Example KPIs
The example KPIs on this page are provided for educational purposes. They are not intended to be used ‘as is’ as the most effective use of a KPI is when it is aligned to the business strategy and the business plan of the organisation.
HR – Human Resourses Sample Key Performance Indicators
- New employee satisfaction rate with recruiting process
- Percentage of new employee retention after x time
- Percentage job offer acceptance rate
- Percentage of vacancies filled within x time
- Average Number of Interviews from Submitted applications/ CVs
- Recruitment source ratio – internal -v- external applicants
- Recruiting fee as percentage of annual salary
- Percentage of new employees with a recruiting fee paid
- Performance evaluation scores on hired candidates after, a given period.
- Average time that transpires from the moment a candidate is submitted to a hiring manager to receiving initial feedback from the hiring manager.
- Average cost to recruit per job position
- Average open time of job positions
- Average number of responses for open job positions
- Average number of interviewees for open job positions within a given measurement period.
- Average time to recruit
- Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews.
- Average time employees are in the same job or function.
- Percentage of new hire retention after a given period
- Ratio of internal versus external training (hours or cost)
- Employee satisfaction with training.
- ROI of training
- Percentage of Human Resources budget spent on training.
- Percentage of employees gone through training in a given period
- Average number of training hours per employee
- Average training costs per employee
Finance and business Key Performance Indicators
The list below contains factors which while important may or may not become key performance measures – it will all depend on the objectives of the organisation at a given point in time.
- Accounting costs
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Payable Turnover
- Accounts Receivable Collection Period
- Accounts Receivable Turnover
- Average value of overdue invoices
- Cash Flow Return on Investments (CFROI)
- Common Stock Equity
- Corporate credit rating
- Cost Income Ratio
- Cost per payslip issued
- Creditor days
- Creditor days
- Cumulative Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
- Cycle time for expense reimbursements
- Cycle time to perform periodic close
- Cycle time to process payroll
- Cycle time to resolve an invoice error
- Cycle time to resolve payroll errors
- Days Payable
- Debtor days
- Direct costs
- Enterprise Value / Takeover Value
- Equity ratio
- Expenses claims processed per FTE
- Fixed costs
- Gearing
- Indirect costs
- Invoicing processing costs
- Long-Term Debt
- Marginal costs
- Net Change in Cash
- Number of invoices outstanding
- Number of overdue invoices
- Other Current Liabilities
- Other Non-current Liabilities
- Payment errors as Percentage of total payroll disbursement
- Percentage of bad debts against invoiced revenue
- Percentage of electronic invoices
- Percentage of expense report exception line items
- Percentage of financial reports issued on time
- Percentage of invoices disputed
- Percentage of invoices requiring special payment
- Percentage of invoices under query
- Percentage of low value invoices
- Percentage of manual payroll payments
- Percentage of payable invoices that have not been matched to a purchase order
- Preferred Stock Equity
- Profit per customer
- Profit per employee (FTE)
- Profit per product
- Profit per project
- Receivables against Product,
- Region, Sales office
- Return on capital employed (ROCE)
- Return on Equity (ROE)
- Short-Term Debt
- Cost of payroll process as Percentage of total payroll cost
- Total Assets
- Total Current Liabilities
- Total Equity
- Total Liabilities
- Total sum of monetary value of outstanding invoices
- Total value of overdue invoices
- Variable costs
Health and Safety – Sample Key Performance Indicators
Corrective actions impacting health and Safety may be derived from various health and safety sources.
This information can provide the organisation with …
- Cost of solved safety non-conformances for the month
- Employee perception of management commitment
- Health and safety prevention costs within the month
- Lost time (in hours) due to accidents (including fatalities) per e.g. 100,000 hours worked
- Lost time (in hours) due to non-fatal accidents per e.g. 100,000 hours worked
- Number of fatalities per e.g. 100,000 hours worked
- Number of non-conformance with legal or internal standards in safety inspections
- Number of reportable accidents per e.g. 100,000 hours worked (including fatalities)
- Number of reportable non-fatal accidents per e.g. 100,000 hours worked
- Number of safety inspections for the month
- Number of solved safety non-conformances for the month
- Percentage of attendance at occupational health and safety (OHS) committee meetings
- Percentage of corrective actions closed out within specified time-frame
- Percentage of fatal accidents relative to all accidents (non-fatal and fatal) per e.g. 100,000 hours worked
- Percentage of health and safety representatives (HSR) positions filled.
- Percentage of issues raised by H&S Reps actioned
- Percentage of occupational health and safety (OHS) committee recommendations implemented
- Percentage of products/services assessed for health & safety impacts
- Percentage of significant products and services categories subject to procedures in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement
- Percentage of staff with adequate occupational health and safety (OHS) training
- Total of hours in safety and health training in the month
Environmental Key Performance Indicators
- Amount of energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvements.
- Average electrical consumption per employee or product sold
- CO2 Tonnes per employee per month
- Energy costs per unit of production
- Energy saved due to conservation & efficiency improvements
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per employee per month
- Number of paper pages used per employee per month
- Percentage of hazardous operational waste
- Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials.
- Percentage of non-hazardous operational waste
- Percentage of recycled hazardous operational waste.
- Percentage of recycled non-hazardous operational waste
- Total energy used per unit of production
- Total on-site created energy
- Total Purchased Energy per month
- Waste disposed of per amount of product manufactured
- Water use per employee per month
- Water used per amount of product manufactured
Read more about KPIs at our page on KPI’s
Key performance indicators in construction
Key performance indicators in healthcare & the NHS
Key performance indicators in housing
Key performance indicators in manufacturing
Key performance indicators in maintenance
Key performance indicators in call centres
Service level agreements can use key performance indicators as metrics
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RT @rapidbi: New article- Sample Key Performance Indicators – KPIs