RapidBI is Looking Back to School
In the last few weeks we have been approached and asked if we have a BIR suitable for the education market. One of the problems with the BIR in this context is the structure of the organisation and its relationship to its customers (the students). While the BIR will work well for the management of the education establishment, it will not be as successful at looking at teacher and student engagement. Nor will it take into account the limitations on “marketing” and communications that this sector faces.
To this end we are considering a development project to take the BIR and to adapt it to this market. For this to be effective we will need to run a small number of focus groups with senior people in schools and colleges, refine and develop new content, and then identify a number of establishments to be involved in a pilot project mid next year.
We would anticipate like the BIR that we have external feedback, in this case student & parent. These instruments would need to be developed from scratch and existing research in the field to map to the BIR/SIR
This will be a medium term project and we expect it to start in September 2010 and continue for 6 months.
If you or an establishment you are involved with are interested please get in touch through our contact form.
Please note – to be in the focus groups your establishment should be within traveling distance of London or Manchester (UK). For the pilot, if you can identify a competent consultant to facilitate the process you can be anywhere in the world.
This project will follow the principles of the BIR and our Social Economy version and not look at country specific factors, just the strategic and cultural elements of the running of the organisation itself.
Our commitment back to you
We would love to have you involved in this project. All participants will be entitled to use the SIR for life for free.
The BIR is a holistic organisational diagnostic tool, variations have proven successful with large and small organisations as well as the not-for-profit sector. We have confidence that with some minor adjustments the BIR can be adapted to fit suitably in the education/ school environment. At a time in the world when all organisations are facing economic pressures, the SIR will be in a position to help Heads/ Principles of establishments to ensure their organisations are both sustainable and high performing.
We have provisionally called the instrument the School Improvement Review – SIR, this is a working title and may change after work with the focus groups.
We look forward to hearing from you.
New Blog post: School Improvement Review – SIR: Improvement Review for Schools and Education. RapidBI are looking …
RT @Rapidbi School Improvement Review – SIR: Improvement Review for Schools and Education. RapidBI are looking to … http://bit.ly/cZLT4K