Written Goals study, or is it studies? Many have reported that writing your goals down is sound and researched proof that you will be more successful and make more money. It must be true as it is often being quoted as coming from Yale or Harvard Business Schools. But alas this is fake news. 3% of Harvard MBAs Make Ten Times as Much as the Other 97% Combined ..or... Why 3% of Yale MBAs Make Ten Times as Much as the Other 97% CombinedOr so the written goal study story goes regarding personal … [Read more...] about Harvard Yale Written Goals Study – fact or fiction? #fakenews alert #management #leadership #selfdevelopment
HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword
Introduction to One Word HR Trends SurveyWhat is the One word HR trends survey 2016? Early in 2015 we ran a simple survey among HR professionals. They were given 10 topics and asked for one word which represented there understanding or meaning for that word or phrase. This produced some interesting results. So twelve months on I thought we could repeat the process. The results are fascinating. In the first survey we had just over 500 responses, in this later version we had just under 400 … [Read more...] about HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword