Who are your "Thought Leaders"? .. but before any of us can answer that we need to know What or who is a thought leader?According to the great research "god" Wikipedia:The term was coined in 1994 by Joel Kurtzman, editor-in-chief of the Booz Allen Hamilton magazine, Strategy & Business. "Thought leader" was used to designate interview subjects for that magazine who had business ideas that merited attention The definition I prefer comes from Forbes: "It's a truism that … [Read more...] about Who are your Thought Leaders?
How Small Businesses REALLY spend their money
How Small Businesses REALLY spend their money While looking at habits and buying patterns of business people I came across this small piece of research looking at the spending habits of small business owners - 1-5 employees.Again this is US in origin, but it does show some insights. If meals and entertainment are worth up to 12% of turnover, but marketing is only worth 1% - they tells us something about attitudes to spending ON the business rather than IN the business.For those of us … [Read more...] about How Small Businesses REALLY spend their money
Social Media – its not about you – the #1 mistake many corporates make
Social Media - it's not about you - the #1 mistake many corporates make This past week has been an interesting one for me on twitter, and it has led me to a realisation of where many in social media go wrong.The week started for me last week (I know it sounds mad) - in that I had a major series of problem from a supplier. I had already been in discussions with their social media team about the appalling levels of customer service their call centres made, along with multiple "school boy" … [Read more...] about Social Media – its not about you – the #1 mistake many corporates make
Are you or might you be subject to IR35? as contractor or employer
Are you or might you be subject to IR35? as contractor or employer There are an increasingly number of people working as consultants and contractors that purport to be self employed. But are you really?In the UK, the HMRC has a number of checks which is often used to confirm a persons employment status. These have recently been changed.The neat graphic below, has all the questions and the likely outcome.If you employ "freelancers" you may want to check this to see if your … [Read more...] about Are you or might you be subject to IR35? as contractor or employer
If twitter were just 100 people
If twitter were just 100 people This is an interesting way of looking at your twitter followers.So in reality less than 5% of your followers add anything to your message by re-tweeting to significant numbers. We need to find and delete the "dead" 20It's the 20% towards the right (ignoring the "loud mouths" we need to influenceWhat do you make of this data?Check out our data visualization blog. Source - unknown … [Read more...] about If twitter were just 100 people
Leadership through the ages
Leadership through the ages We all know that managing and leading businesses of today is different from 20+ years ago. But how is it different?This interesting graphic helps to show the focus of some of those key differences. Leadership and modern management and business thinking is very much a fashion. Trends come and go. There are some classical approaches which sit there constantly. The goal for all leadership development professionals is to recognise what is a trend, and what are "core" … [Read more...] about Leadership through the ages
Its not going to happen here! – change management psychology
It's not going to happen here! - change management psychologyChange management psychology - Death, Taxes and change - some say are the only consistants in lifeSome people love and welcome change - not all change - but a partuicular change at a particular point in time. The change may be instigated by our partner, boss, peers, suppliers, technology etc. These are all factors of change management psychology. Having the skills to effectively manage the effects of change management should be … [Read more...] about Its not going to happen here! – change management psychology
Jam tomorrow, or jam today? – What is the budget?
Jam tomorrow, or Jam today?"I'm sure I'll take you with pleasure!" the Queen said. "Two pence a week, and jam every other day." Alice couldn't help laughing, as she said, "I don't want you to hire ME - and I don't care for jam." "It's very good jam," said the Queen. "Well, I don't want any TO-DAY, at any rate." "You couldn't have it if you DID want it," the Queen said. "The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday - but never jam to-day." "It MUST come sometimes to 'jam to-day'," … [Read more...] about Jam tomorrow, or jam today? – What is the budget?
