Lack of Clarity Misleads Others Earlier this week Tesco Mobile (a division of the UK's largest retailer published a "Top 100 Inventions In History". The survey asked 4,000 people to compile a list of the 100 most important inventions in history. The results are a not too surprising collection of both inventions, innovations and adaptations. A shame as this will only lead to further "educate" the public into believing that innovation and invention are the same.In the research, The Telephone … [Read more...] about Innovation and Invention… get confused again
What is the IDEO Deep-Dive™ Brainstorming technique?
Deep-Dive™ is the name of a technique used to rapidly immerse a group or team into a situation for problem-solving or idea creation. This approach is often used for brainstorming product or process development. History of Deep Dive Originally developed by the IDEO group (a learning design company) for rapid product development, the Deep-Dive technique is now widely and increasingly used for innovation not only in product development but process improvement and customer service strategies. The … [Read more...] about What is the IDEO Deep-Dive™ Brainstorming technique?
Introduction to Knowledge – Understanding – Action The RapidBI approach to Change
Introduction to KUA™ Knowledge -> Understanding -> ActionKnowledge leads to Understanding which can be applied into effective Actionis the process and principles that RapidBI base all of our programs, products and development upon.We recommend that when starting any OD or change intervention that you follow this simple, yet effective process:KNOWLEDGE - learn the principles, underpinning information and concepts UNDERSTANDING - from that knowledge develop your … [Read more...] about Introduction to Knowledge – Understanding – Action The RapidBI approach to Change