50 Tips for Using Twitter as a Marketing Tool
Twitter is the communication tool of the moment. In 2008 if you had asked anyone about Twitter they would have thought that you were a bit of a geek – now many people are using it for social, learning and business purposes.
Twitter is a powerful way to hear about the ‘hear and now’ thoughts on a key topic – not just from people you know or follow you – but from anyone interested in the topic – all in 140 character bite sizes pieces.
Twitter can be a powerful part of your marketing strategy, and while it may take some time investment initially, the rewards can be significant.
Twitter for business
When using Twitter for business purposes always have two accounts – one for personal use and one for business use. It is important to keep the business one ‘human’ rather than just ‘push’ sales messages and links.
For Twitter to ‘work’ for you, below are some ‘rules’ or netiquette to follow, the key is to develop a style of your own. Please don’t expect quick results, building trust and relationships takes tenacity and time. Using Twitter must be seen as a medium to long term strategy.
50 top tips for using twitter as a marketing vehicle:
1) Add value – share interesting or useful info, blogs (others as well as your own) etc
2) Always respond to peoples @messages
3) Avoid political, religious and other subjects which people will find offencive
4) Big followers – does not mean many listeners – the RTs (Re-Tweets) tell that story
5) Change your BIO regularly
6) Don’t expect Twitter to deliver revenue alone, it is only ONE element of the strategy
7) Even an attentive follower won’t read all your messages, so send key messages again a few days apart
8) Follow people who are in your field or area of interest
9) Follow the advice of people that have demonstrated competence – not think they know how to…
10) Follow-Friday (#ff) send a message saying why people should follow them
11) Getting followers is not a right its a privilege
12) Give – don’t take
13) Have an avatar (picture) of your face or company logo
14) Help promote the dreams of other people, and they may return the favour
15) If someone RT re-Tweets a message – send them a thank you
16) If you are going to auto Direct Message (DM) only send a welcome message
17) If you post info of any kind, leave plenty of room for re-tweeting (i.e. your message should be less that 120 characters)
18) In marketing messages use appropriate keywords
19) Its not the number of followers but the number of Re-Tweets you get
20) Limit what you automate
21) Make sure your BIO is up to date and human
22) NEVER DM a request to follow you on another social networking site ie FaceBook
23) NEVER DM or tweet a MLM (Multi Level Marketing or affiliate) program
24) NEVER DM or tweet a traffic follower program
25) NEVER sign up to any of the Twitter ad services-it undermines your position
26) NEVER tweet when drunk, under the influence OR angry
27) Occasionally ask people to RT a post, if you ask every time they wont
28) Only directly promote your services less than once every 10-20 tweets
29) ONLY use a DM for personal messages or if you must to welcome a follower
30) Open up a bit.ly account for short URLs
31) Please report (@spam) unfollow & Block Twitter Spammers
32) Rerunning tweets occasionally is a good idea
33) Set your wallpaper (background) to promote your message – you can have this branded like your web site
34) Share thoughts and links from others (RT)
35) Thank people who re-tweet you. Either DM, @ reply, or re-tweet something of theirs
36) Treat followers with respect & courtesy & every now & then thank them
37) Tweet real stuff – highs and lows
38) Tweet regularly – at least 4 times a day
39) Tweet to show you are human
40) Tweet to show you are more than a marketing machine
41) Twitter is not an IM service-keep private discussions short
42) Use a # in front of #keywords – it helps people track useful information
43) Use favourites to save and show brand/product testimonials
44) Use travel time to tweet and read tweets on smart-phones
45) Use twitpic or other photo services occasionally
46) Use Twitter to meet up with your new contacts (Tweet-ups)
47) Want more followers? Re-tweet the good stuff you find
48) When you have over 100 friends use Tweetdeck or Seesmic to help you to manage
49) Work on building a relationship-not pushing message to people
50) You don’t have to follow everyone, only those of interest
Above all have fun and share the learning
Remember Twitter is about engaging with people – if they ask – answer…
51) Ask questions too – you will be amazed at the response you can get – great market research – just don’t do it too often
52) NEVER promote a blog or product in a DM – keep this for a welcome (if you have to) or personal communications only
Twitter tips, great tips, power tips, business tips, ideas, thoughts, learning tool, change tool, communications tool, communications strategy, 100, 25, 10
RT @247tweet 50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business http://t.co/xMofafM9 | #socialmedia
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – #article http://t.co/seS5Ypgh
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – #article http://t.co/seS5Ypgh
Useful Blog post: http://t.co/bvK3xLl6 #hr
Useful Blog post: http://t.co/bvK85lm0 #hr
Useful Blog post: http://t.co/bvK85lm0 #rapidbi
Historical post from our site- http://t.co/gK0XLd6j
50 tips and ideas for using Twitter in business http://t.co/juyc9Rm7
RT @Beverly_Davis 50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – #smallbusiness http://t.co/l9CqfLgX
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/mdU45upt
RT @RapidBI: 50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/gWuErXFl: RT @RapidBI: 50 Tips for Using Twitte… http://t.co/gXmZKUki
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/mdU45upt
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/tmUyXWdh #smallbusiness
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/tmUyXWdh #smallbusiness
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/Gtz97bhv
RT @RapidBI: 50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/AthEPezw: RT @RapidBI: 50 Tips for Using Twitte…
50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/Gtz97bhv
“@RapidBI: 50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/yspA7rHR”
RT @RapidBI: 50 Tips for Using Twitter in Business – http://t.co/KEZ9zl9F
Featured post from my site- https://rapidbi.com/50-tips-for-using-twitter-in-business/
Selected entry from our blog- https://rapidbi.com/50-tips-for-using-twitter-in-business/
Historical entry from our site- https://rapidbi.com/50-tips-for-using-twitter-in-business/
Check out this article on twitter: just great !
50 tips for using Twitter in business STRISCIANOTIZIA.COM
RT @rapidbi: Blog article: 50 tips for using Twitter in business
RT @rapidbi: Blog article: 50 tips for using Twitter in business : RT @rapidbi: Blog articl..
RT @rapidbi: Blog article: 50 tips for using Twitter in business
50 tips for using Twitter in business By rapidbi #TwitterTips #Business: 50 tips for using ..
50 tips for using Twitter in business By rapidbi #TwitterTips #Business: 50 tips for using ..
50 tips for using Twitter in business By rapidbi #TwitterTips #Business: 50 tips for using ..