavereadtheguide”
- Any Infographics need to be embedded, so send the file over with the copy – we (and Google) prefer original images, this may be a different colour graphics to previously published versions
- Your email – NOT a Gmail/ Hotmail or other free address – it must be attached to a web domain we can trace
- A short bio We allow one link in your byline to your blog or social media account
- We prefer links to B2B sites
- any images you provide must come with proof of license to publish
Also, please submit a list of links embedded in any text, because I do not want to have to check each one manually
What We Won’t Accept
In addition to the things we look for, there are some things we simply can’t accept. For example, anything that:
- Is already in on our blog
- Maybe construed as a link-building scheme.
- Promotes writing assignments for educational success
- Too promotional for a product, your company or organisation
- Offensive or inaccurate
- Overly critical of individuals or companies
- Tracking codes/ shortcodes
- Links to:
- loans
- gambling
- medicines
- affiliate marketing
- educational cheats – assignment writing etc
- increasing personal income
That is it. We cannot reply to all requests. If we are going to publish, we will tell you within ten days.
Therefore, this page is relevant for anyone looking for
- Guest posts
- Write for us
- Guest writer
Thank you for your interest, and I appreciate your help in reducing the spam requests we get