A time and a place for the brainstorm Brainstorming often gets a bad press, with the popular belief being that it fosters groupthink and generally hinders the creative process. New research shines a new light on the value of brainstorming however, especially a bit later in the creative process when ideas have already been generated.The study, conducted by Nicholas Kohn and colleagues focused on the process of combining ideas that have already been generated. In this context the traditional … [Read more...] about A time and a place for brainstorming techniques
Brainstorming technique for innovation, creativity and problem solving – a business strategy
Introduction to Brainstorming Brainstorming as an approach or technique can be an effective way of generating many ideas on a specific issue which can then be filtered and reviewed to determine which idea or approach is the most appropriate.Brainstorming as a technique is most effective with groups of between 8 and 12 people performed in a relaxed environment. History of Brainstorming Brainstorming is a technique often used by groups, but can be done alone (although this is not as … [Read more...] about Brainstorming technique for innovation, creativity and problem solving – a business strategy