Identifying Management & Leadership Needs The sixth in our series of sample templates of Training Needs Analysis templates - this one for looking at management and leadership skills.TRAINING NEEDS ASSESSMENT - For Management And Leadership IntroductionAn organization is basically constructed for a purpose. Business is (usually) to make profit; education is to touch the heart and teach the minds of its students, health care is to take care of the wellness of its patients, etc. These … [Read more...] about Sample template for Training Needs Analysis – Management & Leadership
Competencies – are they dead? Or are we ignoring the true 3 core competencies?
Competencies – are they dead? Are competencies and how HR (and managers/ professional bodies) often relate to them irrelevant in today's business world? Do we actively ignore true core competencies?I was at a training workshop recently, and the trainer was talking about competencies. He was talking about the fact that the core competencies had changed in that profession. That new course materials were being developed all the time to ensure. We see this is every profession and industry. … [Read more...] about Competencies – are they dead? Or are we ignoring the true 3 core competencies?
Developing entrepreneurial skills into business people
HAVE-DO-BE or DO-BE-HAVE?In business we often hear terms like ‘business person’ or ‘entrepreneur’, but what do they mean and can we train these skills. Let’s look at what these terms mean before we explore any route to development:Business person “a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)”Entrepreneur “An individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business … [Read more...] about Developing entrepreneurial skills into business people
Management and leadership skills: What is the difference?
As our organizations change and adapt so must the people running them - our managers and leaders. In the past, many organizations have neglected to develop and train this group, letting most find their own way to their own unique management or leadership style.The best organizations know that consistency is the name of the game for continued success. At the same time there has been much debate about methodologies - to train or to develop; to feed or to grow.I would define the difference … [Read more...] about Management and leadership skills: What is the difference?
They’ll Eat Out of Your Hand – Book Review #Leadership
They'll Eat Out of Your Hand If You Know What to Feed Them, is a new book by Dr. Laura Hills This book looks at what the author says are the "30 Essential Communication Skills that Give Highly Successful Career Professionals Their Edge". Split in to six parts, following a 6 point communications mode, Hills provides a well documented journey for developing professionals. Taking a holistic approach Hills takes the reader on a journey through not just one area of communications skills, but and … [Read more...] about They’ll Eat Out of Your Hand – Book Review #Leadership
Lessons in delegation for leaders from using twitter, a form of collaboration
Can we really learn leadership lessons from twitter? I believe so, and have spent the last 5 years learning a lot from twitter, but today it hit home that one of the hidden skills that can be learnt is the black art of delegation. Yes you read that correctly... delegation. How? Let me start with my short journey to this conclusion today. As many of you will know, in June I ceased being an active consultant with RapidBI and have taken a full time project role with a major global logistics … [Read more...] about Lessons in delegation for leaders from using twitter, a form of collaboration
Jam tomorrow, or jam today? – What is the budget?
Jam tomorrow, or Jam today?"I'm sure I'll take you with pleasure!" the Queen said. "Two pence a week, and jam every other day." Alice couldn't help laughing, as she said, "I don't want you to hire ME - and I don't care for jam." "It's very good jam," said the Queen. "Well, I don't want any TO-DAY, at any rate." "You couldn't have it if you DID want it," the Queen said. "The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday - but never jam to-day." "It MUST come sometimes to 'jam to-day'," … [Read more...] about Jam tomorrow, or jam today? – What is the budget?
Skills and competencies needs in HR to survive in tough economic climates
As the business world gets tough - so does the working environment for HR professionals. In a recent poll () members of the institute answered questions regarding the competencies believed to be most important to establishing the effectiveness and credibility of the HR function in the organisation.The following results were identified as the priorities for HR professionals:Skill/ Competence: ResultEffective management of change 46Strategic thinking 44Business … [Read more...] about Skills and competencies needs in HR to survive in tough economic climates