Leadership models and theories are tools that help to shape the way we think, manage and run our organisations.This is an old page, maintained for reasons of continuity, please visit our updated page here Leadership models and theories are tools that help to shape the way we think, manage and run our organisations.This page lists some of those leadership models found to be of value by the team at RapidBI. This is a historical page - our updated page can be found … [Read more...] about Leadership models
But it’s only 40 slides – a common training mistake
In business it is not only training team members that develop training materials, but local experts and specialists.Often I hear a subject specialist say things like "we need to educate users to do things differently, it wont take long, it is only 40 slides"On its own 40 slides as a framework is not significant, but we need to look at things from the learners perspective.When using a slide deck it is not unreasonable to expect each slide to take 1 to 2 minutes to explain. So a 40 … [Read more...] about But it’s only 40 slides – a common training mistake
New Management/ Leadership & Coaching Models
More... more... you wanted more so here they come... Thanks to the success of our 100 management models, RapidBI is proud to announce the launch of set #2 - another 100+ management models. Again in a simple graphical form you can use in your presentations and training courses.As 2010 is almost upon us the old set have been updated and refined. A new cleaner style has been developed by one of our designers.The new set contains more models covering:Management Leadership … [Read more...] about New Management/ Leadership & Coaching Models