Simple Management StepsIn difficult times all managers are challenged with keeping staff engaged and morale high (or even up!). "Boosters" are activities that can have short term but duplicable results in lifting morale in individuals and teams. Morale boosters can take the form of recognition, compensation or special perks or privileges. Here are 10 no or low cost morale boosters to get you started: Ideas - Employee morale often improves when staff feel they are valued and … [Read more...] about 10 No or Low Cost Employee Morale Boosters
Balance in the Nine Box Grid for Talent Management
Removing Line Manager Blocks to Encourage Talent ManagementIts not all about people that are identified as being in the top right of a model. Talent is required at all levels and for all jobs. If all a business employed were high fliers then staff turnover would be unsustainable. True talent management is about harnessing and utilising what we have.The nine box grid is a valuable and yet simple tool in the planning and management of people talent in any organisation. Its simplicity is … [Read more...] about Balance in the Nine Box Grid for Talent Management
Team Leader Mentoring (Management Mentoring)
Using Mentoring to Effectively Develop Team Leaders Team leader and middle management mentoring is rapidly becoming the “must have” in replacing conventional and costly internal training programmes.With the changing economic climate presenting new challenges every day, many middle managers lack the skills and experience to make informed decisions. Worse – much of the management development over the past 10 years has focused on systems and growth, not survival and sustainability, certainly … [Read more...] about Team Leader Mentoring (Management Mentoring)
Friday Fun – Employee Retention, People stay for the people they work with #407 #ff
It is said that in Employee Retention, People stay for the people they work with. A little something before the weekend: Friday Fun - Office humour, cartoon - Retention, people stay with bad jobs because the value their colleagues #407 #ffYou know, This work is misery, but I really like the people I work with. This cartoon has been produced by Jon Carter with thanks … [Read more...] about Friday Fun – Employee Retention, People stay for the people they work with #407 #ff
Employee Retention & Alumni Solutions for talent management programmes
Lots of organizations run leadership, talent and graduate development programmes. How can we increase the opportunity of employee retention after participation in a development programme? many provide a 1 year development programmes and wonder why people leave the organization 2-5 years later.The following was recently asked on a social group: Hi Everyone,I was wondering if anyone has any experience with setting up an Alumni Strategy for employees who complete any type of talent … [Read more...] about Employee Retention & Alumni Solutions for talent management programmes
Nine Box Grids for Talent Management
Tool for identifying & retaining key talent in organizations - 9 box grid Background to the Nine Box Grid The nine box grid or matrix, is believed to have originated within McKinsey to assess different business units and to prioritise the investment in individuals. This was developed for GE in the late 1960s and 1970s to enable them assess the potential of individuals in its business and prioritize their investment and overall strategy. It is claimed that it is based on the Boston … [Read more...] about Nine Box Grids for Talent Management
Employees leave their boss not their job!
Are our managers leaking talent, or retaining it? While responding to a question on a network group I belong to about employee motivation and engagement, I recalled some research about the fact that people left bosses not their jobs.Then I came across a recently published piece of research carried out by a the Florida State University that clearly suggests employees leave their bosses not their jobs.Matching employees to managers is an element of recruitment which is rarely done (except at … [Read more...] about Employees leave their boss not their job!
When interviewing goes beyond HR and the Line Manager
Many organizations are starting to explore a new approach to improving retention through participative selection. There is a belief that when staff are involved in the recruitment decision they are more likely to support the new staff member, and as a consequence retention is improved.Many local authorities have been doing this for some time with mixed results. For the process to be meaningful (and legal) each person must be selected or rejected on defined criteria. This makes employee … [Read more...] about When interviewing goes beyond HR and the Line Manager
Recruiting and engaging volunteers what is your strategy
Recruiting and engaging volunteers is one thing, but how do you retain them once they are through the door and completed basic training? Having a wide diversity of volunteers brings a community and richness that adds value beyond words.For organisations that rely on volunteers, recruiting and engaging those volunteers becomes a key performance indicator for that 'business'. I say business because any organisation set up to provide services must be solvent, and that means making a profit or … [Read more...] about Recruiting and engaging volunteers what is your strategy
Counter-offer to a resigning employee? Human Capital, Talent & Retention
Counter-offer to a resigning employee?In our previous post (maintaining performance during notice periods) we explored the issues of the psychology of change. These looked at the value of retaining people throughout their notice.This and psychological state is valid when an employee has an offer and tenders their resignation, and we consider offering a counter-offer to keep this talent.Counter-offers fall under the same category although many may not see it this way.When an … [Read more...] about Counter-offer to a resigning employee? Human Capital, Talent & Retention
5 Reasons Why Talent Leave our Businesses
5 Reasons Why Talent Leaves Businesses Retaining talented people is an important role of both line management and human resources. There are without doubt 100s of excuses people give when leaving a company, especially in "exit interviews".Exit interviews are great for the business and HR, but lets get real - most employees do not want to risk their reference on saying the boss was an idiot, or that it was a controlling environment and that the style of management actually stopped people … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Why Talent Leave our Businesses