Some weeks ago I had an email asking if I would share an infographic on this blog. To be honest I was too preoccupied with moving countries to properly consider the request.
Today whilst looking through some messages I tagged I found the emails, and you know what…? The graphic contained some really interesting stuff.
Below is the infographic on leadership
Written by the team at Thales, they have published this informative infographic on leadership. They say they have gathered most of our data from a book called Leaders Eat Last which is written by the renowned author Simon Sinek.
Here are a few highlights from the infographic:
- 43% of employers rated their line manager ineffective.
- Bad management/leadership was linked to 56% of business failures
- 70% of workers are not engaged or actively disengaged in most businesses
- We happily give leaders privilege in exchange for security
The infographic contains a wealth of valuable information that took them over 50+ hours to compile.
Originally published on – Here is a link to the infographic
Over to you
What are your thoughts or comments having seen this information on leadership?
What insights on leadership has this sparked in you or your thinking?
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