Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers and Marketing Specialists
An invitation to join an innovative project that may take less than 30 minutes of your time and provide you with links to your site and significant promotion for you and your business, for months and years to come.
This is a no cost crowd source project
Some time ago I created a set of PowerPoint slides of a wide range of management (change, leadership etc) models, theories and ideas as a communication tool set. Over the years this has grown to 400+ models and slides. You can see small versions of many of the slides on Flickr.
The goal was to save people time in obtaining good quality, graphical models they could use with clients, in their courses etc.
Currently these are just the models with no supporting text. Increasingly I have been asked if there could be text to go with them.
Over the last few months I have set about creating a narrative/ outline of a number of those models. I have now completed over 150 of them. In a meeting with a new contact earlier this week, he said that he had some models he would like included – he saw the opportunity for additional promotion of his ideas and brand. This got me thinking about a win/win project. I could have the majority of the text completed more quickly, and others could benefit from the PR & marketing I can offer through social media, LinkedIn and my website.
Use the Crowd
This got me thinking, as I was also looking to extent the 400+ models I already have.
So the idea is simple, you share your favourite model, provide some description text, and a link to your website, and I would include it in my documents. In addition I will release each one as a blog, gaining additional readers and links for you.
There are 2 options:
1) Write about an existing model
2) Write about a model you have developed
So if you would like to take part, all you need to do is download the attached PowerPoint Template, select one of the two formats, insert your model and add the text along with any references, your website and if you want a short bio…
This will need to be done over the next 2 weeks if you want to take part…. well you had nothing planned over Easter did you?
Simple, With each page you get a mention, an active link to a site/ profile of your choice.
You will get a copy of the final version of the document, and if it is ever printed, a copy of that too
If you would like a copy of the slides to write against them please submit 2 completed pages first, then I will send you a ppt file with others for you to consider writing about, or email me with your area of interest
Next steps…
Download the Management-Model-Template to get started.
View the existing slides:
Celia Payne says
10/04/2012 at 08:01Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
jose rojas says
06/04/2012 at 20:25Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
Andi Roberts PCC CPF says
06/04/2012 at 20:16RT @rapidbi: Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
Deb Mason says
06/04/2012 at 12:34Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
David Terrar says
06/04/2012 at 06:21RT @RapidBI: New Blog post: Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers
Jennifer Taylor says
06/04/2012 at 05:04Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
Grace White says
06/04/2012 at 04:23RT @RapidBI: Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
Tamsen Garrie says
06/04/2012 at 00:04RT: @rapidbi Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers: An invitation to join an innovative …
EductorHumanResource says
05/04/2012 at 20:46New Blog post: Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers
05/04/2012 at 20:43New Blog post: Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers
Heather Townsend says
05/04/2012 at 20:37RT: @rapidbi Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers: An invitation to join an innovative …
Mike says
05/04/2012 at 20:37New Blog post: Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers
Eileen Gill says
05/04/2012 at 20:33Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
Angel Sánchez says
05/04/2012 at 20:32Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers
05/04/2012 at 20:17Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
EN/Persona says
05/04/2012 at 20:15Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers –
Sharon Gaskin says
05/04/2012 at 20:24RT@rapidbi Calling all Consultants, Trainers, Mentors, Business Advisers: An invitation to join an innovative pr…