#CIPD12 day 2
Thanks for coming back!
Yesterdays experiment with the blog worked well, and was well received. So here is to day two.
Day one was a great day, and I am sure I will write more substantial posts in the coming weeks, but for now I hope that this helps you.
Please forgive the grammar & spelling – this blog is real time!
Today’s content:
<<Please remember this was a live record>>
dealings with unions probably take 50% of my time, but they keep us honest #cipd12 – the job would be hard without them
into q&a – a great session from @D_hockaday – thanks #cipd12
they hold management meetings on station platforms! #cipd12
Visible leaders can help to engage sceptical employees – be visible naturally #cipd12
visibility of the leadership team – back to the floor – the single most effective thing #cipd12
message from #bob crow to the #cipd12 conference – he says they need HR directors to understand employees needs
constantly listen to staff and reps – that is the rols of management #cipd12 – in “peace time” build relationships
@D_hockaday talks about improved union relationships – thinks bob crow is honest and trustworthy – and has a great relationship #cipd12
managers are not there to discipline, but to encourage #cipd12
people need to understand their contributions and how it impacts #cipd12
celebrate & publicise role models/ promotions – manager 1-2-1s #cipd12 lots of extra recognitions/ rewards
employee engagement – make it easy and a good experience, people will get involved if they trust the process #cipd12
key to engagement – lots of listening, staff said that had not happened before #cipd12
Darren Hockadey – London overground. the fastest growing UK train operator
I go out of my way to avoid using the HR label – this helps share accountability and ownership
great overview of the history and challenges the team had taking on the running of a run down railway.
its the KPIs and measures that were communicated well
engagement at first was hard, but over time they have more staff on-board.
session h4 using hr leadership to unite your organisation & successful adapt to change #cipd12
if you are in a knowledge or creative sector, the social is relevant – its only manual jobs its not #cipd12 #arm
no boundaries about how long they spend on social media tools, we are only interested in outputs #cipd12 #arm
social media – you wont only have nice stuff moving in and out, accept the feedback – it needs to be honest #cipd12
don’t sack people that use social to share opinions that shows poor leadership!- only for breach of IP #cipd12
end of session -now to Q&A
social media does permeate everything we do – its not the be all & end all – experiment find out what works for you as an individual #cipd12
more controlled tools will be blown-apart by the social tools, but let people select their own channels
how many firms know of www.glassdoor.com ? its like trip-adviser for biz #cipd12 – do not bullsh1t your audience
using these tools #socialmedia , employees are better informed that the average ceo of 10 years ago #cipd12
firms will be doing much more direct recruitment through LinkedIn than ever – agencies have no role #cipd12
internally yammer is replacing email for many tech firms #cipd12
in 12 months – yammer has gone from 0-70% of employees using it – it took 3 years for wikis to be adopted #cipd12
skype & skype video is used by 60% of their staff every day #cipd12
free simple technologies are at the root of what adds valus
60% of employees are using the firms will on a daily basis #cipd12
having dialogue, discussion clarifying “what does it mean to us” ids the key return #’cipd12
non hierarchical and transparency is the key to effective internal comms – real time #cipd12
we don’t care about hierarchy or org charts #cipd12
the social network is the new org
our biggest single spend after payroll – is to provide opportunities for people to connect
definition of innovation – two old ideas being merged to make something new #cipd12
social capital – networks internal, trust share a common narrative #cipd12
hr strategy – to develop innovative and new products as we grow – to beat the slumber of large firms #cipd12
#cipd12 – hr strategy the same as marketing – connect, collaborate & create
both internally and externally with partners
Metcalfe’s law the value of the network is proportional to the square of the number of its partners #cipd12
real collaboration is about relationships
re business capitalisation, our staff are worth about £4M each – understanding the value of human capital is important #cipd12
ARM is full of the geeks, geeks, so much of what they do may not be applicable to many other firms #cipd12
2 years ago it was what could hr use social media for, now its about delivering strategy #cipd12
but social media is embryonic and we don’t really know where it is going
Bill has a twitter account but does not really use it, but does use internally based blogs, wilki, forums etc for engagement & collaboration
Wilson Wong starts the introduction od the session #cipd12
session features Bill Parsons – ARM holdings, chaired by Wilson Wong – CIPD #cipd12
Session G2 – Using social media to keep HR up to date: connecting, sharing & collaborating #cipd12
why must these schemes rely on money from gov? why not self funding, but with tax relief – funding does not work #cipd12
the motivations for central funding are flawed.
