Directors briefings are for senior managers and strategic decision makers. Directors Briefings, Resources for busy professionals:Every now and again as a consultant, manager or business adviser we need to put our hands on short, accurate and trusted materials covering a wide range of topics.In a previous blog entry, I highlighted some of the fact-sheets available from the CIPD most of which are open to any web site visitor. In the same way that the CIPD fact-sheets provide HR based … [Read more...] about ICAEW Directors Briefings #Updated
Business Debt line Fact sheets
Fact Sheets The Business Debt line in the UK is a great resource to small business. They provide some excellent fact sheets as well as telephone advice and support.As well as the advice contained on this site, and the extra help available to you by phoning one of our advisers, we have also published a range of fact sheets giving you more information on different aspects of debts and arrears.All fact sheets are available for you to print off and use for future … [Read more...] about Business Debt line Fact sheets
Small Business Fact Sheets
Business Start-Up Briefing Fact Sheets There are many sites on the web that provide information for business. While doing some web searches I came across this excellent page on the ACCA website.For your convenience I include the links below to the various factsheets of interest to anyone starting, or running a small business. This information is equally valuable if you are thinking about going freelance.UPDATE - Please note this list was first collected in 2011, many may now be out of … [Read more...] about Small Business Fact Sheets