As our organizations change and adapt so must the people running them - our managers and leaders. In the past, many organizations have neglected to develop and train this group, letting most find their own way to their own unique management or leadership style.The best organizations know that consistency is the name of the game for continued success. At the same time there has been much debate about methodologies - to train or to develop; to feed or to grow.I would define the difference … [Read more...] about Management and leadership skills: What is the difference?
Organizational Development & Organizational Effectiveness
OD Culture and needs assessment What is Organizational Development?Organization Development (OD) is a complex strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, culture and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges. Organizational Development methods are employed to improve Organizational Effectiveness (OE).Performance improvement is a key reason for implementing organizational development tools and methods.Or in simple … [Read more...] about Organizational Development & Organizational Effectiveness