Neuro Sartorial Programming – Intelligent Dressing
What is the relevance to success in business?
As a business adviser or consultant, one of our key roles is to build rapport and to influence or sell ideas. Many people focus on the structure of a meeting, some focus on the language to use – few think about Intelligent Dressing – or using the subconscious communications of personal presentation.
In all of our adviser training we use the work of Peter Landau to give business advisers and consultants a competitive advantage.
What is NSP?
Neuro Sartorial Programming
NSP is the science or art of using the subliminal communication that personal presentation can add to a communication between people. For years NLP has looked at the language that people use – but completely ignores the other hidden messages we transmit.
NSP or Intelligent Dressing – was distilled by Peter Landau – successful business man and entrepreneur.
In a recent presentation he said that the goal of NSP was to neutralise the prejudice that exists between people so as to improve their communication. When challenged he said that we all have prejudices – many are programmed from birth and others acquired while growing up and they become a habit – it is the smart ones among us that recognise this to be true and work on changing these mental habits. .
NSP was developed to use the subliminal messages of personal presentation to affect the subconscious behaviour of others and to win a competitive advantage.
For example one reason why most women have a LBD (little black dress) is they know that it will fit any occasion, for us in business we seem to have the belief that we leave these preferences at the barrier when we turn up to work. People are people and while we may do our utmost to treat everyone fairly the reality is that we will favour people who are like us. Much research exists on the success of recruitment and survey after survey shows that we often recruit in our likeness.
If this it true then it makes sense to use this information to influence people that we:
- Want to influence
- Need to Persuade
- Want to Sell to
Landau went on to say that many people that are effective in obtaining jobs, selling etc are so, not just because of their people skills, but because they influence subliminally as well. There are some people whose interpersonal skills are so good that they can overcome any barrier that may be there subliminally – but they are the minority.
Landau insists that his techniques are simple to learn and quick to apply.
Is this just hype?
Much of the current thinking around influence and persuasion is on language and language patterns, Landau recognises that this is part of the picture but wonders why so much emphasis has been put in this one area. He maintains that we are influenced sartorially as well. He cites evidence of first dates, ‘nights on the pull’, weddings and funerals as personal experiences when people think of what to wear and then backs these up with anecdotal evidence of success in the business world. A few in the business world that do not comply to Landau’s methods certainly have developed interpersonal skills which probable do override the visual impact – he gives Branson and Geldoff as examples of people that are successful and do not consciously use subliminal messages in the conventional way – indeed Landau even goes to suggest that Branson unconsciously uses his dress to communicate directly with the purchasing public rather than authority or to follow convention – the fact that he has done this since the very beginning shows that it is either natural or very cleverly managed.
Intelligent Dressing & NSP are copyright Peter Landau 1998-2006. For more information visit his website