Human Resources TNA Template
The seventh in our series of Training Needs Analysis templates is for our own part of the organization. We are often overlooked, so here is a template to get you thinking.
Training Needs Analysis
Identifying Needs in a Human Relations (HR) Department
The training needs analysis is used by any legitimate organization to determine areas of job performance in which an employee needs training. The survey or assessment pinpoints the skills that the employee needs in a particular job. It helps the company increase the skill level of all its workers and helps the customers or clients leave with a smile and a feeling that they have been well taken care of.
Participants only answer questions in Part II, Part III, and the Nos. 1-3 in Part IV.
Part I Importance of the Training/ Development Intervention
Sponsor: _______________________ Date ______________________
Context of Request: [ ] Organizational [ ] New Initiative [ ] Management request
[choose one & give _________________________________________________________
details] _________________________________________________________
Organization’s Objective/Goal: _________________________________________________
Part II Target Participants
Name ______________________ Current job position ________________________
Instruction: Tick mark on the most appropriate box.
1. Current Job Responsibility: [ ] Administrative Assistant
[ ] Receptionist
[ ] Recruitment Specialist
[ ] Others (specify) _________________
2. Department you work in: [ ] Projects Department
[ ] Operations Department
[ ] Personnel Department
[ ] Others (specify)_________________
3. Educational Background [ ] Degree in Business Administration
[ ] Degree in Psychology
[ ] Diploma in Human Relations
[ ] CIPD entry qualification
[ ] Full CIPD award
[ ] Others (specify)_________________
4. Current Skills Possessed [ ] Respect for Privacy
[ ] Interpersonal Skills
[ ] Tolerance
[ ] Communication Skills
[ ] Others (specify) __________________
5. Skills Needed: (check the skills [ ] Literacy skills
training which will be required [ ] Voice and diction
in your job in the future) [ ] Reward management skills
[ ] Organizational development
[ ] Others (specify) ___________________
Part III Target Skills and Training Needs
(The skills with the most checked “little knowledge” or “zero knowledge” will be recorded as a target skill.)
Excellent Adequate Little Zero
Expert Know- Know- Know- Know-
ledge ledge ledge ledge
Empathy, Sympathy, Pity [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Tactful Attitude [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Fair Conduct [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Goodwill Ambassador [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Good Example [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Efficiency Expert [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Observer of Authority [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Good Manners [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Telephone Efficiency [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Greeting Visitors [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Part IV Project Planning
1. Schedule of the proposed training: [ ] Weekend [ ] Weekdays
[ ] Other timing (specify) ________________
2. Venue of the proposed training: [ ] Organization’s Training Center
[ ] Out-of-town Venue
[ ] Off-campus Venue
3. Conducting the training: [ ] On-the-job learning [ ] Workshop
[ ] Others (specify) _____________________
4. Estimated Budget: ________________________________________________________
5. Required Personnel or Resources: ____________________________________________
6. Estimated Completion Date: _______________________________________________
Part VI Conclusion
Without a skilled set of employees business offices cannot function. The skill levels of all employees in the human relations department of any organization, be it a hotel, hospital, and a modern office, help businesses expand. The completed skills training program will improve the performance of the employees and create and maintain positive relationships with all other departments of the company.
Can the workshop/training address the identified skill needs? What else can this training address? _______________________________________________________________
TNA Template Guide
Part I- Importance of the Training
- Sponsor: The sponsor may be an executive of the company who supervises majority of the employees, or a training officer from the Personnel or Training Department whose job is to monitor the performance level of the company’s employees.
- Date: The date when the request was put forth.
- Context of Request (Tick only 1 of the boxes): Tick [√] Organizational if the condition calls for a refresher or review of the present skills of the employees within the organization; [√] New Initiative if the staff need to learn a new skill such as a new software that is applicable to a specific department; and [√] Management request if management initiates the upgrading of the present employees’ skills.
- Details: (i.e., organizational) the request has been initiated to upgrade the present skills of the employees, particularly the front desk staff
- Organization’s Objective/Goal: The training needs analysis (TNA) survey aims to discover and provide detailed information about the amount of knowledge, expertise and skill of the employees on the presence of a good human relations program in the organization.
Part II Target Participants
6. Name Participant’s name
7. Current job position
8. Check the appropriate box for Nos. 1 to 5.
9. Check the skills training that you need in your current job and will be needed for future promotion.
Part III Target Skills and Training Needs. Check the skills training (all that apply) which are required in your job but you are not competent. The skills checked with the most “little knowledge” or “zero knowledge” will be recorded as a target skill.
Part IV Project Planning
The timing, venue and manner of conducting the training could be answered by the training assessor or by the participants if the company allows them to give their opinions.
Estimated Budget will be given by Personnel Department upon approval of the training.
Required Personnel or Resources: A trainer or speaker, or resource person, and one or two assistants.
Estimated Completion Date: State when the training will be concluded; if in batches, state how many days will be needed to complete the batches.
Part V Conclusion
(It is suggested that the conclusion reiterates the benefits that will be derived from the skills training.
New Blog post: Training Needs Analysis for HR Professionals – Sample Template