We cannot ignore the need for 2020 Leadership in our organizations. I have seen many discussions on HR and training forums about the needs of leaders and managers. These talk about leadership development and talent. As a result of my research recently, I have noticed that practitioners often talk about the contents of training. The style of the delivery. And importantly how cheap and quick we do this.Ignoring the fact that you cannot have high quality training that is quick and cheap. (I … [Read more...] about 2020 leadership – 4 steps to sustainable success for organizations
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business NeedsSarah Mellor - John Lewis PartnershipJo Kelly - WaitroseEloise McNeile & Lucero Tagle - GoogleChaired by Peter Cheese - CEO CIPDPeter Cheese sets the scene on one of the most popular session at this years CIPD L&D conference. We are now in a VUCA world. agility, adaptability and resilience is increasingly important. In order to support businesses in this context, L&D will be pivotal to … [Read more...] about Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Driving Change and Customer Benefit through Strategic L&D #CIPDldShow
The session was led by Ruth Stuart - CIPD Research Adviser Robert Ashcroft - Senior L&D Manager Santander UKRuth Stuart got the session off by asking the participants what we thought the "purpose of L&D is?" (L&D = Learning and Development - or "training" in old money)The 2015 CIPD survey reported that the purpose is about: "improving individual and organisational performance through developing employee capability" There are some key external drivers that were identified … [Read more...] about Driving Change and Customer Benefit through Strategic L&D #CIPDldShow