An Overview of Organizational Leadership and Management David S. Walonick, Ph.D.PowerThe quest for power has dominated human history. One of the earliest works on the management of power was written by Niccolo Machiavelli, a political advisor to nobles during the early sixteenth century. In The Prince, Machiavelli laid out a set of principles that would help the nobles maintain their leadership and control over the populous. A few of the most important of Machiavelli's assertions are: · It … [Read more...] about An Overview of Organizational Leadership and Management – Walonick
What is Workplace Anxiety and How to Overcome It
Living at the dawn of the second decade of the 21st century may be a pretty challenging experience. That’s because of the complexity that affects the modern lifestyle. It can also be dreadful. Workplace anxiety is a quite striking symptom of such an unpleasant experience and one that has major consequences on both individuals and organisations It could be a paradox. Here’s why: Though workplace anxiety is a term we all understand (when we hear about it), it is not considered a … [Read more...] about What is Workplace Anxiety and How to Overcome It
Blogs do they work for you
Web 2.0 and all that it means… blogs, twitter, interaction etc but what does it mean?Humans are social animals, we need to be part of a social group, a hierarchy. With the demise of the extended family, the nuclear family and more and more isolation perhaps it was inevitable that we will need to find a ‘new social group’.It is curious that over the past 15 years membership of voluntary organisations has changed. We no longer go to the ‘clubs’ that we once did to feel part of some … [Read more...] about Blogs do they work for you
July 7 Bombings 2005-One Ambulance Volunteers Reflections 10 Yrs On
Not my usual blog - July 7 Bombings 2005 - 2015 a VERY personal reflection.Two weeks ago I received an email asking if I would be prepared to produce a case study in case the press wanted the views of a volunteer as the ten year anniversary for 7/7 (July 7 Bombings in London) approached. This caused me to reflect as to what I would, and would not share about that day. It was tough on many, many levels.The agreed output from that discussion is published in full below. Then a few days … [Read more...] about July 7 Bombings 2005-One Ambulance Volunteers Reflections 10 Yrs On
The Cost of Stress
The Cost of StressDid you know that in 2011, sickness absence due to stress cost organisations an average of £673 per employee per year? Indirect costs have been estimated as twice the amount of direct costs, so the total business cost per employee is nearer £2,000 per year.The 2011 CIPD/Simply Health Annual Absence Management Report shows Stress as the most common cause of long-term sickness absence for the first time. Workplace stress affects over 400,000 people a year, which can be … [Read more...] about The Cost of Stress