Are our managers leaking talent, or retaining it?
While responding to a question on a network group I belong to about employee motivation and engagement, I recalled some research about the fact that people left bosses not their jobs.
Then I came across a recently published piece of research carried out by a the Florida State University that clearly suggests employees leave their bosses not their jobs.
Matching employees to managers is an element of recruitment which is rarely done (except at some very senior posts), we seem to focus on job competency, when we all know that it is attitude and behaviour that is the difference that makes the difference.
The study at Florida conducted by FSU professor Wayne Hochwarter and two doctoral students – Paul Harvey and Jason Stoner – shows that 40% of employees work for bad bosses based on survey results.
- 23% said their supervisor blamed other to cover up personal mistakes or minimise embarrassment
- 24% indicated their boss invaded their privacy
- 27% report their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers
- 31% said their supervisor gave them the “silent treatment” during the past year
- 37% indicated their supervisor failed to give credit when due
- 39% of workers said their supervisor failed to keep promises
Read the FSU research summary here.
How many good people have you lost through having a poor manager?
While writing this piece, it reminded me of the situation with my wife and here employer, great people, she loves the job, but the manager is proving that she cannot manager and is undermining the business (a small medical practice) with her poor decision making abilities and thinking. Had it not been for a family illness and bereavement she would have changed employers by now.
How much is employee turnover costing you and your business?
1. Total Work force x % of Exempt Employees ___________
2. Multiply answer to #1 x your turnover % ___________
3. Multiply answer to #2 x average salary ___________
4. Add to your final answer some of the potential costs from demographic changes.
Our company turnover cost ___________
Had enough? Maybe it’s time to get serious about reducing turnover in your company!
How many people do you have that at the first opportunity will leave. In HR and management we say our people are our most valuable asset, but do we manage and take care of therm as though they are?
Other research on why people leave:
Harvard Research
An insightful blog article on engagement
Want to take action to prevent this from happening in your firm? have a look at our EESS a cost effective employee survey that you can run yourself – and benchmark progress too!
theLBSS says
29/06/2012 at 03:45Useful Blog post: #hr
theLBSS says
13/02/2012 at 04:30Useful Blog post: #rapidbi
theLBSS says
22/12/2011 at 14:40Useful Blog post: #rapidbi
Mike says
30/09/2011 at 11:55Reading article:
Flavia Rossi Donovan says
09/05/2011 at 10:05RT @RapidBI: Helpful-Historical article from my site- please RT
Mike Morrison says
09/05/2011 at 09:10Helpful-Historical article from my site- please RT
Mike says
24/10/2010 at 14:00Interesting article:
Mike Whitehead says
15/08/2010 at 11:54RT @RapidBI: Historical post from our blog-
Trevor Nagle says
27/12/2009 at 13:47Employees leave bosses, not jobs. in#
HireBetter® says
04/12/2009 at 02:00RT @rapidbi: Employees leave their boss not their job!
Julie Kay JKLD says
03/12/2009 at 23:01RT @rapidbi: Employees leave their boss not their job! so make sure you're a good boss!
Zach (Lionheart)Caan says
03/12/2009 at 22:39RT @rapidbi: Employees leave their boss not their job!
elisatron says
03/12/2009 at 22:16RT @247tweet: rapidbi: Employees leave their boss not their job!
Fred Haladay says
03/12/2009 at 18:19RT @rapidbi: Employees leave their boss not their job!
JaneDedekUK says
03/12/2009 at 18:09Food for thought: Where are your leaks? RT @rapidbi: Employees leave their boss not their job
Trevor Nagle says
03/12/2009 at 18:03RT @rapidbi: Employees leave their boss not their job!
Martin SEM says
01/12/2009 at 12:50Employees leave their boss, not their job (via @rapidbi)
Thierry Briers says
30/11/2009 at 20:01RT @richardsedley: Employees leave their boss, not their job #engagement (via @rapidbi)
Richard Sedley says
30/11/2009 at 18:54Employees leave their boss, not their job #engagement (via @rapidbi)
Heather Stagl says
29/11/2009 at 13:08Thank you for sharing the interesting statistics from the FSU study.
I think if we dig a little deeper, we would find that the real reason people leave bosses is because it is difficult to discuss these things with our bosses and address our perceptions and experiences head-on. It’s so difficult that we’d rather just find a new job than have an honest conversation that might illuminate one or the both of us and improve the relationship.