A to Z of leadership ideas
Over the past few months I have slowly been releasing an A to Z of leadership tips/ ideas/ thoughts. I have been asked a few time for that list to be published in one place. The origional source for the list is below, our role was to find the list, adapt it to the 100+ characters that twitter could handle.
A – Accessibility-find out what is really going on by getting out there to talk to everyone at every level
B – Brains-half of the brains of the world are female & brains have no colour. It’s about getting the very best person
C – Culture-culture is the way a company gets things done. If it is working, why change it?
D – Detail-never miss a thing. If you do, your customer won’t
E – Energy-leading is a 24 hour a day, seven day a week job. Get in shape
F – Failure-lose the blame culture. If you punish failure people will never have the courage to be creative
G – Goals-know what you want to achieve and how you are going toget there. Then tell everyone
H – Honesty-never lie and never bullsh*t. Not even to get yourself out of trouble. You will get rumbled
I – Instinct-trust your first instinct. You were probably right
J – Judgement-good judgement is based on good evidence. Invest your time in getting the whole picture
K – Kings-never forget, the customer is king. Without them, you do not have a business
L – Listening-clear communication means listening as well as talking. A good leader will listen more than they speak
M – Mission-make it count. A mission is a guiding set of principles which should stand the test of time and never change
N – News-tell it how it is, even if it is bad news. You will earn respect
O – Opportunities-opportunities never come along at just the right time, but when you see one, take it
P – Popularity-forget it. Leadership is not a popularity contest
Q – Questions-ask them all the time – feedback is vital
R – Recruitment-hire to your weaknesses – let someone else watch your blind side
S – Strategy-strategy is the easy bit. The tough part is execution
T – Team-no one can succeed on their own
U – Unity-to unite a team, everyone must share the same goals and values
V – Vision-champion your vision. Tell everyone who will listen, all day, every day
W – Winning-winning is addictive
X – eXtra-leading is not a 9-5 job. You have to go that extra mile every single day
Y – Yours Truly-the buck stops here. You will know when you look in the mirror whether you have done the right thing
Z – If you go to the zoo, always take something to feed the animals, It wasn’t the animals that put the signs up
I cannot claim that this list is my own – indeed it is based the work from: http://www.onleadership.co.uk/a-z-of-leadership/atoz they have some great material and great ideas.
If you have any alternatives add them here….
Useful Blog post: http://t.co/zgFz4B2o #hr
Great list "@247tweet: A to Z of leadership ;
Great list "@247tweet: A to Z of leadership ;
A to Z of leadership http://t.co/PTnjdVdA
A to Z of leadership http://t.co/PTnjdVdA
Random article from our blog- http://t.co/SPK99Zho
Useful Blog post: http://t.co/zgFDCb3i #rapidbi
Useful Blog post: #rapidbi
Interesting blog post: https://rapidbi.com/a-to-z-of-leadership/
Reading blog post: https://rapidbi.com/a-to-z-of-leadership/
RT @RapidBI A to Z of leadership
A to Z of leadership ;https://rapidbi.com/2009/12/a-to-z-of-leadership/ (via @rapidbi)
RT @rapidbi: A to Z of leadership https://rapidbi.com/2009/12/a-to-z-of-leadership/
RT @rapidbi: A to Z of leadership http://bit.ly/5vQQu3 – great list for a LdrShp101 post!
RT @247tweet: RT @rapidbi: The Complete A to Z of leadership…
RT @unltdpotential Brilliant summary of #leadership qualities! RT @rapidbi – A to Z of leadership
RT @rapidbi: A to Z of leadership https://rapidbi.com/2009/12/a-to-z-of-leadership/
RT @rapidbi – A to Z of leadership https://rapidbi.com/a-to-z-of-leadership/
@gavintkd you'll like E=Energy and getting into shape RT @garygorman RT@rapidbi A to Z of leadership:
RT @garygorman RT@rapidbi A to Z of leadership: A to Z of leadership ideas . *a great list – I like M = mission
RT@rapidbi A to Z of leadership: A to Z of leadership ideas
Over the past few months I have slowly been releasing a…