Sales Learning & Development, is it a "thing"? In the past, there has been recognition for trainers working in IT, Health & Safety and general soft skills. This week I was introduced to the world of sales training (Through Sales Learning and Development Conference), and it's one to watch.A few months ago a twitter connection Alex Moyle contacted me. He asked if I had come across the National Sales Conference before. He then mentioned a side conference called Sales Learning and … [Read more...] about A new place to learn for learning & Development people in business #SLD17 Sales Learning & Development
7 steps to maximise your sales effectiveness #NSC17
Today is day one of the national Sales Conference 2017. The first session was called 7 steps to maximise your sales effectiveness. This was led by Andy HanselmanAndy outlined several factors in the sales process, and mostly based his presentation on the following 7 steps.:Step 1 - choose 'em or lose 'emstep 2 - Make sure you are getting enoughStep 3 - Be preparedStep 4 - Build trust, rapport and credibilityStep 5 - Finding needs, solving problems and selling … [Read more...] about 7 steps to maximise your sales effectiveness #NSC17
Can professionals learn at conferences and exhibitions? #sld17 #hrblog
For many sectors, autumn and winter are peek exhibition and conference season. But is it all about sales or can we learn from these too? Can professionals learn at conferences or they just a waste of time?In almost every sector there is a relevant trade show and conference. Trade Exhibitions Often these exhibitions are free to attend. But the cost is to have people try to sell to us as visitors. Well, the good ones do. The bad ones just sit or stand and seem to avoid eye contact at all … [Read more...] about Can professionals learn at conferences and exhibitions? #sld17 #hrblog
Reflections on the Annual CIPD conference #cipdace17 on HR topics #hrblogs
For those of you that follow me on twitter, it will be no surprise that I have been at the #cipdace17 conference this week. What is the CIPD annual conference? The CIPD is a UK based professional membership body for people involved in Human Resources, Organisational Development & Learning & Development. It has two national conferences, this one is more focused on general HR & OD. It currently takes place in Manchester UK each autumn. Key learning from #cipdace17 The conference is … [Read more...] about Reflections on the Annual CIPD conference #cipdace17 on HR topics #hrblogs
Learning at conferences & exhibitions – why people fail to benefit #cipdace17 #hrblog What will I learn at the conference?
As I sit on the train going to what is potentially is one of the best general learning events of the year, I started thinking about what I learnt and did differently since last year. What will I learn at the conference? #cipdace17 (to see a list of the free learning sessions click here)Since then I have been on several substantial training courses building up my awareness in a range of different areas. But what did I learn last year? What have I done with that learning? What will I learn … [Read more...] about Learning at conferences & exhibitions – why people fail to benefit #cipdace17 #hrblog What will I learn at the conference?
A skinny video review of the #cipdLDshow 2017 with Martin Couzins & Mike Morrison
The 2017 CIPD Learning and Development show (CIPDLDSHOW) at Olympia started much like many others. Only this time there were significant queues waiting to get in at the start time. Everyone was greeted by probably the happiest being in the building:Yes full blown bag searches and a "meet and greet" by a sniffer dog". Not sure why HR people would be at a risk. No metal detectors - so anyone wanting to .... well lets just leave that there!Over the years more and more people blog and … [Read more...] about A skinny video review of the #cipdLDshow 2017 with Martin Couzins & Mike Morrison
#cipdace16 – some of our summaries from sessions
CIPDACE16 - the CIPD annual conference. In recent years Martin Couzins and I have been producing some summary videos - here are the ones from the CIPDs annual conference and exhibition in Manchester 2016 CIPD ACE chat #1 Margaret Heffernan Mike Morrison and Martin Couzins reflect on the opening keynote of the CIPD conference 2016CIPD chat #2 Diversity and innovationMike Morrison reflects on the diversity and innovation … [Read more...] about #cipdace16 – some of our summaries from sessions
Infographics and facts from #HRSS16 and #RECEX16 Olympia @cleanviz @cipd
Having spend 2 days at Olympia, here is my roundup of facts and mini-infographics that were created and posted on the day.Graphics created by @cleanviz, @cipd @martincouzins or @rapidbiWhere it all began - The West Hall Olympia Not sure who this troublesome 2 are! The @CIPD social media gurus Stocking up ready for the main event! The headline dataThe graphics In no particular order … [Read more...] about Infographics and facts from #HRSS16 and #RECEX16 Olympia @cleanviz @cipd
Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
This week we have been that the HR Software show and Recruitment Exhibition run by the CIPD. These are exhibitions that provide showcases for people looking to buy enterprise HR software and to recruit people into their organisations.The HR Software Show is a well-established event, which has been running for over 15 years. It helps hundreds of HR professionals make important purchase decisions every year. It can help you to Upgrade your HR strategy with the latest software … [Read more...] about Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
Green Bean bag thoughts #cipdLDshow 2016 @martincouzins @rapidbi #cipd
Each year the CIPD hold an annual conference and exhibition looking at the world of Learning and Development. This show is known as the CIPDLDShow (or HRD if you are old enough!).Followers of this blog would have seen several entry's over the years. This year as well as a few blogs and individual videos here are some collaboration reflections.The conference takes place at Olympia in West London. It's a 2 day conference and exhibition.Mike Morrison and Martin Couzins review … [Read more...] about Green Bean bag thoughts #cipdLDshow 2016 @martincouzins @rapidbi #cipd
attendance, absence, presenteeism and big data #cipd15
Just because someone is at their desk, does not mean they are adding value!In Manchester this week is the annual conference of the CIPD, the annual gathering of professionals working in Human Resources (HR). A theme running through several of the sessions this year is the challenge of businesses and organisations to connect, engage and motivate their people.In the past many organisations have put in place systems to manage and reduce absence at work. In fact this very week several … [Read more...] about attendance, absence, presenteeism and big data #cipd15
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business NeedsSarah Mellor - John Lewis PartnershipJo Kelly - WaitroseEloise McNeile & Lucero Tagle - GoogleChaired by Peter Cheese - CEO CIPDPeter Cheese sets the scene on one of the most popular session at this years CIPD L&D conference. We are now in a VUCA world. agility, adaptability and resilience is increasingly important. In order to support businesses in this context, L&D will be pivotal to … [Read more...] about Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Driving Change and Customer Benefit through Strategic L&D #CIPDldShow
The session was led by Ruth Stuart - CIPD Research Adviser Robert Ashcroft - Senior L&D Manager Santander UKRuth Stuart got the session off by asking the participants what we thought the "purpose of L&D is?" (L&D = Learning and Development - or "training" in old money)The 2015 CIPD survey reported that the purpose is about: "improving individual and organisational performance through developing employee capability" There are some key external drivers that were identified … [Read more...] about Driving Change and Customer Benefit through Strategic L&D #CIPDldShow
#cipd14 Give and take
A revolutionary approach to successAdam Grant - University of PennsylvaniaAuthor of Give and Take The book on AmazonThis is types live, please excuse any typos!chaired by Peter Cheesethis is an opportunity for us to reflect as individuals and in our organisations. Adam - why is there paranoia in our organisations.Reciprocity StylesTakers.....Givers....givers provide their knowledge. we want to add valuemost of us reserve giving as we know … [Read more...] about #cipd14 Give and take
#cipd14 Curing business complacency
Creating hunger in paradise with Rasmus Ankersenstory - he went for dinner with 3 nokia employees - but each had iphones in their pockets...not nokia phoneshow could the same people that took nokia to success, be the same people that took the company to failureThe e-test - draw an E on your forehead tracking talent is hard - we think success is a direct line, it is not, it is messy and unpredictable.what is a winner... "a loser who has evaluated himself"when you … [Read more...] about #cipd14 Curing business complacency
#cipd14 The science of happiness
Motivating and inspiring teams and organisationsThis session ia led by Stephanie Davies of LaughologyThis blog is types live, please excuse any errors or typos! Stephanie has lit the room with an energy level of 11 out of 10!but the participants are still in sleep mode!... but they are slowly waking uphow do we help ourselves in difficult situations?positive psychology is a tool set to enable us to be proactive rather than reactive.what is laughter... what is … [Read more...] about #cipd14 The science of happiness
Future of work #cipd14
Watch the video... … [Read more...] about Future of work #cipd14
Gaining greater impact by understanding behavioural science #cipd14
Reframing HR – changing the game of HR #cipd14
#CIPD14 Being Brilliant Everyday – Developing Leadership