Gamification in business – the war on leadership and talent
Gamification in business - the war on leadership and talent Gamification - It's here, its there its everywhere - are you taking part? Do you even know its a game?What am I talking about? Gamification - turning potentially mundain tasks into game activities, where "points make prizes"In the business world this has been happening for years under the guise of Management By Objectives (MBO) and bonuses. Set a target, when people reach it - reward them. Social Media … [Read more...] about Gamification in business – the war on leadership and talent
The secret to social networking & social media = sharing
The secret to social networking & social media During a conversation with a respected colleague (an individual I met through a very niche business group), we were talking about social media and what made it work.What was interesting was exploring what some considered to be "best practice" and others dismissed as laziness.What was though in some quarters as being "best practice" includes:Creating unique content Creating or initiating discussionAnd the following was … [Read more...] about The secret to social networking & social media = sharing
Leadership – what you want & what you get
Leadership - what you want and what you get Whilst looking for some information on international leadership, I came across this data from KellyOCG.What I found interesting is that often you hear complaints about the leadership in the UK or the US not being "up to standard". In this survey, interestingly the UK & US are not in the top "dissatisfied" areas.But what is worrying is the fact that less than half of employees feel inspired by their boss to do their best. 29% say their … [Read more...] about Leadership – what you want & what you get
HR Metrics #hr #shrm #cipd
HR metrics For human resource departments and professionals around the world, one of the most often talked about topics is HR metrics of success. Measures that the function can use to demonstrate to the business leaders that they are not only adding value, but strategic in nature. This is as true for HR departments as it is any other function in a business. Often these are called Critical success factors or key performance indicatorsOn the surface this may appear to be an easy thing to … [Read more...] about HR Metrics #hr #shrm #cipd
HR must embrace social media & technologies #HR #CIPD
HR must embrace social media & technologies Technology and the ability for people to connect and communicate is occurring at an ever faster rate. No longer are the news channels the first to have the "news", it is now more often to be people "on the ground" using their twitter,instagram, pinterest or googleplus accounts to communicate with their network.This morning I saw the images of the mars lander on social media before the BBC. The BBC mentioned the landing, but it took them … [Read more...] about HR must embrace social media & technologies #HR #CIPD
Organizational Behaviour – a summary of its constituent parts #HR
Organizational Behaviour - a summary of its constituent parts Often we hear the terms "organizational behaviour" or "organizational development" but what does it really mean?Today I came across this very simple diagram highlighting some of the key points of organizational behaviour.I think the graphic outlines many of the "whats", but misses out on the "how" and "why"What do you think? Browse more Business infographics. Source: … [Read more...] about Organizational Behaviour – a summary of its constituent parts #HR
The Outrageously Simple Visual – Guide To Goal Setting
The Outrageously Simple Visual - Guide To Goal Setting Goal setting is one of those things that many of us talk about, and yet few can do consistently well.Whilst searching for some information for a workshop I came across this powerful graphic. It does not use the SMART objective format (yet this could be incorporated), but it is nonetheless a simple framework/ process to guide managers and others when setting goals.What do you think? Is this over simplifying the process? … [Read more...] about The Outrageously Simple Visual – Guide To Goal Setting
Are the #Olympics killing freedom of speech in the UK #2012
Are the #Olympics killing freedom of speech in the UK We are now less than a week away from the start of the greatest sporting event on the planet, but at what cost?It seems that Lord Coe is dictating what visitors to events are wearing, and what products they can have with them.This week i heard that one of the emergency services during a PR photography session even had staff take off watches and belts that showed logos/ brands that were not official sponsors, and because BMW are an … [Read more...] about Are the #Olympics killing freedom of speech in the UK #2012
How to lose 60 years of clients income #descrimination #charity
How to lose up to 50 years of clients income Yesterday evening I had an interesting doorstep experience.The doorbell rang and my 18yr old daughter answered the door.The young (?student?) collector/ agent was wearing a tabard of a well known national charity and asked if anyone in the house was available over the age of 26.At this point my daughter called me, and the agent started to espouse the values and importance of this particular charity.When I stopped him in mid flow, and … [Read more...] about How to lose 60 years of clients income #descrimination #charity
Trainers & Presenters mind your visuals
Trainers & Presenters mind your visuals As communicators, those of us that use visuals of any form as part of our training or presentations, do we really understand the science behind what we are doing?Do we ensure that the visual cues we give are coherent with what we are saying, avoiding slight anomalies which may dramatically change the communication?This effect is called the McGurk effect.The McGurk effect (named after Harry McGurk of McGurk & McDonald, 1976) is a … [Read more...] about Trainers & Presenters mind your visuals
It’s not what is in front of you.. but what you see
It's not what is in front of you.. but what you see The amazing colour changing card trick Have a look at this great card illusion. What do you notice about the cards?It's an interesting demonstration of us seeing what we want to see...In your business, what do you see? do you see what you expect to see or what you don't expect to see?Updated June 2016 to a new video as the old one was removed … [Read more...] about It’s not what is in front of you.. but what you see
10 easy steps to grow your business (for freelance workers)
10 easy steps to grow your business (for freelance workers)With more and more people starting their own businesses, its becoming increasingly important for us all to focus on growing and developing our business.Here are ten simple steps to do this.1) Make sure you have a CLEAR proposition - what do you do and for who - & if you walked up to people in the street and told them would they understand what you are talking about?2) Have a web and social media presence - regular, … [Read more...] about 10 easy steps to grow your business (for freelance workers)