How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool
In the last couple of weeks I have written a number of articles on the use of Twitter (micro-blogging platforms) which have proved of interest. Now is the time to take this further.
Before we even look at how twitter can be used for learning, training and education, we need to understand the context before the content. While at a conference this week #iitt09 I was amazed at the number of ‘trainers’ that did not appear to understand the difference between training and learning. Why do so many people seem to think that training=learning=education… no they are very different and valuable tools.
This is important as training via Twitter can be very difficult – but stimulating learning is very easy…
Two definitions – training and learning
Training is the conscious and planned process of transferring knowledge, skills and attitudes to others.
The concept of transfer here is critical, as is the element of planning.
Learning is the processing and assimilation of what we hear, see or experience that alters or improves our knowledge, skills and attitudes.
The combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes is behaviour. If someone trains us, or we learn something new or different, it is our behaviour that is affected.
If our behaviour is changed, we have learnt something.
Training is active – it is conscious and planned – it does not just happen.
Summary – Training is done TO individuals – Learning is done BY individuals
Back to micro-blogging.
Now we understand the difference between training and learning, we can start to explore the various ways that twitter and other micro-blogging platforms can give us. Twitter is a platform, not a solution. It is a way of getting information from one to many people – in many directions at once. There is no single right or wrong way to engage with the technology. It is this that is causing many barriers to people. If one of your first questions is “How can you train anyone in 140 characters” then you are in the wrong place – if your first question is “How might this technology enable me and other to learn” then you have a chance. Web 2.0 is not about “How can it…”… its is about “how can I…”. Technology like this is often a solution waiting for a problem. Much like the first PCs and desktop computers. many said that there was not a place for personal computers
Twitter is a great tool for developing, maintaining and growing communities of practice. people with a common reason to connect. the use of hash-codes (#) has been beneficial in this. Essentially you can search for these in twitter search (and other) and find people tweeting views, opinions and facts from events or about key topics. Topics that are relevant at the time.
Within certain limitations it can be used as a training tool, however it is much more powerful for the learner as a learning tool.
For me, the killer offer from twitter is the fact that it is predominately real time, here and now. Older material is on the whole ignored. As the pace of change increases faster and faster, we need to find out about solutions here and now. Twitter can do that. If we use traditional search engines the content may be 5-10 years old. The ‘trick’ to twitter is that you do not do something once – you do it several times.
Using Twitter to train English as a second language
In 2007 some research in China was carried out to look at uses of Twitter in education for the teaching of English – it was clearly a tool of value.
Other examples and applications:
Universities like Manchester are experimenting with twitter as a tool for learning
The site teaching technology has 12 tips for using twitter in the classroom
Can twitter be used in the ‘classroom’ – yes indeed. Twitter and other collaboration and communication tools – This tool, along with other classroom online tools, allows the classroom to move from being a centre of isolation to a centre of learning without walls.
Twitter in the corporate training world
Twitter has its place as a social networking and media tool, but for me it also has a unique place in training and learning:
Training – just in time tips, reminders, prompts, sparks
Learning – current thinking, current opinions, trends in a sector/ discipline, sparks
Some uses of twitter as a training tool:
- Reminders of upcoming training events
- Reminders of key learning content
- Pre-emptive help for learning a new process or procedure
- Links to articles of interest
- Seminar/classroom attendee communications sharing a relevant point of view
- Team communications allowing learners a real time archive to how the team is progressing and issues they are encountering.
For Twitter to work effectively a number of strategies need to be utilized (as the training provider):
- Repetition – key messages should be repeated regularly – people see messages here and now – not in history – Just in time stuff!
- Repetition – the same message using different words (VAK, preferences etc)
- Hash tags – an effective #tag needs to be created for each learning event or subject
- Indirect messages should support direct messages
- Use quotes to support key learning points
- Link to useful articles/ sources of information – say what the benefit is in the tweet
- Ensure that linked pages are mobile device friendly
One of the most powerful factors of twitter as a learning and training tools is its accessibility. While many organizations currently block Twitter from internal use, twitter can be easily used on almost any handheld device. This means that it can be used at almost any time in any place. Its simple text based interface means that it is cross platform and not dependant on other technology, and works equally well on a PC screen and a phone screen. This level of accessibility should not be ignored.
If you are using Twitter to point to other relevant links, make sure the link is readable by a handheld device (much like this blog), many sites are too complex or difficult to navigate on a phone or PDA.
Its simplicity and accessibility are what is making this platform successful and will maintain its success.
Please add comments here with links to other sites with good examples of how twitter (or other micro-blogging platforms) are being used in training, education or for learning.
