Intelligent Dressing – or how to improve your visual communications
What is Intelligent Dressing?
“Intelligent Dressing” is the science or art of using the subliminal communication that personal presentation can add to a communication between people. For years NLP has looked at the language that people use – but completely ignores the other hidden messages we transmit.
Intelligent Dressing (ID) or Neuro Sartorial Programming (NSP) – was distilled by Peter Landau – successful business man and entrepreneur.
The links below will take you to a series of articles describing Intelligent Dressing or NSP as it is sometimes known.
NSP in a business social setting
Intelligent Dressing in Interviews
Develop your people & your business
If your organisation would like to find out more about ID and how you can increase the effectiveness of your people, Peter Landau has designed a range of motivational style presentations for businesses and membership organisations.
To find out more or for a list of public presentations contact us. or visit
“Peter Landau is one of those speakers you just have to listen to.” – DS London
“A wonderful orator with humour.” – PW London
“A pleasure to listen to.” – AF Bucks
“Wonderful session – I have a meeting tomorrow I will use this, thank you” – AH London
“Gravitas, fun and practical, what more can I say?” – JR London
The terms “Intelligent Dressing” (ID) and “Neuro Sartorial Programming” (NSP) are copyright Peter Landau 1999-2007 Intelligent Dressing
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