7 Reasons to Embrace Ssocial Media
The skills of social media continue to be important.
The data shown in this graphic shows that consumers are increasing their grip on social media.
What does this mean for business?
Using social media as a customer is different from using it as a supplier or an employee.
To really harness social media fully without having a massive team to manage it means empowering and encouraging more staff to support the brand/ company.
This will mean a new form of education , training and communication.
CollaborationTo make this work, organisations must embrace internal collaboration tools as a way of communicating what is happening and to help develop a good prectice model for the organisation.
Mike Morrison
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New Blog post: 7 Reasons to Embrace Social Media http://t.co/Ye9TeYbx
[FYI] 7 Reasons to Embrace Social Media: 7 Reasons to Embrace Ssocial Media
The skills of social media continue … http://t.co/9lqnaYkL
Now, before you plunge into SM for your business/career, think of what the purpose is for you. Listening instead of t…http://t.co/kA0kbOUy
Now, before you plunge into SM for your business/career, think of what the purpose is for you. Listening instead of t…http://t.co/kA0kbOUy
RT: @rapidbi 7 Reasons to Embrace Social Media: 7 Reasons to Embrace Ssocial Media
The skills of social media co… http://t.co/vFuqB8Ps
Great infographic. I think the reasons to use social media go beyond just marketing and sales. Customer Service, HR, R&D all can benefit from learning to use social media properly. I’ve been blogging about leadership and social media at http://thepolylogue.com.
Seth Resler
The Polylogue
7 Reasons to Embrace Social Media http://t.co/svn7WaW2
RT@rapidbi 7 Reasons to Embrace Social Media: 7 Reasons to Embrace Ssocial Media
The skills of social media cont… http://t.co/jQ406xr8
New Blog post: 7 Reasons to Embrace Social Media http://t.co/Ye9TeYbx
New Blog post: 7 Reasons to Embrace Social Media http://t.co/lLDfjXEz