The sneaky psychology of advertising is all around us, but are we aware? We all experience it everyday, but do we really appreciate just how easily we are swayed and influenced in our opinions.For example - what company do you associate with which of these logo colours? Stop and think for a moment.....The answer is at the bottom of this article.But before you scroll down... whoops too late for many of you, have a look at this info first:Answer: But of course none … [Read more...] about The sneaky psychology of influence selling and advertising
It’s not what is in front of you.. but what you see
It's not what is in front of you.. but what you see The amazing colour changing card trick Have a look at this great card illusion. What do you notice about the cards?It's an interesting demonstration of us seeing what we want to see...In your business, what do you see? do you see what you expect to see or what you don't expect to see?Updated June 2016 to a new video as the old one was removed … [Read more...] about It’s not what is in front of you.. but what you see
Intelligent dressing
Came across this site - Intelligent Dressing where the author highlights ways of influencing clients before we even talk to them.Some interesting ideas.It works on the principle that people buy people and we tend to associate with people that like and behave in the way that we do.Have a read and let me know your thoughts. … [Read more...] about Intelligent dressing
Five Ways to Engage the Unconscious Mind
Here are five of the more compelling ways to do engage people.Use them for web, course notes, marketing and other collateral. Use sex, food, or danger 1. Use sex, food, or danger. The unconscious mind pays attention to the possibility of sex, to food, and to danger. If you use any of these triggers at a web site then the unconscious pays attention. So show a picture of a good looking man and/or woman with a flirtatious look in their eyes, or a full colour picture of luscious food, or a … [Read more...] about Five Ways to Engage the Unconscious Mind