Top tips for Effective Time Management
Time management is a strange concept, we all have 24hours or 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds in a day and we cannot change or manage that. What we can do is manage the activities or tasks that we undertake and manage the efficiency with which we approach or deal with these tasks. The feeling that you are organized is certainly exhilarating and you have the courage to take up every challenge in your life. When you are organized you will start respecting yourself more and in this approach you not only respect your time, you also value and respect other people’s precious time.
Effective Time management is not something that you can start in full swing in just a single day. This process will certainly take up a lot of your concentration and focus and it is something which you can build slowly. You cannot think of suddenly getting organized in a day’s time wherein which you have led a very chaotic life in all the past years. Time management in a true essence needs to be inculcated in your daily life slowly and steadily.
One can only “master” or be an effective time manager when we have clear goals for work, family, career, and health etc. Without clarity of goals and focus, effective time management can only ever be an unachievable dream.
Top Time management Tips:
Adopting the below-mentioned 25 tips will certainly help you in your attempt to move in the direction of effective time-management:
- Reward Yourself – Remember to reward your successes even if it is a small one as that will give you motivation to strive more
- Always learn to do first things first. This is one of the golden rules of time management
- Prioritize – The famous Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto had coined the 80-20 rule which points to the fact that 80 percent of the reward comes from just 20 percent of efforts. When we decide to prioritize it helps us to isolate and identify the precious 20 percent and thus we will be able to concentrate on those items which are sure to fetch you the highest rewards in the future. Also, you can flag items with a deadline so that you can stick to your priorities in a timely manner
- Indulge in intelligent neglect – Trivial tasks should be eliminated especially those which do not have any long-term significance. Work to trim your To Do list which will help you on a daily basis
- Develop positive attitude towards life – You need to move in a positive direction. Always remind yourself that there is time for important things in your life. You have to make yourself realize that if it is important then you can definitely set out time for the same. A positive outset will certainly help you in this approach
- Believe that wasting time is a sin – When you waste your time, it means you not only respect yourself but you do not even respect other’s time. As it has been always said, Time is precious
- Invest Time Planning and Organizing – Time which is spent to think and plan is time which is well-spent. Failure to plan adequately will eventually lead to failure and disorganization. Always organize in such a way which is convenient for you to follow, so always organize in your own way
- Enjoy your work – There is no point in indulging in work or studies in which you don’t like. The important part is to generate interest in your work and studies and to find an enjoyable way of doing the same so that you can achieve your goal in a focused manner
- Set your Goals – Goals help you to give a direction in your life and also helps you to spend your time constructively. It is the sense of goals which offers creative people a sense of direction
- Find free time in your schedule – You can never be so busy that 24 hours is not enough for you. Look for free time so that you can utilize it to the maximum. There is no point in wasting time
- Revise goals on a regular basis – Priorities and goals change over a period of time and thus it is important to revise your goals probably on a monthly basis so you can assess the direction in which you are going
- Use a paper calendar – This will aid you in jotting down things which is significant to you. Make sure that you review this every week and update the same accordingly
- Think tactfully at the end of the day – Utilize 30 minutes at the end of your day to plan the next day so that you can be ahead of your plan when you start your new day
- Use reminders and alarms – Long term goals should be kept in mind and thus reminders should be used at suitable times so that these goals are not forgotten
- Anticipate ahead of time – Browse through your schedule so that you can perform careful analysis of your duties and responsibilities
- Use a To Do list – To Do list is a very helpful thing and is certainly going to help you in the long run. You can make a To Do list at the end of your day for the next day or at the beginning of a day
- Be Flexible – Flexibility is the need of life and being flexible allows room for things which crop up at the last minute. A tight schedule will pull you in different directions especially when you are faced with interruptions or disruptions
- Take into consideration your biological prime time – This is the time of the day when you can work the maximum. Some people are ‘morning people’ while others are the ‘night owl’ kinds. Once you understand which is the best time when your productivity is at its highest; then you can easily schedule your work accordingly
- Focus first on effectiveness and then concentrate on efficiency
- Eliminate the Urgent – Urgent tasks are associated with only short term gains, while important tasks are related to long-term, positive consequences. Try to reduce the urgent tasks as much as possible. You can achieve this by flagging items on your To Do list which is more important than the rest
- Avoid seeking perfectionism – Only your God is perfect and trying to be a perfectionist is just another way of making your life miserable. Don’t do it!
- Conquer Procrastination – It is better to divide your large tasks into smaller ones so that you do not lose the continuity of your work
- Learn to Say ‘No’ – We find it hard to say ‘No’ which ultimately leads to bigger mess. It is necessary that you say ‘No’ to the unimportant things which are being assigned to you
- Avoid multitasking if you are inexperienced at it – Multitasking especially with the most important tasks may sometimes lead to wastage of time and shall even result in double work
- Apt Delegation of work – Learn to delegate work based on your priority especially when the deadline is quite short.
Being lazy makes you lose most of your precious time and thus your tasks get pended over the period of time. Always remember that time lost can never be retrieved back and the one that respects time can always proceed in life along with time.
How are you using your 86400 seconds or 1440 minutes each day? Are they enabling you to live the life you desire.
Remember – When you are organized you will start respecting yourself more and in this approach you not only respect your time, you also value and respect other people’s precious time.
Effective time management is about planning and prioritising tasks, and only doing those that directly or indirectly contribute to your desired goals. In order to plan we must have crystal clear goals and objectives, fully understanding what is expected of us.
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Top tips for Effective Time Management
Top tips for Effective Time Management