Delivering an excellent solution be it for business improvement or organizational development is not just about having an excellent intervention. It is about having an intervention or change plan which is:
- Linked to the business goal and plan
- Linked to the current and desired culture of the organization
Often interventions and improvement projects fail due to:
- Activities not linked to organizational objectives
- No overall strategy for corporate development
- Time pressures on managers
- Process not managed
- Managers lack appropriate skills
- Staff resent the process (been there and it did not work last time)
- Focus on the individual not the business/ organization as a whole
- Too backward looking
Prior to any intervention we need to undertake an effective and holistic review to identify appropriate needs and priorities.
The Rapid Business Improvement process uses an organizational needs analysis tool (BIR), designed to quickly capture the current performance of the organization and help you identify high impact business improvements.
- Capture a snapshot of the business
- Contrast the perception of stakeholders
- Identify priorities
- Determine improvement action
The outcomes of any effective diagnosis process should provide:
- An agenda to discuss (not just off the shelf solutions with little or no ownership)
- Data based upon the perceptions of the various stakeholders involved (inc: Board, management team, staff, customers and suppliers)
- Differences in perceptions across groups & between managers
- A comparison of current versus desired state
- A modular approach to meet the customers immediate and medium term objectives
- Outputs which have face validity with all users
- Based on a change management philospopy for increased engagement
Useful Blog post: #rapidbi
Interesting article:
Excellence in organizational development and diagnostics
Useful entry from our site-
Useful entry from our site-
Useful Blog post: #biz
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Reading article:
RT @rapidbi: New Management,Leadership ; Business Articles-Excellence in Organizational Development and Diagnostics #lt
RT @rapidbi: Excellence in Organizational Development and Diagnostics: Delivering an excellent solution i..
RT @rapidbi Excellence in Organizational Development and Diagnostics: Delivering an excellent solution …