How to write a blog – getting motivated to write
How to write a blog is continued from a recent post “How to write a blog – length and regularity”, this piece looks at how to write. Using this approach it will be easier to write well and regularly!
The author Rachel Aaron (The Spirit Thief) on her blog introduced a concept for professional writers to increase their writing rate. Whilst this is not important for “business” bloggers (internal or external), the tool she introduces is helpful to resistant writers. This tools is called “The triangle of writing metrics”, the name of which is in itself a potential barrier to people writing, but its message is clear.
The triangle of writing metrics
Exploring each of these elements in turn
Knowledge, or Know What You’re Writing Before You Write It
What is it you want to say? What do you want people to know or do as a result of reading your blog. Before you begin, dedicate five minutes and write out a quick description of what you are going to write. This doesn’t have to be a paragraph, just a list of key points. The summary of your key points could even be your blog title!
Simple when you think about it, but few writers of any form clarify this before they start, then wonder why they hate the process.
Time – where and when
When is best to write, mornings, afternoons, evenings. How long do you need. Do you need people around you for inspiration, or do you need to be disturbance free? Sometimes taking your laptop to a place without internet connectivity to reduce possible distractions can provide a productive environment. With a little practice, writing 250-500 words can take less than 30 minutes.
Enthusiasm – for the topic or content or purpose
This is key. If you are not passionate or enthused about the topic, writing becomes difficult and often painful. Understand why you are writing. Your passion may be for the message as much as the content.
You have 2 choices to blog pain free and productively:
1) Change topic and write about something that you are passionate about
2) Find something in what you have to write about that does “light your fire”. Any small factor and focus on that.
The more you believe in the importance of what it is you need to communicate; it will be both easier and quicker to write. You may even end up writing more than you intended (as long as it is on topic!)
What motivates you to write a blog?
What stops you from writing a blog?
Blogs both internally and externally are becoming increasingly important. As a technical specialist, change manager or leader, having blogging as a communications skill is increasingly important. Getting motivated to write and keep a blog is a valuable skill, learning how to write a blog takes time and practise.
How to write a blog – getting motivated to write – Continued from a recent post “How to write a blog … http://t.co/0yPHwJuxGJ
RT @RapidBI: How to write a blog – getting motivated to write – http://t.co/yx9hifb495 http://t.co/zSucGIbaH3
RT: @rapidbi How to write a blog – getting motivated to write: Continued from a recent post “How to write a bl… http://t.co/1dee3wvGHQ
RT@rapidbi How to write a blog – getting motivated to write: Continued from a recent post “How to write a blog… http://t.co/Mu2mYRlPyU