Staff Induction Training – evaluating its effectiveness
Introduction to Induction Evaluation
Many organizations undertake induction of new staff, but how effective is that induction?
This page contains a survey which can be used by HR departments to review the effectiveness of their induction processes.
Induction Survey/ Induction Questionnaire
We hope that you found your induction programme enjoyable and obtained all the information you needed for starting work with us effectively.
If you wish to comment on your experience of the induction, please complete the survey below. We would appreciate your comments as it will allow us to improve our service to others as they join us.
Your Job Title __________
Your business email address __________
Did you look at the companies Intranet page for new starters?
Yes No
Did you find the web pages helpful?
very helpful helpful no opinion not helpful
Did you find the pages easy to navigate?
very easy, fairly easy, no opinion, not very easy
Do you have any additional comments and/or suggested improvements for the website? __________
Help Desk
Did you use the Help Desk?
Yes No
How helpful was the information you received?
very helpful, helpful, no opinion, not helpful
Were the staff able to answer your questions?
Yes, No, Partially, Not applicable
Do you have any additional comments and/or suggested improvements for the Help Desk? __________
Induction Presentations and Talks:
Corporate Induction
Did you attend the corporate Induction?
Yes No
If not, please state your reasons for not attending __________
How helpful was the corporate Induction?
very helpful, fairly helpful, no opinion, not helpful
Support Services Induction
Did you attend the Support Services Induction?
Yes, No
If not, please state your reasons for not attending __________
How helpful was the Support Services Induction?
very helpful, fairly helpful, no opinion, not helpful
Departmental Induction
Did you attend the Departmental Induction
Yes No
If not, please state your reasons for not attending __________
How helpful was the Departmental Induction?
very helpful, fairly helpful, no opinion, not helpful
In general, do you feel that you were given the right amount of information before you arrived at our company?
too much, just right, not enough
Comments __________
In general, do you feel that you were given the right amount of information during your first week at our company?
too much, just right, not enough
Comments __________
Do you have any additional comments and/or suggested improvements for the inductions? __________
Your First Week
Did you visit the central Services Centre to speak to someone in person about HR/ Payroll?
Yes No
If so, how would you rate the service you received?
very good, good, ok, poor, very poor
Do you have any additional comments about the Central Services Office? __________
To help you ‘settle in’ as quickly and comfortably as possible what additional information would have been useful in the following areas?:
• resources (what tools and training do you need to hit the ground running?), __________
• routines (which systems and regular events should you be part of?) __________ and
• relationships (who do you need to connect with?) __________
Please make any further comments about any aspect of the Induction process here.
__________ __________ __________
Innovative and Bright ideas
Do you any suggestions of ways we could improve the induction process? If so, let us know. __________
This page is provided as part of our articles service. It is provided as a structure to work from. To ensure that the process add value to you and your organisation please uise this as a framework ans adapt as required to match the services and methodology you employ.
When using this page please quote the web address, the date of access and the copyright statement.
This page is a part of our 2008 new content program. It is marked for further development – please revisit soon.
Keywords: Induction, staff induction, evaluation, CPP, assignment, management, business, resources, research, information, management development, organizational development, organisational development, change management, managing change, orientation, Induction Questionnaire, methodology, CIPD,
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