The sneaky psychology of advertising is all around us, but are we aware? We all experience it everyday, but do we really appreciate just how easily we are swayed and influenced in our opinions.
For example – what company do you associate with which of these logo colours?
Stop and think for a moment…..The answer is at the bottom of this article.
But before you scroll down… whoops too late for many of you, have a look at this info first:
But of course none of us are influenced to do things we would not otherwise chose to do now are we…?
Beans Meanz ……actually no it doesn’t!
A *** a day helps you work rest and play…. or does it?
Of course there are just “safe” associations aren’t they…;)
How are you using influence?
How are you using influence in internal and external communications?
Is it scientific and planned or adhoc?
Is it as effective as it could be?
Are you learning and adapting from the best?
Answers to the logo colours above – UPS, Cadburys, Starbucks
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