BDS, LLC says
29/03/2012 at 12:15How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool
Trainerspace says
29/03/2012 at 08:55RT @rapidbi: How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool
Trainerspace says
29/03/2012 at 08:55RT @rapidbi: How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool
Jackie Clifford says
29/03/2012 at 08:55RT @rapidbi: How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool
Jackie Clifford says
29/03/2012 at 08:55RT @rapidbi: How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool
Alison Boyle says
29/03/2012 at 08:29RT @rapidbi: Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples
Nour Elzeny says
29/03/2012 at 08:24"@RapidBI: How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool"
Lee James Carey says
29/03/2012 at 08:24How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool
Clare Evans says
23/12/2011 at 10:29Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples | @RapidBI
Dan Bixby says
22/12/2011 at 18:32RT @RapidBI Twitter as a #training and #learning tool – some examples – says
22/12/2011 at 18:23Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples via @rapidbi
Erika Paez says
22/12/2011 at 17:34Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples via @rapidbi
Laura says
22/12/2011 at 17:20Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Carly Morgan says
22/12/2011 at 11:17I like the way @rapidbi puts social media in context of training and learning =>
TMSDI says
22/12/2011 at 11:00Is Twitter an effective tool for training and learning? – some great tips from @RapidBI
Clare Evans says
22/12/2011 at 09:33RT @rapidbi: Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Kenexa HR Institute says
22/12/2011 at 08:57RT @RapidBI: Twitter as a #training and #learning (and education) tool – some examples – #yam
Ally McCulloch says
22/12/2011 at 08:04I like the way @rapidbi puts social media in context of training and learning =>
BrainFriendlyTrainer says
22/12/2011 at 07:58I like the way @rapidbi puts social media in context of training and learning =>
Jo Langdale says
22/12/2011 at 01:00Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Yiannis Gedeon says
22/12/2011 at 00:56Congratulations for the great article! Must Read!RT @rapidbi: Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Mons†er モンスター says
22/12/2011 at 00:53Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Ian Cleverdon says
21/12/2011 at 20:34Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples via @rapidbi
Kathy Muller says
21/12/2011 at 19:00Twitter as a #training and #learning tool w/examples (via @TDMag @RapidBl)
IdeaLearning Group says
21/12/2011 at 18:26Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Perry Timms says
21/12/2011 at 18:01"@RapidBI: Twitter as a training & learning tool ; » nice blog Mike. Twitter has revolutionised my learning for sure.
Andres Pacheco L. says
21/12/2011 at 17:38"@RapidBI: Twitter as a #training and #learning tool – some examples – ; // very, very interestng analisys
T+D Magazine says
21/12/2011 at 17:18RT @RapidBI Twitter as a #training and #learning tool – some examples –
Lorna Phillipson says
21/12/2011 at 17:12Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Avason Consulting says
21/12/2011 at 16:54“@RapidBI: Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –”
If your not following have a look, great info.
debsnet says
21/12/2011 at 11:33Twitter as a training & learning tool for developing & maintaining communities of practice: by @RapidBI #edchat
Louise Cleverdon says
21/12/2011 at 11:09Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples via @rapidbi
Julian S Wood says
21/12/2011 at 10:46Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Andrew Hall says
21/12/2011 at 09:53Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Ryan Davison says
21/12/2011 at 09:45Have you thought much about #twittertraining ? @RapidBI has! Great piece!
Huw Lewis says
21/12/2011 at 08:56Good article RT @RapidBI: Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples –
Lori Salamida says
07/02/2010 at 13:16#eLrnClass: Does Twitter have promise as a corporate eLearning tool? See art. on reading list provided by Dr. N @mjnich
Carl Eidson says
30/12/2009 at 06:33@rapidbi Thanx for pointing me to "How to use Twitter as a training tool" I plan to share this with my team.
Bertrand Maltaverne says
29/12/2009 at 21:58RT @rapidbi: How to use Twitter as a training tool (good points in this article) #yam
E-Learning Council says
29/12/2009 at 21:40How to use Twitter as a training tool (good points in this article) (via @MOSTraining)
engagefirst says
29/12/2009 at 21:10RT @rapidbi: How to use Twitter as a training tool (good points in this article) (via @MOSTraining) – thanks for the RT
Donna Gilliland says
29/12/2009 at 19:37How to use Twitter as a training tool by Mike Morrison of (good points in this article)
Monica Biesebroek says
29/12/2009 at 14:41RT @rapidbi: Our article on twitter & learning made c4lpt's top 100 for this piece
tweetmeet says
01/12/2009 at 06:45RT @rapidbi: Twitter as a training and learning tool some examples (via @onion_papa) – thanks for the RT