we keep hearing that the current system does not work, we need to do things differently – all I am hearing here is someone has taken a lego model apart and putting it back in a different order –
but it needs new shape blocks, not the same ones in a different order
talk of #ofstead inspecting workplaces to check the quality of apprenticeships #cipd12 – some like this idea some dont
the panel said that some consistency is required, but of course employers are more interested in outputs
but do we need old ways of governance ?
why an inspection board? why not social media?
lets start thinking of governance differently
industry needs to take ownership of talent and capabilities for the future #cipd12
we need to talk less about skills and more about capabilities
questions from the floor #cipd12
small firms need to invest & take on trainees & apprentices, not just for their biz. but the community #copd12
its part of a large firms job to help train and develop the supply chain #cipd12 #simens
its only recently that this was done in the UK, in other parts of the world they have been doing this for a long time
one in 3 people at work are truly engaged?? research yesterday put it at just over 10% ! #cipd12
time based “attendance” does not mean we are productive, we need flexible approaches, a 21st century approach #cipd12
is this session just a little too political?
think-act-report a gov initiative, more than 50 firms have signed up – great but the economy is not driven by these big firms – what about sme’s? #cipd12
MP Jo Swinson is on the stage, discussing the importance of apprentice schemes, and that the university route, is not right for everyone. #cipd12
it will be the engineers that reshape the world – but their will be a shortage #cipd12
but we need to ask why
#cipd12 on an induction the team were talking about email, but one of the young people said what?? that is so old fashion, I only use twitter
we need to build the confidence of young people, we need to do wider community #cipd12
at the same time as many people are finding they are excluded from the market place, but firms like O2, see this as an opportunity to recruit people with great attitude, that can add to the value in the near future – do not misunderstand, the firm is challenged in a challenging economic climate, but its critical for the future
young people do have tech skills in abundance, but they often lack the confidence to demonstrate this –
#cipd12 what are the skills O2 need for the future – and the senior managers of the org, just did not know, most firms do not know – many skills used today, did not exist 5 years ago. we need attitude, or state of mind
young people going for jobs need the support and feedback to help them compete #cipd12
always offer interview feedback to unsuccessful candidates = here here #cipd12
#cipd12 while we have increased apprenticeships in the UK, its a poor show compared to many other economies – employers need to step-up and take greater ownership of this issue
the game has changed
as we increasingly rely on small employers – we need to help businesses take on people to give them experience
only 1 on 4 employers will take on a first time employee #cipd12
as large firms are being replaced by small firms, many of those small firms use very different recruitment methods, much moe informal – its more about uber-local and who you know
#death of the Saturday job – its getting harder for people to get those early experiences
increasingly employers are demanding previous experience – but there is no way for young people to get this as the jobs simply do not exist in the numbers they used to
youth unemployment is not just a factor of the economy, but the jobs market as a whole, many entry level jobs just don’t exist anymore #cipd12
the older we are, the more misbehaving we are #cipd12
if you want a question answered by the panel use the #cipd12 tag, Peter Cheese will be looking at this through the session
#cipd12 Siemens are often listed as an exemplar HR/employment example, and yet they have their own issues too, as the German economy changes
How do we build skills, how and what do we do differently, as the some old solutions just wont work any more #cipd12
#ciopd12 A tease, as Peter Cheese mentions the empty chair on the podium – as he sets the scene – of the “beverage curve” around skills issues and recruitment
Transforming Organisations #cipd12 – Peter Cheese takes the stage
Keynote session- building the workforce’s of tomorrow #cipd12 #petercheese Michael Davis UKCES Ann Pickering O2, Toby Peyton-Jones Siemens Jo Swinson Dept BIS
this was a real thought leadership session #cipd12 – thanks to all the speakers
How does HR go from “back office” to front line? #cipd12
training/ education/ cipd – why?
