Training Needs Analysis – Identifying Needs in Commercial Sales
Another free template for conducting a training needs analysis (TNA).
Commercial Sales Employees:
The training needs analysis is used by any organization to determine areas of job performance in which an employee needs training. The survey or assessment pinpoints the skills that the employee needs in a particular job or role. It aims at expanding the commercial skills of your sales team. Through training the sales team becomes more aware of the company’s efforts to maximize revenues, reduce overhead costs, and actively support their sales colleagues.
Participants only answer questions in Part II, Part III, and the Nos. 1-3 in Part IV.
Part I Importance of the Training
Sponsor: _______________________ Date ______________________
Context of Request: [ ] Organizational [ ] New Initiative [ ] Management request
[choose one & give _________________________________________________________
details] _________________________________________________________
Organization’s Objective/Goal: _________________________________________________
Part II Target Participants
Name ______________________ Current job position ________________________
Instruction: Tick mark on the most appropriate box.
1. Current Job Responsibility: [ ] Sales Executive
[ ] Accounting Staff
[ ] Retail Administrator
[ ] Others (specify) _________________
2. Department you work in: [ ] Marketing Department
[ ] Sales Department
[ ] Accounting Department
[ ] Others (specify)_________________
3. Educational Background [ ] Degree in Business Administration
[ ] Degree in Accounting
[ ] Diploma in Commercial Education
[ ] Others (specify)_________________
4. Current Skills Possessed [ ] Self organization and motivation
[ ] Identifying selling opportunities
[ ] Call planning and priority setting
[ ] Communication Skills
[ ] Others (specify) __________________
5. Skills Needed: (check the skills [ ] Questioning and listening skills training which will be required [ ] Understanding buyer types
in your job in the future) [ ] Handling objections
[ ] Gaining commitment
[ ] Others (specify)__________________
Part III Target Skills and Training Needs
(The skills with the most checked “minimal knowledge” or “no knowledge” will be recorded as a target skill.)
High Adequate Minimal No
Expert Know- Know- Know- Know-
ledge ledge ledge ledge
Presentation / Demonstration skills [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Discovering business needs [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Negotiating skills [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Building trust [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Power of silence [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Effective sale closing [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Adopting strategic approach [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Customer buying analysis [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Customer relationship [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
How to resist ‘more for free’ requests [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Part IV Project Planning
1. When will the training be conducted? [ ] Weekend [ ] Weekdays
[ ] Other timing (specify) ________________
2. Where will the training be held? [ ] Organization’s Training Center
[ ] Out-of-town Venue
[ ] Off-site Venue
3. How will the new knowledge be imparted? [ ] On-the-job learning [ ] Workshop
[ ] Others (specify) _____________________
4. Estimated Budget: ________________________________________________________
5. Required Personnel or Resources: ____________________________________________
6. Estimated Completion Date: _______________________________________________
Part VI Conclusion
Without a skilled set of employees business offices cannot function. The skill levels of all employees in the sales department of any organization help businesses grow. The completed skills training program improves the performance of the employees and create and maintain positive relationships with all other departments of the company.
Can the workshop/training address the identified skill needs? What else can this training address?
Deb Mason says
20/02/2012 at 09:15Training Needs Analysis Template for Commercial Sales Teams
Mike D Morrison says
20/02/2012 at 09:14Training Needs Analysis Template for Commercial Sales Teams
Mike says
28/09/2010 at 10:10New Blog post: Training Needs Analysis Template for Commercial Sales Teams