In Deans experience, the best HR work happened when they got to meet and work with the front line to provide then with what they needed – as a result of this customer feedback improved – real bottom line results
Graham – its our fault – we have failed to provide an aligned service – we – HR have hoidden.
how do we see ourselves as central delivery and enablement agents – this means we need to understand what it means for HR professionals to be more business savvy and competent talking business – its our mindset
Tony – i sometimes think we are our own worst enemy
the only way to change the mindset – is for us to do something about it. this change may take a few years, but if we don’t start with small steps – change wont happen
we need to know HOW the business works
John – innovation its about how we position ourselves
we need to STOP thinking about our organisations as being one thing, culture or activity #cipd12
there are times and places for innovation – be realistic about what and where we need to be innovative
lets fight against the contagen of having one process across our organisations – where nothing is fit for purpose
employee engagement under massive change is a real challenge #cipd12 #publicsector
innovating in this environment is really challenging
we need to ring-fence small changes and experimentation
interesting, when we are talking about publicity sector in an international conference, can the audience understand the subtly of the messages #cipd12
in any heavily regulated environment its a challenge to get people to think innovatively and innovation. #cipd12
HR is often see and agents of the “police state”, rather than enablers
the public sector are very risk adverse – time for “risk taking” to be a core competence #cipd12
results based drivers are likely to stifle #innovation #cipd12
#cipd12 early Hr training is to blame, we were trained to think as police and process, bot business – we need to change this
is this a call for both changes to HR education AND realising that truly business focused HR is a second career after operations – not a first career role?
how do we solve this in an innovative way – things like education and programme, are indeed the language of the old – we need to experiment more – trial and error –
find an internal incubator unit that we can protect from the usual politics and barriers
with innovation, we don’t know the answers before we start – so we need to start and see where it takes us
an interesting and stimulating session, showing the business need for #innovation #cipd12 #creatrix
shows that we need to be aware of the risk of our markets, and the need to move away from control , to a business focused culture and organisation
the last thing we want is another book on the shelf, that stays on the shelf! – the irony on #innovation #cipd12
how do we get innovation at the front line of our business #cipd12
what is our role as HR in this?
we do not have the reputation of the most innovative function – why – because we have been an instrument of management – the tight parts of management
maybe we get to wear a different hat – how can we create lose orgs – creates a little chaos, how can we appreciate and value difference?
release oue oen inner innovator – and model innovation
how do you bring unlike things together? #finance #hr #cipd12 – these are things that the uni are looking to explore
how do you lead people innovatively
what do innovative people look like?
people that are creative are often “stroppy” or independent – these are the people we have spent years managing out of business
#innovation – you cannot just slim down activity, we need to think differently. collaboration – how can we bring together different perspectives #cipd12
how research gets into action is important – and something that makes a difference is #innovation #cipd12
how do you turn human assets into productive outputs?
next up Graham Abbey from bath university #cipd12
a frank, warts and all presentation – great stuff
when asked would you rather work for change – or winge – 81% replied – its hard, do I have to pick? #cipd12
re brand HR as commercially aware, savvy, and understanding the business #cipd12
give HR a PROPER license to try new things #cipd12
if we keep doing the dame things, when we come back in 12 months we will be doing the same thing
if you want to spend money in hr- go and hug/ love your FD #cipd12
build relationships – compromise – it can be win/win
if you want things to happen, it needs to be on the objectives of senior leaders #cipd12
one size does not fit all
as long as you get the same answer, how you do that does not matter
Dispel the myths of US & THEM: #cipd12
- learn from prev own goals
- take time to learn the culture
- create a movie star intranet
- spend a few quid
- get everyone together
- swap the influencers
- create cross functional times
- integration objectives on appraisals
note on mergers we actually “over took” that was an error, now we are looking to integrate. the difference in culture was not appreciated, we now have learnt from these mistakes
#cipd12 abc – alignment – best practice – conformance – the German HQ model – but does this transfer as consistent across cultural and geographical boundaries
do you know your financial key measures? other managers expect this – do HR leaders?
research why would people want to work with adidas = #cipd12
structured pay plan of growth/ rewards
then show a plan of where I will be in 5 years
wanted to see a CSR strategy
these were students from the LSE
biz & employees -#cipd12
- create a working environment
- instill a performance culture
- elevate the brand to become employer of choice
each country has a different culture – this is a challenge for change
#adidas, are now trying to move quickly from wholesaler to retailer, change driven by external effects #cipd12
Adidas – a tough economic environment esp now jjb are in administration 25% of turnover! #cipd12
Tony Cook takes to the stage – an ex apprentice pro footballer, now HR director – Everton, when he supported Liverpool #cipd12 #adidas
reducing headcount is not the solution #cipd12
working collaboratively with our customers – in our case the public
for example last winter, rather than run lots of gritting machines, the resources were made available to local residents for them to help themselves – empowerment and enablement
take part and take PRIDE – org values #cipd12
- partnership
- respect
- innovation
- diversity
- empowerment
inter-organisational co-operation works best when you start small, just a few relationships – its all about trust – start small – and grow when appropriate –
public sector have not been used to a commercial approach, in the past quality & value for money were key drivers #cipd12
now about “good enough” services, & creative ways of delivering
you cannot reduce 28% change by thinning out – innovative change is the only solution #cipd12
we have made lots of mistakes, but have learnt on the journey
First up is Dean Shoesmith – Sutton & Merton #publicsector:
context – since 2008, innovation in the sector has been increasingly important
HR has been a leaders of change in the sector – goal to reduce spend by 28%
each presenter will share what they are doing that is innovative and why its relevant to HR #cipd 12
#cipd12 John McGurk sets the scene – innovation is a key issue for #hr going forward. This is a panel session, so I will do my best to rightly attribute comments
session features dean Shoesmith – London Boroughs of Sutton & merton – Tim Cooke of Adidas – chaired by John McGurk #cipd12
Session F3 – networking across Boundaries, collaboration, knowledge sharing driving innovation #cipd12
One of the great features of the #cipd12 exhibition space is he places & seats for networking & free wifi
The exhibition doors open early for conference attendees but few of the stands are ready for engaging #cipd12
weeLearning (@weelearning) says
08/11/2012 at 10:09@RapidBI more experience than you or just different experience than you?
Mike Barr (@maxnrgmike) says
07/11/2012 at 17:33@RapidBI #cipd12 So wasting 50% of your productive time with unions is a great way to run your biz? Sounds like theyre running it.
Jennifer Brick (@jennifer_brick) says
07/11/2012 at 17:26@RapidBI So simple and so true.
Graham Hudson (@townfan1) says
07/11/2012 at 17:25@RapidBI Remember to gain commitment and advocacy you must invest before you can expect dividends. Applies to customers AND staff
Ed Guiness (@KiwiCoder) says
07/11/2012 at 14:26@RapidBI That is one problem I’m trying to fix with http://t.co/psJIUvMh.
TopEditor Internatio (@TopEditorInt) says
07/11/2012 at 14:20@RapidBI Absolutely correct! Only the real chickenshit employers & agencies don’t do so. Why? There’s something dishonest/unethical afoot.
Paul Slatter (@paulgslatter) says
07/11/2012 at 12:28‘We need to STOP thinking or organisations as being one thing, culture or activity’ @RapidBI < Absolutely key insight!